Author Archives: susanne


What a day! I am not home in my atelier – and won’t be for quite a while – I am at my father’s house, trying to find my space.

Today I decided to start with my own picture and just from tomorrow on go with the planned procedure of the surprise inspiration.

My photo was taken on the first of January this year – I felt so free and full of joy in claiming my space at the beach.

Back home that day, I already painted what approached me, feeling into it again. Of course, it is different, to paint one’s own inspiration … all my feelings came as colors – so many colors – they just claimed their space on the canvas!

Today I sat in front of the same photo – waiting for all these colors – but they didn’t come. Going through a lot of confusion, I noticed in the end – that exactly this struggling in finding my space here found an expression, as this moment on the beach meant exactly this for me.

Very interesting and I am curious what will happen tomorrow, when my own lived feeling won’t be able to take over.

<3 Susanne


I had asked for whole body pictures, but when this picture came in, there was a voice, deep inside me, asking to accept it, so I did. And this morning, when I started the blind picking process of the daily inspiration, tataaa, she made her way! Life!


Thank you, Şükran, for participating with this picture – you gave me so much peace today during painting (well… until it came to the moment of publishing – as then suddenly my inner critical voice did not stop talking and pointing out all differences!). Please, be gentle with this portrait, so will I!

And the translation of your name, Şükran: “thanks” and also “gratitude” and “blessing”! Wow!


<3 Susanne



… and the church bell rang midnight and I finished painting! Sorry for letting you wait today!

Today’s inspiration was Marie, who says: “Me enjoying the top of my favorite city Istanbul. This is the city where I feel the most happy to live… why? because “sokakta hayat var”. Thanks to Istanbul I got to meet incredible persons and to simply feel alive and inspired.”

I love this picture, Marie and Istanbul, both very dear to me, so I was very excited this morning! Unfortunately, I just could start painting in the afternoon. … and then it somehow was much harder as expected and I wasn’t relaxed at all. In the evening a friend came over – and after a glass of wine and a good talk, I finally was able to finish! Puh!

Feeling into it in the morning, I felt Marie, with both feet very grounded: I am and I am here! On top of the world. Bridging, connecting, enjoying and ready to jump!

Thank you, Marie!

Iyi geceler Istanbul!

<3 Susanne


Today’s inspiration comes from Norway! And with her participation in this project, Isi wanted me to share something with her picture: “My passion is marine environments, arctic climate and all the natural beauty around us. I am very embarrassed to be a human sometimes when I see what we do to this world and its creatures.”

Thank you, Isi –  may your picture of pure joy and pleasure be a reminder, to question again and again, what can I do to serve mother earth and all beings?

Nothing to add … just I tried my best to capture this moment!

<3 Susanne


This morning I picked Yasemin’s photo as inspiration. During my breakfast, I tried to make a plan and thought about watercolors…

…and this is what happened in the atelier: She did not even need a brush, just spatulas!

What a power!

Thank you, Yasemin!

<3 Susanne


This morning I wanted to stay in bed and curl up like a cat!

But, hey, there is a project ongoing, so I made my way out of bed and picked the daily photo: Thank you, Gamze, for this wonderful inspiration … and thank you, cat, for walking on the roof! 🙂

Because this is, what happened: The cat jumped on your head and I tapped into playfulness!!

… et voilà:


<3 Susanne


Today I wished again for a very playful inspiration, as my energies are quite low and inwards this time of my cycle and I hoped for something similar than yesterday!

Picking blindly, Hale came to me. For a second my mind was shouting: hey, just pick again, until a really light and playful inspiration will turn up…but of course, I did not! And again I am very grateful! Trust in life!

After a short time in the atelier, I saw them: doors, and with the doors, I saw opportunities and I saw Hale, being ready. Being ready to go, go through some doors, leave others, no right or wrong, just taking some opportunities! Thank you, Hale!

… and for the ones, who follow also Instagram, you might notice a difference in the pictures (from tomorrow on, I will do Instagram after I finished here – lesson learned!). Somehow suddenly I had the impulse – very, very last minute – to complete the very first door as a frame… life – and there is no revert button! 😉

<3 Susanne

DAY 10

Today’s inspiration comes from Turkey and just reached me the last days.

I was really touched, when I read the lines Cihan sent me with her photo(s) and she said, I am open to any interpretation. In the end, I decided for this photo – yes, again no whole body, but it is the one I see her most:

Somehow I started with a charcoal drawing …

… and then I let her claim her colours:

… and I am sure, there are many more and there is still space on this canvas!

Thank you, Cihan, for being a part of this project!

<3 Susanne

DAY 11

I feel really really cold, sitting here now, back at my father’s place at the kitchen table, writing these lines.

Today I was so excited, as I managed to find a place here – an empty flat, that I can use as an atelier. So half day, I moved all stuff and started painting just in the afternoon! From the window of the new place, I can watch the kids ice skating on the little lake in the village. Amazing!

And I was really joyful and excited, as today’s inspiration is Violeta, with her beautiful photo, with which she shared: “I was in the ‘Here and Now’, with my camera, waiting for the wave raising from the sea… I couldn’t control the water to come, I could just wait for the right moment to push the trigger of the camera. And when it flooded the cliff I enjoyed being there like a kid on Christmas.”

“Like a kid on Christmas” – I felt like that too today! But I also went through many other feelings. The heating system is not working properly (yet), and the room as really cold and somehow I struggled to capture Violeta’s face expression and I got so angry with myself – but at some point, I had to let go – it was just too cold – and I then came back to the joy of the moment!! Thank you, Violeta, for this “reminder”! 

<3 Susanne

Oh my god – I was really tired yesterday – this morning I noticed, that I had not posted the last version yesterday! So I am adding the final version here! Unbelievable!

<3 Susanne

DAY 12

Today was a sunny day, the sun was warming the atelier and I picked Zeynep!

Zeynep says, “I have music and many colors in my soul. And my favorite element is water, my favorite animal is jellyfish!”.  During painting, I just remembered the jellyfishes, as we had a little conversation about this and Zeynep added, “things that are transparent are good!”.


So somehow it seems I had this transparency in mind and took off the paint with a spatula from the paper after painting:  DAY12_transparency

In the end, the paint found its way back … Cheers to all the colors of your soul, Zeynep! Thank you for this lovely inspiration!

<3 Susanne

DAY 13

It was freezing cold here today, but my inspiration was really hot! Thank you, Julie!

Julie sent me her picture, with an important statement: AGING DOES NOT MEAN YOU CAN’T BE SEXY!

And yes, look at you……on fire!

Love and light to Australia!

<3 Susanne

DAY 14

Today’s inspiration comes from Turkey and was very interesting to me. Thank you, Nermin – Looking at the picture, I received some childlike light-heartedness!

… and when I started painting, I felt like illustrating a book of fairytales!

This time no cat jumped, but the streetlight changed its position! 😉

DAY 15

I am in Istanbul for the weekend and today I joined a wonderful dance class. It started at 1 PM, so I got up early! But with this amazing inspiration, it was a huge pleasure – and it is a very special one for me, as it was the first one I received! Thank you, Lamia!!

Sitting with the picture, somehow lady moon started to whisper: “Rise me with this pure joy!”

So I followed that voice and here you are …

… and in a different light:


<3 Susanne

DAY 17

Today was a traveling day and my flight was overbooked – I already saw myself painting at the airport! 😉 In the end, all worked out and I came back like planned.

It is unbelievably cold and again it was cold in the atelier.

I picked Burcu as my inspiration…

…and this is where she took me:

 Thank you, Burcu, it was like another travel!

Now it is time to warm up!

<3 Susanne

DAY 18

I moved to another room again, where the heating system is working properly! Yes! …and I picked Nilay today and I have to say, I really loved this inspiration!

Somehow a crow came to my mind, just wanted to share, as looking at the picture, it might not be obvious … so I leave it to you, whatever you see!

<3 Susanne

DAY 19

Today’s inspiration is Shin-Yi, my “old” colleague from Munich! Thank you, Shin-Yi for this amazing picture!

I had such a fun painting – I almost could smell autumn and hear the leaves falling off the trees … and I gave a bit more light to this joyful jump!

<3 Susanne

DAY 20

Day 20 – wow – 20 women claimed their stage! Today it was Carmen!

Discovering places and there is a light at the end of the tunnel!

Today the old lady died, who was living in the place, which is now the atelier, before she moved to an old people’s home. I had finished the painting when I got this message and wish she is traveling towards the light and will rest in peace!

<3 Susanne

DAY 21

This morning I picked my beloved friend Olga as inspiration. And again, there was loads of shadow and light in this picture. Somehow it felt like there was still something for me to process and work on.

…and Olga helped me a lot! Thank you! Your peaceful energy jumped in the end!

I am at peace, yet with a sweet sadness!

<3 Susanne

DAY 22

And once again – light and shadow … Thank you, Janina, for this inspiration!

Being there with you today, at this amazing place, gave me a warm feeling and somehow I forgot to go home for some food … and then my sister came with coffee and cake and her family and we had a very nice time!

What a nice day!


<3 Susanne

DAY 23

I am not questioning, just noticing – you will understand what I am talking about when you see today’s inspiration! Today#s inspiration is Ceyda and I was very surprised, picking her blindly this morning, as just yesterday we texted after a very long time!

In the atelier, a wolf appeared at her left side and when I wanted to paint the background black, a second one requested its space. The first one did not surprise me much, but the second one did! There was so much energy today. Thank you, Ceyda!

And one more lesson learned: I had sent Ceyda the picture immediately after I had finished. When I wanted to post it earlier, I saw, that her eyes were of different size – so I went back to the atelier and tried to change it. Now coming back home, I find a message of her, saying, that her eyes are different in real. Oh, my judgmental mind – another lecture of trust!

Again, thank you, Ceyda! Aahhhuuuw!

<3 Susanne

DAY 24

Today was a very special inspiration for me! I picked Amber Miro!

She was very present all day and somehow I felt sometimes being just an instrument! She wanted to be in the light and I had to overpaint the green I had already started – also she asked for the hand to rest on her shoulder! I was deeply moved all day! Thank you, Amber!


Love and Light!

<3 Susanne

DAY 25

When I picked today’s inspiration I was really happy! I really love this photo with which Maike participated and claimed her stage!

Somehow in the atelier, it did not flow easily and I struggled a lot, asking myself why – WHY? Maybe it was one of the most difficult days during the whole project so far.

Maike and I met during an amazing retreat last year – “When women blossom”, where we also dived deeply into the female cycle. Energywise, I am in winter right now. Maike, you were my medicine today – a reminder to take good care of myself … and in the end, we managed – you helped me a lot! Thank you!


<3 Susanne

DAY 26

The week of open arms 😉 Today I picked my beloved friend Ümit!

She wrote with her picture: other than being called as Ümit, my name is FIRE since I was born!

I kept this fire burning all day!

Somehow I had decided just to paint with spatulas today…it is great fun for me and also saves cleaning brushes in the evening (just one for the signature! ;-)) – but I underestimated painting a face with just a spatula!

In the end, we did it … thank you, fire!

<3 Susanne

DAY 27

My energy level is really low today, I would have loved to stay in bed and just rest. I know this is absolutely normal at this time of my cycle, but also I know, that after being in the atelier, my energy is changing quite often.

And my dear friend Pamela started with healing straight after I picked her! Her peace and balance, softness, love and harmony seemed like the best medicine!

I noticed, that I was holding my breath quite often in the beginning! Thank you, Pamela, for reminding me an breathing with me all day!

I feel deeply connected with my feminine power – my 8th of March – International World Women’s day!

I wish more women will also claim their stage in this project!

<3 Susanne


DAY 28

Today I picked a very close family member – my cousin Anja! She is a very colourful person for me – thinking about her, I realize, that I never really heard her complaining about anything, always she just finds solutions.

Anja wrote with her picture:

“Life is about staying in balance, even if it is sometimes insecure and shaky – and to have fun! ”


I have a fever today and I am not feeling very well – but this inspiration made me using lots of colours, it was fun and it “sent” me home already at lunchtime!

Thank you, Anja!

Here is a short video of the process – I love this technique! The first colour touching the paper is the one, which stays in the end – the outcome is always quite a surprise!

… here it is:

I am going to take a rest now!


Happy and healthy weekend to all!

<3 Susanne

DAY 29

After a good rest, lots of tea and vitamins yesterday, I opened my eyes this morning and felt fine!!! I am so happy, that obviously it wasn’t the flu, which is passed around in the village! Yes!

And then I picked Bettina, with her picture from the seashore of the German island Sylt! 

Facing the storms of life with serenity – this feeling approached me. (no idea, if I expressed it correctly in English – “die Stürmen des Lebens mit Gelassenheit nehmen”)

Thank you, Bettina, for bringing this to the stage!

<3 Susanne

DAY 30

This morning I picked Annina! Annina told me with her picture, that it was taken last August in her home village of Vals during a hike with her mom.

Sitting with the photo, immediately a story came to my mind – “Wings are for flying” from Jorge Bucay (in the original it is a story about father and son, I changed it):

When she got older, her mother said to her:
-My daughter: not everyone is born with wings. No one is forcing you to fly, but I think it would be a shame for you to limit yourself to walking when God gave you wings.
-But I don’t know how to fly – replied the daughter.
-True… – said the mother. And so she led her daughter on foot up a mountain to the edge of an abyss.

-Do you see, my daughter? It’s empty. When you want to fly, come here, take a deep breath and jump.
The daughter had doubts.
-What if I fall?
-Although you will fall, you won’t die. When your cuts and bruises heal you will be stronger for the next attempt.- the mother answered.
The daughter went back to town to see her friends, whom she had walked with all his life.
The most close-minded ones said to her: Are you crazy? Why? Your mother has gone half-mad… Why do you need to fly? What’s it good for? Forget it…
Her best friend tried to reason with her: Even if your mum is right, it’s too dangerous! Wouldn’t it be better to start more slowly? …from the top of the stairs or from up on a tree, but… from a cliff?
This advice made sense to her, so she climbed a tree and summoning all of his courage, she jumped. She spread her wings, and beat them with all his might but fell awkwardly to the ground.
Walking along with a big bump on her forehead she saw her mother.
-You lied to me!- she said- I can’t fly. I tried and look what happened. Look at this bruise! I’m not like you. My wings are just for decoration.
-My daughter – said the mother – In order to fly you have to create space in the open air so that your wings can really spread out. It’s like a parachute. They only work from a high altitude.
To fly you have to begin taking risks.
If you don’t want to, maybe the best thing is just to give up, and keep walking forever.

I know, Annina doesn’t need this story, just I wanted to share it, as I really love it a lot!

… to that we all create our spaces and begin taking risks!

<3 Susanne

DAY 31

Today I picked Carolin and I have to say, I love this inspiration! She told me, that it was taken in Bali and displays a quote from Arian Simone:

“You can lose everything, but one thing you cannot afford to lose is your fearless mindset.”


I just try to capture it, nothing to add! Thank you, Carolin!

<3 Susanne

DAY 32

Out of the treasure box came Navenka from South Africa this morning!

She told me, that her photo is from a boudoir shoot, she did it to get over being so body conscious, “that I am perfect as I am”.
Thank you, Navenka, for bringing this to the stage!
…and, oh yes, nothing was needed, no chair, no curtains…
<3 Susanne

DAY 33

Today I picked Yvonne, who participated in the project with a picture of her wedding day.

Each day of this project is really a journey for me. On my way to the atelier, I was thinking about Yvonne’s inspiration and I had a kind of plan in my mind – and then in the atelier, it took me somewhere completely different! The ways were suddenly very present – one from the left, Yvonne walked there, in my imagination … and also there is a way coming from the right side. Two life paths – creating together a new colour.

<3 Susanne

DAY 34

I was afraid this day would come one day – and here it was …  and I am very upset, as it was the day of a very good friend: Gerli! Gerli and her amazing inspiration!

Somehow my energy today was so different to the inspiration and nothing went with ease today – it was a bit like a fight and this is the best what was possible! Posting is not easy now too – again, what a journey! Witnessing myself, my inner critic and the space I am giving to this voice. Maybe tomorrow I can be grateful for this lesson … no idea!

… for now I am calling it a day!

<3 Susanne

DAY 35

Thank you, universe!

In my last post I wrote a bit about yesterday. My inner critic was loud “what are you doing and why are you doing this? … it is just a coincidence, that sometimes the paint on the canvas looks good … you should just leave it! if you want to do it, go first to a fine art school …” you may imagine this inner voice and its permanent nagging sound. At lunch time I had to leave the atelier for a call back of my doctor as I had asked for consultancy about an health issue and now I will need to get checked again next week – no need for details, just I want you to be able to imagine my state yesterday. Even being aware of all this and witnessing myself, I could not stop it! It was like I was kidnapped! Somehow I managed to fall asleep. Waking up in the mornings, still in bed, I take the treasure chest and pick the inspiration of the day….

… and look, who came out this morning! Vanessa Lee in her wonderful power animal coat … and with her came the tiger! What a gift! Quite sometimes I had already the feeling, that not I am picking, but I am picked!

“Call on Tiger as your Power Animal when you need renewed confidence. There is nothing uncertain with Tiger energy and medicine – this cat is the perfect embodiment of elegant power. As Tiger energy guides she teaches self-actualization – you begin to feel comfortable in your own skin and even revel in it. That is why Tigers often come to those who have poor body images or love self-esteem. In terms of spiritual growth and awareness, Tiger is all about keeping your eye on the prize. Whatever your goals are energetically, Tiger as a Power Animal provides tireless discipline and energy. From a Shamanic standpoint Tiger symbolizes healing, the immune system and clearing environmental toxins from your system.”

The tiger came with all its power! 

Thank you, Vanessa!

<3 Susanne

DAY 36

Today Mishkaa Khanna came out of the treasure chest!

Mishkaa writes to her photo:

“Don’t Let Your Wild Beauty Be Tamed…
Don’t Let Your Heart Be Swayed By The Opinion Of Others…
Don’t Let Your Individuality Be Trapped In A Vortex Of Trying To Please The World…
Don’t Let Your Vision Be Restricted By Some One Else’s Fear…
Don’t Give Over Your Originality To Conform In Unhappiness…
Be Brave. Step Out Into The Light…
Remember You Were Born To Be Free…
Blossom In Your Own Unique Wonder and Magik…
You Have All That You Need Inside You…
Let The Wild In You Be Nurtured…
Let The Beauty In You Be Free.”

What an amazing inspiration!

Today was the funeral of the old lady, I had written before, that she died. It was the first funeral for me in the village after my mums. It was good to paint afterwards and feel this strength and wildness!

Thank you, Mishkaa!

Somehow I felt you like a knight – a knight of love.

<3 Susanne

DAY 37

Today’s inspiration is Hulya! When I was sitting with her picture in the morning, Hermann Hesse’s poem “Stufen” came to my mind, “Steps” in English.

This poem is with me since a long time – I am posting it first in German, I’ve never checked before for an English translation and to be honest, I wasn`t really fully happy with any I found. Maybe someone of you has a better one?

Hermann Hesse


Wie jede Blüte welkt und jede Jugend
Dem Alter weicht, blüht jede Lebensstufe,
Blüht jede Weisheit auch und jede Tugend
Zu ihrer Zeit und darf nicht ewig dauern.
Es muß das Herz bei jedem Lebensrufe
Bereit zum Abschied sein und Neubeginne,
Um sich in Tapferkeit und ohne Trauern
In andre, neue Bindungen zu geben.
Und jedem Anfang wohnt ein Zauber inne,
Der uns beschützt und der uns hilft, zu leben.

Wir sollen heiter Raum um Raum durchschreiten,
An keinem wie an einer Heimat hängen,
Der Weltgeist will nicht fesseln uns und engen,
Er will uns Stuf’ um Stufe heben, weiten.
Kaum sind wir heimisch einem Lebenskreise
Und traulich eingewohnt, so droht Erschlaffen,
Nur wer bereit zu Aufbruch ist und Reise,
Mag lähmender Gewöhnung sich entraffen.

Es wird vielleicht auch noch die Todesstunde
Uns neuen Räumen jung entgegen senden,
Des Lebens Ruf an uns wird niemals enden…
Wohlan denn, Herz, nimm Abschied und gesunde! 

Thank you, Hulya, for this inspiration!
<3 Susanne

DAY 38

Today’s inspiration is a picture taken in Hawaii – thank you, Sonja, for bringing it to the stage! Here it was also a sunny day, but the temperatures could not be different – unfortunatelly, it was quite cold in the atelier again

Somehow I had a polaroid picture in mind – ok, the dimensions are different … but this is, what developed. .

Holiday feeling!

<3 Susanne

DAY 39

Today I picked Nurhan…

… and somehow this inspirtaion took me somewhere unexpected…. all is connected, all from the same source… and on the picture some more just also claimed their existance.

Thank you, Nurhan!

<3 Susanne

DAY 40

Day 40!

I have no idea why, but instead of picking the daily inspiration right after I woke up, I first checked facebook. Very unusual. There I found the post of a good friend, which was deeply resonating with me,  “…, what is it to come out of the darkness and into the light for me now in my life? …”

… and see, which picture then came out of the treasure chest! Thank you, Canan, for bringing this to stage!

I had an intense day and I gave my best with the counter light (the light shines actually very much brighter in the original painting, I mixed some gold inside, which somehow is dificult to capture in artificial light…) …

“…, what is it to come out of the darkness and into the light for me now in my life?”

<3 Susanne


DAY 41

Today was a travelling day to Istanbul, but before I left the house in the morning, I picked Taciser as my inspiration!

She travelled with me all day … and funny, on my way I saw more than one Mickey Mouse (on bags, as toys…)  … and always I had to smile, but also always i was reminded, that after coming home in the evening, I still have to paint a picture!

Sitting with the inspiration then in my little atelier in Istanbul, there was a clear message!

Don’t take life too seriously, enjoy, invite fun and humor – and just enjoy painting now! 😉 Thank you, Taciser!

With joy from Istanbul!

<3 Susanne

DAY 42

I travelled with my treasure chest yesterday ….

… and since – felt for a really long time – I opened it this morning next to my bed in Istanbul! Patricia, you were an amazing inspiration!


I painted with the question: What am I nourishing and what is nourishing me?

Sitting here now with two of my best friends … still listening to answers …  oh, I am grateful!

<3 Susanne

DAY 43

This morning it was quite hard to get up early, as my inner clock obviously is still ticking to German time – but 9 AM Turkish time I wanted to be on the dance floor for a 5rhythms dance workshop with the amazing Alexa Schmid, I was looking forward to so much. Before leaving the house, I picked my inspiration of the day and then I was dancing three hours with OSHOs quote: “Courage is a Love Affair with the Unknown.”  (thank you, Alexa!)

Again, I am not questioning my pick – and truely I thank you, Kıvılcım, for participating with this picture:


“Courage is a Love Affair with the Unknown.”  OSHO

What a heart opening day!

<3 Susanne

DAY 44

This morning Diana came out of the box!

I started painting the picture similar to what I saw on the photo, as somehow I am very attracted by this part of the earth – but suddenly Diana’s arms started to move up and down – and with the movement, orange came in then lines and circles claimed their existance on the paper, until a kind of eye had developed in front of me…

Now, back at the laptop, I am reading Diana’s comment, she had sent with her photo: “I love supporting such initiatives that unite us and show us the power of the collective in harmony with life!”

The power of the collective in harmony with life – this might be it, what requested expression!

Thank you, Diana!

<3 Susanne

DAY 45

Today my friend Biggi came out of the treasure chest!

… and if you ask me, why she is three times in the painting, I have no idea, and if you ask me about the colours and the rest – same! Biggi, maybe your endless craziness just claimed its space on the canvas! 🙂

<3 Susanne

DAY 46

Sitting here in Istanbul, in her old flat, thinking of all the stories we shared, made today’s inspiration special for me.


I was with her, when this photo was taken, it was the first exhibition of DelfinArtHouse in Izmir, the art school we visited together.

This smile, when you realize, what you created – that it is real! When you collect this moment in your bag of emotions – this moment, when your eyes begin to shine and your face is just not wide enough for a lager smile!

When you start to take a shower in your creations!

<3 Susanne

DAY 47

Today I picked this picture of Natali and started my day very early, as it was a busy day.

I scratched her on A3, but she requested more space, so I started over on A2.

After I had painted her head and arms, somehow I felt I could not go on. It took me a time to realize, I was afraid of painting the dark colours. Just becoming aware of this and naming it, made a big chance and I started to look closer and started to see colours in the dark.

After I had also finished the feet, I noticed, that it was the cleanest painting I ever did. No colour anywhere else on the paper … before, I had in my mind to surround Natali by green light, but noticing this, I stopped and left her with this open space. I did not put my signature, as I wanted to come back and listen again after coming home in the night. Now I was just sitting with my painting again and I did not change anything, just left Natali in her dance and signed. It feels right.

Thank you, Natali!

Much love!

<3 Susanne

DAY 48

Look, what picture I picked today! Thank you, Ria, for claiming your stage! Ria is 83 years old and I am really happy to get this diversity on stage!

I am dancing 5rhythms and today I had the opportunity to join a class. Going to bed yesterday with Natali’s dance and picking this morning Ria, it felt like the dance continued, reaching the 5ths rhythm: stillness. “Being Still and doing Nothing are totally different. Stillness moves, both within and all around us.” (from So I tried to move on in the same style…


You danced with me today, Ria – thank you, for your peace!

<3 Susanne


DAY 49

Today’s inspiration is my dear friend Ute!

… and here is what she moved me to!

Quite some gold requested its space during finishing, so the colours completly changed in the end, I love that shine! I could take the photo of the picture today in sunlight, it really makes a change! Spring!

Thank you, Ute, for your shine … when women blossom!

<3 Susanne

DAY 50

This morning I picked Efsane, who says with her picture: “…the world is full of love for us to see and enjoy. Everyday I smile and make others smile, remember each day is a gift, each friend and family member is a gem. Work is engine, family and friends are the brain and heart.”

… and Efsane took me on a journey:

Mirroring, mirroring myself, what are the colours I see? what are the colours I give to me today? what do I remember? what do I enjoy? do I have an intension for today? what is the gift I want to share with the world today? is there something I want to explore? what do my shadows tell me? what do I hold on to, what can I let go? what serves me? what makes me shine? …

I was meditating over these questions, while drawing all these lines!

Thank you, Efsane!

<3 Susanne

DAY 51

Time is up and it hits another a friend: Elcin..


it was not your inspiration – it is me today.

I started over and over again, for hours, after I had spent a wonderful day with my husband at the black sea, but nothing worked out… “who made up these rules, that you have to post every day”, my father asked me once. “I did”, was my answer … and I stick to it. … as hard as it is, for the second time …

Thank you, Elcin … I am really sorry…

You said,with your picture: celebrate life! Tomorrow again 😉

<3 Susanne

DAY 52

Today’s inspiration is Aynur – and I had noticed, that I had not replied the submission email – sorry to all, whom I also did not answer yet, somehow I need to take time to go through my mails again!

Aynur says, she loves the rain so much and somehow her scarf became fluid … I am very happy, that my own flow came back today! thank you, Aynur!

Singing in the rain!

What is your song?

<3 Susanne

DAY 53

Travelling day! I got up very early in Istanbul to go to the airport and catch an early flight, hoping for sleep on the plane. With 6 small kids/babies around me, I was so far away from sleeping and landed with quite a headache.

After having some lunch, I picked my todays inspiration – Claudia, my friend, who had just written a message a few minutes before asking for some time soon for a call. Life!

To those, who follow the blog, you noticed most probably a few times, that during painting many times something develops. Today, this was very late, I had finished most of the painting, just had left the shadow, no idea why… and in the end it was the shadow, maybe this was the reason!

Thank you, Claudia … and I also found my peace with all small kids again and my headache disappeared! 😉

<3 Susanne

DAY 54

Today’s inspiration is Marjon from the Netherlands.

“How life keeps on surprising me and showing me new sides. Here’s me relaxing after hosting & teaching a yoga retreat on Ibiza with my dear friend Maszena – I do vividly remember how proud and content I felt. And of course.. if I could have taken the sofa chair with me, I would have!!” 

The sofa chair!

What, if we always would have such a chair around? If we sit in, we feel our gifts, strength and happiness? Is there maybe such a chair inside each of us and we just need to remember to sit in?

Thank you, Marjon!

<3 Susanne

DAY 55

Emel came out of the treasure chest today with this wonderful inspiration!

I had painted the upper part of the ferry, …

… but somehow, I had to remove it, to feel more of this freedom! Today was real April weather … the colours of the painting are really changing in different light!

Thank you, Emel, for bringing this to stage … I could hear the seagulls, smell the sea and feel the wind! 🙂

<3 Susanne

DAY 56

This morning I picked Dipti Bhaduri from India and she was with me all day! Thank you, Dipti! I had appointments in the morning and just could go to the atelier in the afternoon. Dipti’s daughter had sent the picture of her mother and we had some email contact, as I see one essential part of this project, that women claim their stage consciously, so I asked, if it is the wish of her mother… and yes, it was, Dipti took her time and together with her daughter Urbi, she picked her picture and decided for one, taken 40 years ago. A picture, which tells a story in a single moment!

Look at it, isn’t it amazing?

My friend Ümit once left a comment, that she would like me to share more videos or more of the process of my work … videos are difficult, as I never know, when the moment comes … but today I can share some pictures, as I captured the painting in different stages:

first rough sketch:

some life moves in:

… and here the final painting:

Dipti and Urbi shared with the inspiration this amazing poem, which I am grateful to share with you all:

“I give you emptiness
I give you plenitude,
unwrap them carefully –
One’s as fragile as the other –
and when you thank me
I’ll pretend to notice the doubt in your voice
when you say they’re just what you wanted.
Put them on the table by your bed.
When you wake in the morning
they’ll have gone through the door of sleep
into your head. Wherever you go
they’ll go with you and
wherever you are you’ll wonder,
smiling about the fullness
you can’t add to and the emptiness
that you can fill.”

Norman MacCaig


I am very grateful for this day!

<3 Susanne

DAY 57

Today was Burcu’s day! She claims her stage with this amazing photo!

Again I went through quite some stages today, even had signed it already …

… and then suddenly the yin and yang started to shout at me … and with it, red and blue moved in! Very interesting and I am surprised by my courage to just try with no possibility to revert!

Thank you, Burcu!

<3 Susanne

DAY 58

Today was a busy day – I visited my godson and for the first time in my life I was riding a horse! Amazing – riding through nature in pure sunshine!

Coming back, I went straight to the atelier and until today always day 7 of my cycle turned out to be difficult painting day. I had picked Sylvia and I wished us luck! 😉

A few days ago, a friend asked me, if it is easier for me to paint people I know – still I have no real answer, just today I noticed, I could feel Sylvia, even I couldn’t capture all perfect, but knowing her helped!

And then the “nazar boncuk” suddenly was there, which you can find all over Turkey and which is believed to protect against the evil eye. Maybe I was inspired by the colours, maybe by the protective gesture … it just wanted to be there and I followed!

It was a peaceful day 7 – thank you, Sylvia!

<3 Susanne

DAY 59

Today it was Deepa’s day and Deepa says with her inspiration:

“Home is where the heart is “

I have no idea what happened during the painting process today, colors and paint moved in and it felt once more, as if I was following instructions from somewhere (but of course, I take the full responsibility. :-))

“Home is where the heart is“, maybe it was flowing over from exactly there!

Thank you, Deepa!

<3 Susanne

DAY 60

Today Deniz was my inspiration with this amazing photo, which was taken while she was playing the gong just before a full moon rising at this amazing place in Antalya, Sundance – one of my favorite places in the world!

I am sharing again one stage of the painting process today and of course the final painting:

It was a very meditative day!

Thank you, Deniz and hope to see you in May!

<3 Susanne

DAY 61

Today was Zeynep’s day!

This feeling when you are exhausted, but YOU JUST DID IT and you start to shine!


Thank you, Zeynep!

<3 Susanne

P.S.: I was dreaming of Zeynep and the picture last night. This lunch time when I came to the atelier, I checked the picture again … and noticed, I had not taken a photo of the latest version yesterday evening. No idea how this happened! So I am updating here with the actual version (do you feel a difference?):


DAY 62

In the late morning we went to the grave yard to plant new flowers on my mum’s grave. The whole time before was not really relaxed, but while digging in the earth and planting the flowers, I suddenly felt peace.

Coming home, I picked today’s inspiration: Jo! Again I am not questioning anything!

There was definitely quite some healing ongoing today!

Somehow I became very aware again, having no fixed style allows me to float with the inspiration. This realization was a huge gift today!

About the process: First lots of green moved in, then roots started to grow and connected everything and then suddenly there were green sparks all over…

… and I want to share one more snapshot, as at one point today the sun came out and just spotted on Jo’s face:

Thank you, Jo, love and loads of green light!

<3 Susanne

DAY 63

Today I picked Juliet and Juliet says with her photo:

“I used to be a singer in a band
I used to be a writer for a magazine
I used to be a producer for tv
I used to be a lot of things
Now I feel like nothing”
Thank you, Juliet, for this inspiration and your open words!
I felt you quite strong!
<3 Susanne

DAY 64

Today I picked Alex – when she sent me her inspiration in January, I loved it and was looking forward to her day, but I also remember, I told my husband that day, that I have quite some respect, as I have no idea how to do it.

… and today was the day…

… and I gave my best, yet I wish, I could capture that shine better! 

Thank you, Alex, for this brave and amazing inspiration!

<3 Susanne

DAY 65

Today I picked Leonie, who says, that she loves travelling and this picture was taken on one of her trips, in Vietnam.

I felt very tired this morning, but then in the atelier loads of colours moved onto the canvas:

Thank you, Leonie, for claiming your stage on this sunny day!

<3 Susanne

DAY 66

One week ago I had ordered paper and paint, but it had not arrived till today and yesterday was just a little white left…

… and today, I picked Julia – who says about herself: “i love life. nature. human beings. i am a traveller towards trust. becoming embracing expressing who i am, more each day. what a journey!”

With these words still in my head, there was no other choice than to trust in, that it was the right picture for the day … yet there was definitely more white needed than I had!

… it didn’t take long and I understood the solution is to paint inverse, turning around all colours, like painting a negative, like with analog photography. May this work? Trust!

It is a completely different painting – and I had to check several times if I am on the right track, by reversing the colours with a program on my laptop … but it worked out!!!

Here you are!

And now please try to focus the painting for a while and turn towards a white wall (or paper), stare against it for a bit and see what happens!!

We are amazing, isn’t it?

Just for all details I am uploading also the painting in reversed colours … to speak in “analog words” – I developed “the film” with the help of an application:

Thank you, Julia!!

What a day! My brain is kind of exhausted by permanently “translating” the colours, but I am happy!

<3 Susanne


DAY 67

This morning I picked my good friend Marina!

Her inspiration, was taken on a ferry ride in Istanbul and she shared with it: “So, this is the picture of a typical day crossing the Bosphorus, having, as always, a joy in my eyes and feeling so lucky, so in love and so happy to be in Istanbul. I think I will never get bored, nor will I feel like a routine crossing these waters looking at the incredible landscape of this city that surprisingly became my home.”

In the atelier I unpacked the delivery which arrived yesterday and I found the new paper I had ordered! Never painted on it, I decided, to sketch Marina on the “normal” one, but put the new one next to it and try painting in parallel for a while, to understand the difference.

And again, it happened! Suddenly she was also on the second paper – and there with exactly this joy in her eyes, she described and which I somehow could not manage to move into the “real” painting of the day. This was the moment, when I understood, they belong together, yet, two separate paintings, each able to speak for itself.

So I allowed this one, to have also something sad or worried and maybe exhausted … and the EXIT claimed its existence!


<3 Susanne

DAY 68

This morning I picked Anna! I remember well, the day she had sent her inspiration and the conversation we had! She shared with her photo an amazing poem, in combination, I had goose bumps.

Today in the afternoon was again a funeral in the village. I had not seen the old lady for a long while, but I remember her well from my childhood and youth and as I am here, it was no question to join.

After I pick the daily inspiration, I am printing the photo and I am painting with this printout. Normally I am double checking with the digital picture, but today I didn’t.

When my father rang the bell of the atelier to pick me up for the funeral, I had just “erased” my work of the last hours, somehow it had not worked out. I couldn’t capture the dark light, although plenty of times till now I had painted skys and water.

After being back to the atelier, I started over on a new paper, but this also did not work, as the original somehow was shouting: I am today’s stage!!

So I decided to go with what ever comes and most important not to allow drama to move in!

Starting to paint Anna’s face, I opened my laptop, to zoom in – and there I noticed: the photo is not as dark as on my printout! I just had overrun all hints in the morning. Also I had decided, due to quite dark picture, to paint on A3 paper, and I felt very sorry for Anna, as her face will be about the size of an Euro coin. And then something interesting happened: instead of feeling angry, I felt also sorry for myself, as painting in this mini dimensions is really hard for me and with this feeling, forgiveness moved it! My healing today started with forgiving myself! Thank you, Anna!

Your poem made it gently to the painting in the end and I know it by heart by now!

heal yourself my Sister
heal yourself my Sister
dive in the deep waters of your soul
you have the power to heal yourself
the power to heal is inside you
in the oceans of your soul
I am very grateful!
<3 Susanne
PS: I might update the post tomorrow, as the painting seems a bit yellowish due to the artificial light in the atelier.

DAY 69

I was not surprised this morning, that Annie came out of the treasure chest, as I am travelling to Istanbul today! This is where we met – in a Turkish language course – unfortunately I wasn’t too successful learning this language and even suffered quite a lot in the end, but becoming friends with Annie, I would just do it again and much more!

Annie, you crazy cow, look to what you moved me to! Crazy! 

Unfortunately I had to stop now and couldn’t wait till the paint is dry enough to add some more colours (without making a mess) – but my plane is leaving!


<3 Susanne

DAY 70

Today I picked Jai Michelle, who is a very important person in my life. I don’t know, Jai, if I ever told you, but a lot of travelling towards my feminine started with you. You appeared in my life in the darkest time and I am more than grateful. I went through a lot of memories today and your amazing picture brought up a lot!

I felt quite some reverence for your inspiration, as it is already like a painting and I wished to have all colours and equipment of my main atelier – but I had not, so I decided to sit with you and I listened to your music sharings on facebook, starting with this one …

I love the song “The call of the wild”! Thank you for sharing your beautiful gift! I am really looking forward to your new album “Black Light” – you took me with you to this black light today!

As with your songs it felt somehow easy to connect and to paint from the heart! An interesting moment was, when your dress turned out quite different, suddenly I had the ffeeling of a snake’s skin, ready to be shed off  … and then the snake moved in!

Thank you, Jai, for being with me all day!

With loads of love!

<3 Susanne

DAY 71

Today was Serap’s day!

I got up very early, as I had a dance session in the afternoon…

… and Serap, your picture was perfect for today!


I felt your joy and more over a huge freedom! Blue is a colour symbolising freedom – so I did not differentiate between the water and the sky, just surrounded you with this amazing blue!


Thank you, Serap!

<3 Susanne

DAY 72

Last night we were sitting in a Café and a lady with a bag passed by, on which was written in German: “I do have a motivation problem until I have a time problem.” And I thought by myself: I am so lucky, that I do not have a motivation problem! Bloody law of attraction … it doesn’t understand the “NOT”. … This morning, when I woke up, for the first time, I felt, I just don’t want to go to the atelier and paint!!! Of course, last night might be a coincidence, but it immediately came to my mind and I swear, I will watch out again more careful what I am thinking!

I need to take care sometimes, that it is not getting too strong or even taking over, but having this discipline inside me, helped a lot. Finally I picked Aysen with her sunny picture and we made our way to the atelier.

It was definitely a working “victory” and the best I could do today! Thank you, Aysen, for helping me through this day!

<3 Susanne


DAY 73

This morning I woke up very early, after I couldn’t find sleep till very late last night. But just after about 3,5 hours sleep, I felt very energetic and directly went to pick my inspiration – I was so happy to feel that motivation back!

… and look, who came out of the treasure chest: Filiz!!

Just now, posting here, I am reading her words she sent with the inspiration, actually as most of the days I don’t read them and let just the photo take me to where it wants to take me. So Filiz wrote: “I love this photo because it really reflects the energy of that moment it was captured, while I was doing a morning ritual with some friend in Zimbabwe…the qualities I feel in this image are freedom, adventure, trust, sensuality, elements, communion, anticipation, joy, even ecstasy…I know this state very well, this expansive soul-centered state…”

and, yes, yes, yes, I totally agree … loads of the described claimed its stage: elements, communion, the center, joy and much more … just see yourself:


… and a tiny little frog right next to her 😉

Thank you, Filizcim!

<3 Susanne

DAY 74

Today I picked Alexa!

When I placed the order for white paint last time, there was an offer for ink in the shop and somehow must have put it to the shopping cart, as I was very surprised, when I unpacked the delivery.

Knowing about my ability to paint with watercolors, I thank you, Alexa, for giving me the courage today to leave my “oil” comfort zone and paint you with ink! Letting go and going with the dynamics, not being able to really control the result. And this on a travelling day, where I got up very early and just being able to go to the atelier in the late afternoon!
Thinking about it now, I appreciate my own courage!

As outcome once again two paintings with one and the same setting – with the first one still trying to keep some contol and the second  letting go more, again I believe, they belong together.


I carried from Istanbul today already my suitcase for the dance retreat in Sundance soon  – so again, I was not really surprised when Alexa came out of the treasure chest!

Thank you, Alexa for all your offers, sharing your gifts and this dynamic, amazing inspiration!

<3 Susanne

DAY 75

Busy and long day today again – and I picked Sinem, who is sending love from Izmir!

If you ask me why, I have no idea today – something was shouting at me: green – and the more GREEN!


So here you are!

Thank you, Sinem –  and love to Izmir!

<3 Susanne

DAY 76

Today I broke my rules. Early in the morning I received a message, that Mine is not well and I felt, that I want to be with her all day – maybe I would have picked her anyway, maybe not. But I did not want to pick another woman and then not being able to be with her fully, so choosing Mine today felt just right.

Gecmis olsun, Mine – to a good healing, the latest news were positive! During the day, I put Mine’s mother’s painting (DAY 2) next to me and I am also sending love to you, Sükran!

Maybe everyone reading this can send some good wishes!

<3 Susanne

DAY 77

Today back to the normal procedure – picking blindly! Irmak came out of the treasure chest! Wow, what amazing strong eyes!!!

Irmak shared with her picture: “This photo was taken on a day I planted a cedar tree with my hands, and the sapling is also in the photo, behind me (surrounded by rocks, you can see it in the back) and the joy I felt that day, I feel is very much live on this photo of mine 😊 it was the first time I planted something with my own hands and my love for Gaia was watering the tree-to-become ❤”.

I did not capture all steps of today’s process, actually just one: I am sharing it, as it will make it easier for you to find the sapling in the final picture.

The last days strong colours are moving me.

Thank you, Irmak!


<3 Susanne

DAY 78

Today I picked Anja – and I felt the same excitement than the day I received her inspiration. I love this photo and I wished, to be able to capture the essence.

I felt so much strength, joy, freedom and life force in this photo! And also a poem came to my mind, which – about one year ago – was shared with me by my friend Olga and is written by a friend of hers, Åsmund Seip (

“I want to take all my clothes off. Have you ever spent a thought on what would happen if you stood around naked in the middle of your city? If your only action would be to appear in the world as you once came to it? How long would it take before somebody would react, and what would they do? And what would happen if you kept on refusing to get dressed?

How far do we go to avoid feeling uncomfortable?

Where could we go if we moved beyond our discomfort?

If you and I take our clothes off in front of eachother. Piece by piece, slowly and deliberately. When do you start to feel something? Before you’ve even started? How do you spend the hours before we meet to undress? Do you think back and forth, analyzing and regretting you said yes?

We are naked now. Carefully, we feel a slight wind touching our bodies. We are outside, the birds around us are singing quite beautifully and the air is warm. There is nothing between us. Our eyes meet, your breath is going a little faster, mine too. I stretch out my hand towards you and you grab hold of it. This is how we stand, facing eachother, naked, breathing. Hand in hand. Over time we start to relax a little more. We both see that it is indeed possible to be together like this. Nothing happens. The birds keep singing. We are two naked human beings. It feels different, yes. But it changes, too. How do you feel now, compared to when you had all your clothes on?

I am taking all my clothes off. And never before have I felt so devoted in urging you to join me. For this is truly a time for us to start seeing eachother in every way we truly are.” 

Thank you, Åsmund, for this poem, it is with me since Olga shared it!

Thank you, Anja, for your courage and trust!

I wish so much “we start seeing eachother in every way we truly are”!

<3 Susanne

DAY 79

Just yesterday I had been asked, if there is any colour, which is most difficult for me to paint. I was a little surprised by the question, but then the answer came clearly: “green, with all its facets”.

And today I picked Carina! Thank you, life, for this immediate possibility to grow!

Coming home now and uploading the painting for this post and checking with the original, I understand, there is room to improve and invite more green, but it was already quite a journey today! Thank you, Carina!

It maybe the artificial light in the atelier, but I felt like I definitely used more green in the painting! ;P

Water is a special element for me, what a pleasure today, I could not stop smiling during painting!

Carina says with her picture: “I’m an outdoorsy person (I love being out in nature), a vegan and animal rights activist, an advocate for diversity in tech.!” Thank you, Carina!

Take care!

<3 Susanne


PS: definitely I will check the painting tomorrow again, as I am missing loads of green!!

PSS: I just see the instagram post of my friend Olga: “I must be a mermaid, I have no fear of depths, and a great fear of shallow living.” (Anais Nin) – and I feel I want o add this here! <3


one day later: I dreamt about Carina last night and next to her was swimming a turtle. Coming to the atelier, I started to sketch Anna, but permanently the turtle and Carina came back to me. So I decided to let this turtle be with Carina and found peace, after I finished (and also during day light, the colours are now like they are in the painting):

DAY 80

Today I picked Anna!

Anna shared with her picture, that it was the first one taken after she got a stem cell transplantation! What a moment, Anna, thank you for your openness and sharing!
After I had added the turtle next to Carina (see PSS day 79), I could fully concentrate on Anna. Wow – this was strong – you are strong, Anna! No small brushes today, what an energy! Maybe it was about knowing the background to the picture, but the phoenix strongly requested its space!
All the best and good to know, you are well!
<3 Susanne

DAY 81

Today I picked Muge … and with her black and white photo I choose gouache paint, as since ages, I have black and white of it, just never used it…

Thank you, Muge, really so much – I love painting with gouache paint!! 

I am going to order colours now!

<3 Susanne

DAY 82

Today’s inspiration took me to America!

Debra wrote with her photo:

” I was 57 when this photo was taken. This April, I will be 62. This photo is all about taking back my power. My stance says, ” don’t mess with me. I will kick your ass”. I started taking karate classes when I was 51, mostly as entertainment. A few weeks later I was held up in an armed robbery by 2 men with a gun. And suddenly, I knew these classes weren’t just for fun anymore. I trained hard for 4 years, and earn my black-belt in Tang Soo Do, at age 55.”

Wow, Debra, thank you for sharing and bringing this to stage!

Be sure, I believed you every single second! I tried to “not mess” with your white dress, and just painted the necessary shadows, left the rest untouched – and you directly looked at me!!

<3 Susanne

DAY 83

Today was Ayten’s day!

What a warm light and colours!

It was a hard day, tomorrow I am going on a 11 days trip and somehow loads of things were in my mind, which I still had and wanted to finish and I have to pack and, and, and … in the end, it took my until now, as I was not happy with my work. The main thing was, that I could not recognize Ayten in my painting for a long while, but also I could not figure out, what wasn’t right – if you know, what to “fix” things are so much easier 🙂

Thank you, Ayten, for all the patience!

<3 Susanne

DAY 84

Today time is my issue, as I am leaving towards the airport at 1 PM.

Oh life, sometimes I am still surprised … there could have been no better inspiration for today as permanent reminder to stay focused!!

Thank you so much, Aslı!

Time to take a shower!

<3 Susanne

DAY 85

Day 85 – today I picked Mine and I was quite excited, as it was the day of the firsts: painting for the first time while traveling somewhere else than my homes, painting for the first time sitting in nature, surrounded by trees, the sea and mountains, painting for the first time with gouache colours, and not just black and white!

I am very grateful for this smooth day! Thank you, Mine!

<3 Susanne

DAY 86

Işıl’s day today!

And again I had no idea where it will take me! When the chaos moved in, I enjoyed it a lot, yet, when it touched the face, I felt it was too much! What a pleasure to understand that I “just” can decide what I want to claim back and then take action! Thank you, Işıl!

<3 Susanne

DAY 87

Today’s inspiration comes from Poland! I really love this photo!

Not the easiest painting day today, ending, me sitting in a tree house “fighting” with my brushes and some mosquitos! 🙂 They like it in here, as outside some rain falls and they like me!

So I am calling it a day for today, quite happy with the late night result (hope I will also be in day light!) and get myself under this mosquito net! 🙂

<3 Susanne

DAY 88

Today I picked Sezen, who also brought her daughter to the stage!

(After a night in the tree house with heavy rain, this morning my body felt somehow quite stiff and I wondered how I am going to dance today … and I wished for someone taking my hand later, leading me to the dance floor. :P)

We went through quite some different backgrounds, in the end just this felt right:

Thank you, Sezen, now I feel, I am ready to walk to the dance floor on my own! 🙂

<3 Susanne

DAY 89

6 hours of dance and Derya’s day today!

I picked the inspiration in the morning and somehow took it with me to the dance floor. Dolphins came during the dance and wanted to have their space on the painting too. So when I painted during the lunch break, also the dolphins moved in …

… and after the afternoon session, two of them wanted to disappear again … so it was a longer day than expected! But what can I do 😉

Nice day with quite some lessons!

<3 Susanne

DAY 90

Three months! What a journey!

Today I picked following inspiration and again, it fit perfectly to my day!

What wants to be discovered? What is there to be discovered? Stepping out of the known – whenever it feels right … with all freedom to come back to this safe place!

Thank you, for being with me today!

<3 Susanne

P.S. After being back home, I will update all pictures taken in this late nights, to show all the colours in their true tonalities.


DAY 91

Today I picked Berna in the very early morning after a beautiful gong bath last night, after which I could not really find sleep. At already 7 AM I met my group here on the dance floor, as it was our day for an art work for the morning session. After dancing and having lunch, I sat with Berna.

I felt a huge energy, strength and power in softness and also trust. Healing power!

Just now I read Berna’s words with her inspiration again: “… this big mama olive tree, whenever we were there, I felt like touching her, feeling her and being on her, in her, within her… And in a very short time, I found myself on a branch of this beautiful tree… I listened… I listened… To her wisdom, to her peacefulness, to her silence, to her strength…”

What an amazing tree! I can say without a doubt, that I had never seen such a huge olive tree in my life! Thank you, Berna, thank you so much for bringing you both to stage!

<3 Susanne

DAY 92

Today I picked Fabiola! What a beautiful inspiration while being on a dance retreat!

And Fabiola shares with her picture: “I choose this picture because represent me so well. I am earthy person who love to dance with the different colors of life and nature. No matter which direction it is I always try to go with a smile. I believe that everything and everyone has a strength like the trees and a beauty side like every nature landscape, so I stay focus on that. Dancing, discovering and enjoying trough the path of life.”+

So much joy, creativity, dance, life and love today! Thank you, Fabiola!

<3 Susanne

DAY 95


On this long travelling day I picked Jasmine – this amazing woman from Syria, whom I met during volunteering with Yusra in Istanbul. Jasmine had sent two pictures. If a woman sends more than one photo, I put all of them into the treasure chest and let my blind picking decide.

Most of the picture is painted with sponges and the eyes wanted to be emphatic.

Canim, you are amazingly strong! Thank you for claiming your stage!

<3 Susanne

DAY 96

Today I picked a mother-daughter inspiration and immediately I thought about Jasmine, who had preferred yesterday a picture with her and her mum. Life! But I trust in this process and I am not questioning! It is very important for me, that women claim their stage consciously, which Ilke and Ebru (mum) did! (I want to add, I prefer one woman on the picture, as it is easier for me to feel the energies and spend the day with explicitly one woman.) 

I sat quite long with this inspiration and at some point, I understood, it is not about details for me, it is about relation, connections, cycles, spaces, boundaries and and and …

So it turned out to be the smallest format I painted so far – just after I finished, I cut it and sew it on a bigger paper.

And I signed it twice! Once for Ebru …

… and for Ilke:

<3 Susanne

DAY 97

A running nose, small fever, burning eyes … that me today and I picked Esengül and this picture requested somehow to be painted inverse again, no idea, why my day had to be that hard! 🙂

Here you go and I go straight to bed!

… and again, I used a photo program to “turn” the inverse painting around for you to check (but also please try again to focus the original and then face a white wall!).

Thank you, Esengül!

<3 Susanne

DAY 98

Still I am not well, but now towards the evening, the fever went down. I picked Burcak today and spent half day with her in bed and promised myself, to take it easy today.

When I finally wanted to leave for the atelier, I felt a strong call of my sewing machine. So I sat down with Burcak and the sewing machine, my father said immediately, this is crazy and won’t be doable, especially when never done before, but somehow I felt the urge to try it. I took my breaks and laid down in between and tried to take it as easy as possible!

Thank you, Burcak, for being with me! Today’s art work is for the first time on this project no painting …

… and can also be flipped to a very wild back side:

<3 Susanne

DAY 99

Day 99, I am getting better, still there is a way to go, but definitely the right direction! Penny came out of the treasure chest this morning and after lunch, we made our way to the atelier and I went back to oil colours after a long time!

Before I start painting, I invite to come and show what wants to be there and leave, what want to leave. And what stayed was this spirit close to the fire, just it turned around its head! Can you see it? At Penny’s left!

Penny, thank you so much! I enjoyed painting today a lot!

<3 Susanne


DAY 100

Day 100 and I didn’t feel well this morning, after coughing all night … anyway, after the day passed, I feel better! I picked Selin today!

The day went smooth until I decided to add more white to the sky in the very end and I wanted to use my hand to put it on the paper. I did it and noticed immediately, that the paint did not move with ease, checking the tube, I understood why: I had mixed the tubes and used acrylic paint instead of oil … so now we have quite intense clouds … well! As a consequence I added a bit more white to the rest of the painting to balance it again… the picture changed, the mood changed, unfortunately I had not taken a photo during the process. Day 100 and its own will!

Thank you, Selin!

<3 Susanne

DAY 101

Asli’s day today, who just recently had sent her inspiration and wrote with it: “The photo is from South Africa, Knysna. It was one of those great moments when I get to touch and feed them.”

Ms. Elephant if my lesson today was, to feel how headstrong elephants can be: understood – all bushes removed you are fully in the painting! 😉

Thank you, Asli!

<3 Susanne

Day 102

Somehow i am not really getting better and in addition to my cold, I woke up with quite a tension and not in a good mood. I decided not to pick the inspiration and go to atelier in the morning, instead, I went back bed after breakfast and tried to get up with a better mood after resting … at least it was better than in the morning!

I picked Claudia today, with whom I grew up here in the village! She is the first inspiration I pick from my home land here.

Like every day I gave my best, but since a long time I noticed myself questioning, why this project had picked me and not an artist, who studied art. Witnessing myself and again trying not allow drama to move in – although my cycle is very welcoming drama and  my skin is thinnest … was a quite interesting painting afternoon/evening, it would definitely had been more fun, being not also the main character!

Somehow the inspiration moved me to more light … and Claudia, you may help me, is this foot next to the one you are holding your leg really yours? To me it seems your second leg is touching the ground? No?

I am calling it a day and wishing better for tomorrow!

<3 Susanne


DAY 103

Ok, if I am not better by tomorrow evening, I will see a doctor on Friday! Normally with a cold I don’t want to go and see a doctor, as it takes anyway a week – just this seems subborn.

Today I picked Beril, who waited in the treasure chest since beginning of this year!

And here is to what Beril moved me to:

It felt like keeping the treads together, connecting the wisdom of our anchestors with the modern world.

Thank you, Beril!

<3 Susanne

DAY 104

24th of May … six years ago my mum passed away.

Till this morning I thought about giving her a stage in this project for so many times, but I never coud really finally decide, as I wasn’t sure, if I am able to do it. This morning I just felt it. It was her day, she was very present with me last night and I even had a picture in mind waking up.

My sister had edited this picture in summer 2012 and it was with me for quite a long while on my small alter.

My mum loved our home land and this picture was just taken a few hunderts meters from our house here in the village. Painting today, I understood once again, she was home and not just for me, and she still is…and she is part of me – always. So I am home. Thank you, Mama!

With love!

<3 Susanne

DAY 105

Finally this morning I went to the doctor after I am still not really well, better, but not well and I feel really bored by this illness. We will see. Anyway, coming back I picked Kuzey, who was one of the first women joining the project!!

I love the contrast between Kuzey painted with brushes and the back ground painted with painting knives (spatula)

Thank you, Kuzey, for claiming your stage!

<3 Susanne


DAY 106

Today I picked Juliya! Thank you, Juliya, for this dance!

It moved me to a kind of blending with the trees, a blended dance …

I painted all paper in orange and wiped it with turpentine and then added the dark colour on top, quite unmerciful technique! Unfortunately I wasn’t able to catch the colours in a photo … it is not back, it is a dark petrol and a soft orange.

<3 Susanne

DAY 107

Today I picked Tina, who says with her picture: ” this picture was taken 2 days before my son was born, pregnancy week 40+0. it’s my second child, my first child is a girl. As a midwife, every pregnancy was a beautiful and useful experience for my work. Two different pregnancies, two different births, two different childbeds.”

I felt like turning around the colours of the dress and the room and the “selfie arm” disappeared 😉

I am not sure yet on the format … maybe cutting the painting like that:

Thank you, Tina, and also for your work as a midwife!

<3 Susanne

DAY 108

Today Cansu came out of the treasure chest! Wow!

After quite a long sketching time, today’s inspiration started me completely different as I originally planned and I understood quite quick, that most of my sketching just had disappeared! 😛

So it was quite a journey and a love declaration to Istanbul!

During sketching I had not seen the shadow of a woman on Cansu’s back – without losing the sketch, might be, that I never had! Now I could give her a dress also! And I love the reflection of the moon on the water, which is so different from the ones of the city lights!

Thank you, Cansu!

<3 Susanne


DAY 109

Today Valesca jumped out of the treasure box – oh yes, it was very clear, that it was her day today! 

In the atelier I had put all needed oil colours for today on my palette and sat down with the sketch and a glass of water. I cannot recall the moment when it moved me and I found myself doing something completely different! When painting the sky, there came a message with the clouds: “it doesn’t matter how you decide, as long as you stay with yourself and be true to yourself”. So there is this joyful jumping cloud between the “two directions” 

No big brush cleaning necessary today – just this very special brush touched the paper today:

Thank you, Valesca, my dear! What a strong day!

<3 Susanne

DAY 110

Today was Charlotte’s day! Posting now, I am just reading her words again, she had sent with the inspiration: “I love this pic as it reflects my “in love” state. It was a very blessed moment, I cherish this souvenir forever!”

Reading Charlotte’s message again, I am not surprised gold moved in a lot today.

Unfortunately it is hard to capture the reflection of gold in a photo, but I am trying with some snapshots to give you an impression how the painting changes from different angles:

Thank you, Charlotte!

<3 Susanne

DAY 111

Last friday I had seen the doctor and he checked my blood for a possible infect. It turned out to be a bacterial infect, but also it seemed, that my body had fought well, so we decided not to go on antibiotics, if it is not getting worse again. It looked good, till this morning, waking up with again hurting ears and throat. So I am taking them now and hope they will do their job! I am not feeling too bad, just it is too long now and I don’t want to start over again.

In this mini depression I picked Ruby, the youngest, who entered her stage with the permission of her mum! Again, thank you life and especially thank you, Ruby, for entering your stage!

Quite quick after sitting with the inspiration a rabbit hopped in – the colours took their time. I had already signed the painting with a magenta background and wanted to take a rest, but somehow the painting was calling me back!

So here we are!

<3 Susanne

DAY 112

Today I picked Aybike!
Aybike says „ My daughter Deniz, strengthened my connection with my essence, my womanhood, my mother, life, love. I am healing my child and my inner woman, observing it. This is the photo that expresses this bond, this healing and the colorful relationship between us.“

I tried to catch the moment, when my perfectionism wanted to take over today … I painted with a quite big brush most of the time and love was very present! Unconditional! It s not about being perfect or being whatever else, it is just simply about being – this is what I felt.

Thank you, Aybike!

<3 Susanne

DAY 113

Today I got up very early and picked Kristin! Kristin had sent two photos, both of them were in the treasure chest and this one made its way, I find it always interesting, what wants to be painted!

Maybe me eyes were not open fully yet, but sitting there with the inspiration and a cup of tea, out of the rocks shaped an eagle … once it was there, it was there and of course found its way to the paper!
Together we went through quite some stages, a very dominant eagle, an almost disappeared eagle and ended with, in my eyes, a connected balance of all.

Thank you, Kristin!

<3 Susanne

DAY 114

Elif’s day today …

…and it turned out to as a painted ode to the waters!
Thank you, Elif, for claiming your stage … and also for your trust to send your picture before you even saw one of my paintings!
<3 Susanne



DAY 115

This morning I picked Aysima.

Aysima had sent me two pictures beginning of January, both pictures with her and her fiancé. As you know with this project I want to give a stage to women and want to encourage women to claim their own stage. But reading Aysima’s story touched my heart. She allowed me to share some parts: they are living a long distance relationship between Turkey and Mexico, and she had just went there, as her finance had an accident, where he was badly burned in a fire.

Somehow I felt this feeling of happiness needed a stage and I hope from the bottom of my heart, both are well and these smiles came back!

I thought about stressing out on the black and white of the dresses, but starting to paint, again it moved me differently:

To happy times!

Thank you, Aysima and gecmis olsun!

<3 Susanne

DAY 116

Today I picked Sevgi!

Sevgi says with her picture: “I love old doors !!! 🍀 Whenever I find a beautiful and an old door, it makes me feel like I am traveling in time. So i like taking a picture in front of old doors.”

Sevgi, reading your message now after I coming back from the atelier, I have no idea, why it moved me towards red today and somehow I even thought for one second to go back and might change it – but no, this is what came out today…


Loads of different mediums on the paper today – oil, oil crayons, acrylic paint …

Thank you, Sevgi!

<3 Susanne

DAY 117

Today I picked Susanne!

Susanne wrote with her picture: “Here I am with my beautiful granddaughter, Alex, both having a massive sense of achievement, from helping each other get to the top of the climbing frame!”


I started with small brushes and noticed right from the start, that it might not be an easy painting day today and the fact of having a dead line today, didn’t make it easier!

But then bigger brushes and colours called  … and with them some ease moved in … and suddenly a big “YES” showed up!

Thank you, Susanne! Very encouraging – couldn’t think of a better inspiration for today!

<3 Susanne

DAY 118

Day 118 and I picked Tacihan this morning.

A Gouache painting after quite some time today and again had not planned on the colours.
During the process blue moved in as underpaint. Once more I cannot explain, why the wooden pavilion changed, just I can say, I felt very welcome and invited to enter the gate and join Tacihan.

Thank you, Tacihan, for claiming your stage!

<3 Susanne

DAY 119

Day 119 – today I picked Sena, who just joined the project about a week ago!

Thank you, Sena and welcome to your stage!

I stopped painting today, as soon as I had the feeling, it was finished. An interesting day, may the message unfold!

<3 Susanne

DAY 120

Day 120 and Esra made her way to the stage!

Sitting with Esra today, it moved me to ink – to my own surprise, as ink is still a huge challenge for me, with just one chance and no real fixing possible.

Thank you, Esra, you helped me a lot!

The background is actually white, just the light now did not allow me to capture the painting better.

<3 Susanne

DAY 121

This morning I picked Sevil.

Just now I am reading what Sevil wrote with her photo:

“Blooming season. I am ready for spring equinox. Seminated in new moon. All seeds will grow and bloom at full moon. Welcome new, welcome new moon, welcome equinox, welcome new year!” (March 17, 2018)

We are coming close to summer solstice and a new moon is ahead in three days … may the fruits grow!

Thank you, Sevil!

<3 Susanne

DAY 123

Today I picked Nadine! Her picture was taken during a photo shooting for a magazine, back in 2016. The article was about people, who achieved something special, who inspired others and gave something valuable to the society, environment. Nadine dedicates her life to live without plastic! In 2016 her first book was published, here please also find her blog  Thank you, Nadine, for your work!

Today during breakfast, again somehow an interesting coincidence, my father and me had a discussion about discipline. There were times, discipline had somehow a bitter taste for me: do we really need to be taught to be disciplined? In 2016 during a retreat, Gabrielle Roth’s question “Do you have the discipline to be a free spirit?” was placed into my life and it never left me again. “Do I have the discipline to be a free spirit?”  Finally today, spending my day with Nadine, honouring what she is doing and finding and watching a video on YouTube in the evening, where Gabrielle Roth is talking about discipline, I understood: somehow discipline and control had been mixed up deep inside me. “Discipline is the ability to set your focus!” Thank you, Gabrielle, I will take this with me today!

Nadine says with her picture (english see below, I tried to translate):
“Ich finde, das Bild zeigt eine entschlossene Frau, die trotz einer großen Veränderung ein glückliches Leben führt. (Viele Menschen haben ja Angst vor großen Einschnitten und vor allem davor, dass der Verzicht auf Plastik auch einen Verzicht auf Genuss und Lebensfreude bedeutet. Doch genau das Gegenteil ist der Fall! Ich fühle mich befreit, entlastet, entmüllt. Das Leben ist so viel schöner und einfacher geworden – damit meine ich schlichter, aber auch leichter”
For me my picture shows a determined woman who lives a happy life despite a big change. (Many people are afraid of big changes and above all of the fact that the renunciation of plastic also means a renunciation of enjoyment and joy, but just the opposite is the case! I feel liberated, relieved, waste less. Life became nicer and easier – I mean simpler, but also less heavy).”

Leaving all “but”s in the head behind, which are so often no real “but”s, just good excuses, get the hands out of the pockets and get into doing, step ahead! 

Thank you, Nadine!

<3 Susanne

DAY 124

A mosquito must have “kissed” me twice last night – I woke up with a big swollen lip. After a while, I witnessed, that “a part of me” tried to forbid myself to “play” with this changed physical appearance. Anyway again and again my tonge had the impulse to discover, explore and play. Maybe I can focus on playfulness today! 😉

Thank you, San, for coming out of the treasure chest today!

Inviting playfulness ink (!) came into the game again …

… and taking the photo of the painting, after I’d finished, I saw it … the clouds seemed to match perfectly on the left and right edge, as did the horizon. This is not a flat painting! Look at this!!

<3 Susanne

DAY 125

My friend Steffi’s day today! Picked her in the morning and then just went to the atelier in the late afternoon! In the end it was a really long day, as on the way home, I passed by her house and we celebrated her day! Very nice!


I could not double-check the painting with the original, as my technical equipment in the atelier failed, but I saw her and this is most important!

The sand moved in with loads of paint compared to the sky! Grounded, it felt very much grounded! …and the two bags: one full of nice memories, the other one full of sun shine!

Thank you, Steffi! Thank you also for all your support!

<3 Susanne

P.S. I will update the picture of the painting tomorrow, as in the artificial light the quality is just not the best tonight!


DAY 126

What a day today! It seemed, I got off on the wrong foot!

Aysu came out of the treasure chest!

I guess, there are loads of my energies in this painting today! … on fire … dealing with the shadows! normally yellow is not that much of my colour – very interesting day! Happy, that it found a conciliable end!

Thank you, Aysu!!

Good night and iyi bayramlar!

<3 Susanne

DAY 128

Today Sonja came out of the treasure chest! Sonja had sent some pictures, all of them were in the pool, she came out in black and white…

… and here is, to what this beautiful inspiration moved me to today:

Thank you, Sonja! It was my pleasure today! I loved to dive into your eyes!

<3 Susanne


DAY 129

Today Louise came out of the treasure chest!

Another very interesting painting day!

First, the format decided to be a circle … after I had painted Louise, the back ground moved in with these shades of blue. While adding the shadow, somehow I saw a duck – I tried to ignore it and painted the shadow as planned … until I removed it, as the duck did not give up … the white sparkles in the circle came last – now it feels complete.

I am just checking the symbolism and meaning of ducks now … the first hit is “Be in the now, be in the moment, for this is, where all of your power exists and is available to you!”

Thank you, Louise!

<3 Susanne


DAY 130

Zahide’s day today!

Some days I am really surprised, what I find as equipment in the atelier! After it took me some courage to paint the back ground black (I thought about violet – but a voice deep inside was stronger!), some shine was missing and I found a black spray tin So lucky -however it found its way!

And here you are – I will add two photos, one with as less as possible reflections, the other one with!

Thank you, Zahide!

<3 Susanne

DAY 131

Füsun came out of the treasure chest this morning!

In the atelier the almost same shapes of the Füsun’s face and the white of the cat jumped into my face…

… and in the end, without thinking, I signed the picture up side down … but I leave it like this now! 🙂

Thank you, Füsun and also thanks your cat!

<3 Susanne

DAY 132

This morning Nat came out of the treasure chest! We had a very magical dance together a few weeks ago and when I picked her name, I immediately felt again this connection!

It draw me to ink. While painting a raven came. A special raven, who’s picture was sent to me about a year ago by a friend of mine, Eva. It is a very special painting for me today.


Thank you, Nat!

Happy solstice!

<3 Susanne

DAY 133

Today I picked Archana, who joined the project early February and I don’t know why, but I was thinking of this inspiration a few times and wondered, when she will make her way to the stage. Today was the day!

I first painted Archana, when it came to the background, I don’t know, whether I could not listen well today, but we went through many versions … and now, in the end, when I just took a brush and a completely different colour, suddenly it felt right, even I don’t understand the result!

Thank you, Archana!

<3 Susanne

DAY 134

Today I picked Zülbiye! Thank you, Zülbiye, also for joining the project already in Januray!

I had sketched also the lampions … but something different wanted to come out today with such a power and joy! Fun!


DAY 135

Today’s inspiration was Valeria!

A pheasant jumped onto the chair with you, Valeria!

There is a lot of golden paint – the wholde painting is oil paint, the gold is acrlyic, very shiny, reflecting differently – changing with the light and angle:

Thank you!

<3 Susanne

DAY 136

Today I picked Kathi!

After sketching I somehow stayed with charcoal and this taught me patience … I don’t know, how many times I “destroyed” what I had done with my own  hand by touching the paper accidently! Maybe one of the most challenging painting days in the project!


Thank you, Kathi!

<3 Susanne

DAY 137

Today I picked Veronika out of the treasure chest, who says with her picture  “… attached you find a picture of me advocating for self-confidence. Not everything has to be perfect, and tasks not always need to be done by the one’s who would do it best. I am still in the process of learning that… I am trying to learn to do things that I never thought I could (sewing… carpenting… gardening…) – knowing that other people will always do them „better“ in a technical way, but since that is not the aim it is ok if I do it with my love and joy and personal touch.”
Thank you, Veronika, for your message and that power day!!
<3 Susanne

DAY 138

Mona’s day!

I just could start painting in the afternoon! Quite powerful day again! Touching the horizon!

Just the face is painted with brushes, for the rest I used painting knives … a long time I did not use them, oh, I enjoyed it a lot!

Thank you, Mona!

<3 Susanne

DAY 139

This morning I picked Sinem!

I am very grateful for this day!

It was a super busy day and when I started to paint, it did not flow with ease. After a while I noticed, that 1000 things were in my mind, what I still need to do and prepare and and and … and I just understood, I wasn’t really with Sinem. A moment of awareness! I gave a break, sat down, wrote all to dos in my mind to a list, out this list aside and tried to be with Sinem, fully …and it made a huge change! Being with what you do! After I had finished the painting, I came back to my list and took the next topic … Thank you, Sinem!

Sinem, with you music came to stage and the blackbird came to sing with you!

The painting is a combination of ink and oil!

<3 Susanne

DAY 140

Today Jeanette came out of the box.

Jeanette says with her picture: ” …. “Only things that are death do not move”, I used to repeat that phrase when I got cancer. I wanted to keep moving despite the effects from the chemo and surgeries. I felt that I was slow as a turtle. But what if turtles are not slow, what if it’s the element they are surrounded in that affects their speed? I remember the first time I saw turtle in the Caribbean sea. I was amazed. They were so free, powerful, light and in a constant moving. Then I realized that the speed doesn’t matter, even turtles on earth move in their own tempo. The import thing is to keep moving. Only death things don’t move. And I want to move as this beautiful turtle does.”

Thank you, Jeanette, for your inspiration, your words and picture!

Keep on moving!

<3 Susanne

DAY 141

Super long day today – i am on a painting workshop and just came home (a friend’s house) at 9 PM.

Just then was when I picked Zeynep and started to paint.

The painting is not dry yet – but I need to post now and go to bed. Tomorrow will be another workshop day!

Thank you, Zeynep – on my way home, I had been a bit scared, that I might not be able to do it … but you gave me the energy and power!

<3 Susanne

PS: I might check the shadows again, after it is dry tomorrow …

DAY 142

Today I picked Vidat – got up very early to start painting before my workshop.

Like every day I invited to leave, what wants to leave, stay, what wants to stay and come, what wants to come:

Thank you, Vidat! I love this diversity in the project!

<3 Susanne

DAY 143

Today was Nafiye’s day!

… and the picture keeps two options… do you find them? 😉

I painted today just with 3 colours (yellow, red, blue) and white – like in the workshop last weekend! Loved to mix the right colours and shades!


Thank you, Nafiye!

<3 Susanne

DAY 144

This morning I picked Sheila – early start again today! In this photo Shaila is pretending to be lady of the manor at Highclere Castle…’Downton Abbey’ …


… the castle disappeared (you might still see the sketch marks, when you check closely), the lady stayed, shining! Wow!

Again an oil painting with three colours and white!

Thank you, Sheila!

<3 Susanne



DAY 145

Today was an intense day!
My friend left in the early morning, as her grandmother might be in her last days on earth.
Opening the treasure chest, I picked Elin.

Before starting to paint, I sat down and checked the internet and saw what happened with the LGBT Pride in Istanbul. BANG –  it hit me hard, sitting in front of my laptop, still with Elin’s inspiration inmy hands, I felt a huge sadness and then anger! I wrote to one of my best friends in Turkey, she is lesbian, about how I am affected by what I had seen, and she wrote, “you cannot change this now – the only thing you can do, is paint – I will be waiting!” –  but I couldn‘t, I sat there and I just couldn’t. So I laid down, set my alarm clock, as life served me well again, as I had a lunch date with one of my gay friends here in Munich. All these coincidences today!
We had really quality time together and after I came back in the late afternoon, I felt my energy’s back. Inspired by the painting workshop last weekend, I decided to focus on Elin’s face and started to sketch differently and use the technique we practiced there.

And here you are:

I did it, I painted!

Thank you, Elin and thanks to everyone who was with me today!

<3 Susanne

DAY 146

This morning I picked Brigitte.

I sketched “small”, having Brigitte fully with background in the painting. When I wanted to start painting, it did not feel right. So this is how I “ended up” with yesterday’s style, although the original photo is actually a bit small for a good portrait with details  … anyway, it felt more right today, yet, somehow the painting doesn’t seem finished … I sat quite some hours, now calling it a day, as what want to show, somehow takes its time.

Thank you, Brigitte!

<3 Susanne


DAY 147

Travelling day today again … and this morning I picked Wendy, who says with her picture: “I am a caterering mum who runs my own company doing events and festivals, I also run a community cafe and work with people with disabilities and mental health problems.”

Immediately a memory came to my mind, years ago, I visited a friend, who is doing energy work.  After the treatment she told me: “if you want to serve and be the pot of spaghetti everyone can and is eating from, you need to make sure, that you don’t run out of spaghetti and need to make sure, you replenish that pot.”
So somehow spaghettis found a way to this picture today and also I felt like lightning up the photo … I know, there is a lot of guessing – I hope, Wendy, you will recognize yourself!
Thank you for joining this project and all the work you do!
<3 Susanne

DAY 148

I just came back from the atelier and I don’t really want to post today.

I picked Özden this morning with this amazing inspiration and somehow with this inspiration the question appeared in my mind “What is feeding me?” …

During painting a huge anger came up – I could witness myself, but I could not get a clue, where it was coming from, nor I managed to let it go. During last weeks workshop the artist said, the painting might look chaotic, but every brush stroke should be clear and well thought … I was far away from this today!!

Shadows, light, reflections … “What is feeding me?” …

I am posting, as it is today’s work, being aware, that most probably my energies took over a lot!

Thank you, Özden!

<3 Susanne

P.S.: it was good to be back in the atelier today, I would have made a mess in my friends flat … but plenty of flies, who took over during my absence, did not make it easier!


DAY 149

Today Seyma came out of the treasure chest:

I was quite excited what will happen in the atelier!

I sketched the wings in a very similar size to the inspiration … and then from there they were growing and growing during painting … quite a few times, even they wanted more space than the paper could give in some corners! A kingfisher came to my mind – might be hard to recognize … and in the end, I spotted a fox, which found its way to the paper without an intention.

Thank you, Seyma!

<3 Susanne

DAY 150

Today I picked Aysu … I know, she would have loved to be on stage at new or full moon, but at least, it was the first day of my moon cycle!

Again very interesting, as the painted claimed its way with a completely different technique. Most of the painting is done with paper towels and fingers – also when it came to Aysu, I did not change this style …

Aysu, the animal with you, was a cat for me! Thank you for claiming your stage!

<3 Susanne

DAY 151

This morning I woke up with a period pain and curled up almost till lunch time.

I picked Natasha out of the treasure chest, she had sent three pictures, this one was the one which came out:

What an amazing tree! What an amazing inspiration!

And as I made it to the atelier, it started to flow: (I am sharing some pictures of today’s process)

and then I remembered the old lamp shade, I saved from being thrown away a few weeks ago:

Thank you, Natasha – it was a pleasure and I felt this deep rooted connection of all!

<3 Susanne


DAY 152

Just coming home very late, as I went to my friend’s place after I had finished painting … and today I had no chance to check my painting and compare it with the inspiration in the atelier, due to a missing cable …

… these moments are not easy, I had them a few times, and of course in the direct comparison I notice some details, I would like to work on. But this is not possible now, so here you are!

Again It was an intense day today! I had picked Iris in the morning. Sitting with the inspiration, I felt like her mirror in the picture is visiting her with a message…


… with open eyes and a crocodile… whatever this means …


Might be, something resonates in this painting with you, might be not … in any case thank you for this day, Iris!

<3 Susanne

DAY 154

Late night post … I had finished the painting earlier, posted instagram and facebook, but then spent a very nice evening with our neighbor here, so I am just posting now …

Life cared again very well with today‘s inspiration- Didem Elif. I found peace during painting.

Thank you, Didem Elif – also for your message: “Love yourself. Because when you love yourself you will love me too!”

Looking at the painting now, I see so much confidence!

<3 Susanne


DAY 157

This morning I woke up and felt super heavy – before picking, wished for an “easy” inspiration and I almost appologized already to the woman, who will come out of the treasure chest… when I picked, Arzu came out – family! Arzu had given me a 9×13 printed photo, which was taken from a really interesting perpective years ago! Well, I definitly wouldn’t have called this inspirtaion “easy” … Life!

In the atelier, I sketched with the photo and I also started painting with it, but as it was quite small, my eyes got tired and I decided to paint until I recognize Arzu as I know her today … of course later I compared with the photo again, but i guess, this is the reason why she might look a little bit older on my painting. Very interesting.

Thank you, Arzu, for claiming your stage and going with me through this day!

<3 Susanne


DAY 158

Oh, today was a very good day!!

I opened my eyes in a very good mood, picked Silke, with her laughing inspiration (she had sent in two photos, one laughing, the other one quite serious), managed quite some organizational stuff before I went to the atelier and everything just went with ease!

I was invited to a nice coffee break, a nice lunch and wonderful dinner … really, a perfect day!

And Silke lives here in the village and I enjoyed a lot, seeing her reaction to her painting … from the heart, which I had sitched today onto the painting!

<3 Susanne

DAY 159

Merve’s day today!

After painting bigger, or “zooming” in, I felt like giving the whole photo room on the paper. Somehow the houses stayed in charcoal – just all chimneys (and there are many!), the sky and the ground Merve stands on claimed colours …

I love this light, when the sky is dark and you may already sence the rain, but still there is sun! I could feel it today!

Thank you, Merve!

<3 Susanne

DAY 160

Lizzie’s day …

Lizzie had sent two photos – the first one last year and a second one just about two weeks ago. We agreed to put both to the treasure chest and see, which wants to come out. It was the first one today.

In my small ceremony before starting to paint, I explicitly wished, that I would paint from my heart and not being influenced by something I know, as we shared – and at the same time, I promised, not to question, if something shows up, promised to give it its space, when it appears.

aahhhh …. I cannot find the right words for today – somehow not now, I tried, but I just cannot.

So I will leave it for now and promise to update!

You are amazingly strong, Lizzie!

Thank you!

<3 Susanne


Update –

There was pain – huge pain, so much, that I could not stand it – some moments I had the feeling of not being able to be in good service, but somehow I got over this thought and accepted my limits as part of the process, as part of the whole – and whilst on most of the other days I would have worked on details, I just could not.

In the morning, I had “zoomed” in and I worked on the upper painting, not having planned to paint the legs – but when I sat down with above described feelings, suddenly the legs claimed their stage strongly – and they are strong!

In the end, I laid next to Lizzie – receiving and giving back. There is so much more than pain, so much beyond pain. there are so many layers!

Thank you, Lizzie, also for your open sharings on Facebook. So much love and light your way! Have a good dance!

<3 Susanne

DAY 161

Today I picked Aspen.

Before I could start today, I somehow had to find a closure to yesterday, so I updated yesterday’s post and I am happy it worked out to speak to Lizzie.

Anyway, I could not find the energy to paint till the late afternoon. And then we went through many stages :-).

In the morning I had read a quote of Rumi ” Don’t you know yet? It’s your light that lights the world” … and somehow it did not leave me again and I wrote it on the sketch … I was painting around and over and somehow it never felt right. So I went and read Aspen’s message with her picture – and there it was, she had written about that magical place … “A bit about my photo: it was taken at The Boathouse, in Shiplake (Oxfordshire). This little place is hidden away and sits right on the backwater that feeds off the River Thames. I have been coming here since I was 2 years old. It’s a magical place, that calms my mind and soothes my heart and feeds my joy. Now, at 40, I’m intoducing my daughter to this magical place. This photo was taken in early Spring time. It’s still chilly by the river, but the spring sunshine was breaking through. It’s that time of year when it is warm in the sun and cold in the shade.”

The place was the key – and Rumi’s quote is still somehow visible … and here you are:

Thank you, Aspen!

It was a long day in the end – I think I am going straight to bed! 🙂

<3 Susanne


DAY 162

This morning I picked Ottilie!

Painting was not easy today, somehow there was a lack of motivation – so once again in the project: thank you, discipline! It was hard work, but in the end I can see Ottilie in my painting! “Cheers to life!”

Thank you, Ottilie!

<3 Susanne

DAY 163

This morning to my surprise Beyhan came out of the treasure chest – I was surprised, as I just had painted her daughter some days ago and they had just sent their pictures lately.

I got up very early as I am travelling to Turkey tonight and there were still many points on my list. I felt my motivation back this morning, so I knew, everything is alright and will work out.

And it did – I have no idea what was painting me, definitely I was painted again today – Beyhan, there might be a message, there might not be – just please don’t ask me for any explanations 🙂 it just flew out of me – starting with ink as paint, continuing with this cassette player in your hands, the background colour and then the flowers – painting the flowers, these mini blue ones took over – we call them “Vergissmeinnicht” in German – I just checked an online dictionary and it gives a one to one translation: “forget-me-nots”.

Anyway, it was fun and a big surprise for me today!

Thank you, Beyhan!

<3 Susanne

DAY 164

Today was an interesting day. I tried to stay away from all the mini dramas, which would have loved to take over.

It all stared last night. I had booked my flight to Istanbul with an airline, I had promised myself,I will not choose again, despite they are by far the cheapest. They were. So I ended up with a flight at 2 am in the morning, being at the airport three hours too early, as I did not want my father to drive even later. „Delayed“ said the message board, not even giving a time. I was tired sitting at the gate, waiting, you can imagine all kids. The temper in general was quite high! Finally we left with 2,5 h delay. Some people got really angry, as the plane had finally arrived, there was a problem with the bus – the poor lady at the desk had to deal with a lot of shouting. You might imagine the energy in the plane. At the passport control, there was an endless queue and it took more than an hour to get through. Finally at home, a migraine had started and I went to bed around 10 am. Kids playing outside plus the heat prevented a good sleep, so I got up, to understand internet wasn’t working and also the printer here did not print in colour. Finally finding some space in the small extra room I am using as an atelier here in our flat in Istanbul, I understood, that I had treated my brushes poorly when I left last time and that I must have taken all really small brushes to Germany…. I am telling this all in this detail, as today‘s inspiration- however – helped me to get over everything. „Peace in world, peace in my country“, was the message Simge had shared. Painting from the laptop screen in the end – I thought a lot about beginnings and endings – what if there wouldn’t be so many boarders?

Just painted with burnt sienna, red, yellow and white today!

Thank you, Simge!

<3 Susanne

DAY 165

This morning I picked Nina.

I remember the day, actually it was just a few days ago, when I received this inspiration – I wondered if I feel like an intruder while painting it, as the intimacy is incredible. Nina had shared with her photo, “It is unique because it is not a selfie and the person who took it, is probably the most important person in my life. I was so happy in this moment, I had nothing to worry about and I am so deeply in love with him, even after being with him for more than 5 years…”

.. and I did not! It was a day full of love – just trying to capture exactly this feeling!

Thank you, Nina!

<3 Susanne

DAY 166

Still I feel super tired!

This morning I had quite crazy dreams – I saw my mother, she was there, she didn’t say anything, but I felt like staying, I didn’t want to wake up. And although I had slept then really long this morning, I felt tired all day.

With half open eyes I picked Burcu!

I wish, I could have found these amazing colours – instead I found a sea horse 🙂

I need to call it a day now!

Thank you, Burcu!

<3 Susanne

DAY 167

Waking up this morning, I didn’t feel that tired anymore, but I noticed, somehow I struggle this time to arrive. I am far away of feeling balanced or in harmony with myself.

I picked Asia and once again a really moving painting day started!

I somehow understood, it was about elements. I gave in some water – having to admit after a while, it might have been mine. Water so many times was my key, so I took it as a hint and gave Asia all four elements and just followed, what wanted to be followed – very energetic painting today.

Somehow I feel exhausted, but much more in peace than this morning.


Thank you, Asia!

<3 Susanne

DAY 168

Natalia’s day today!

When I picked the inspiration, I thought: Home run! As it was me, who had taken this photo and I deeply remember this moment! This happiness and joy and relaxation …

It was the day after our dance retreat and we had got up very early for a photo shooting. Natalia had put on a lot of glitter on her face and it was passed on to everyone she hugged good bye.

In the end of the today, I can say, no home run, painting was not easy – it took me ages and I really had to take care that I did not get angry with myself. Connecting again and again to the energy of this day helped – at least I finished and will go out now, to sit near the Bosphorus to watch the eclipse and set some intensions and the wish, that these rather difficult (painting) days will come to an end!

Thank you, Natalia, and of course, I gave you glitter to pass on! 🙂

<3 Susanne

DAY 170

This morning I picked Funda!

Funda first had sent a different photo and then replaced it by that one – yes, there are many people on this photo – but the day it came in, I accepted it, as also Funda shared a message: “Children are the seeds of the Tree of Life which has roots in the future”  and I really liked the energy.

I don’t feel good with small brushes these days somehow – so I decided for painting with single brush “dots/spots” first.

There was so much energy, so afterwards I sprinkled most of the paper with colour – to then cut a kind of bigger version of Funda and put it on the paper and sprinkle another layer of paint in rainbow colours – I was completely covered in these colours also! 🙂

Look, Funda, one girl stayed with you, covered by your coat!  Maybe your inner child  – I remember the story you told us!

Thank you, Funda!

<3 Susanne


DAY 171

Svetlana had sent in 4 photos – this one came out of the treasure chest this morning:

… and with it came finally a day with more ease!!
Painting with brushes, fingers and paper towels – and suddenly the painting felt finished, so there is also a lot of charcoal left.


I love your smile –  thank you, Svetlana!

<3 Susanne

DAY 172

This morning Silvia came out of the treasure chest!

The image of a mermaid was there. So I decided to go for! Searching for glitter was inspired by a friend, but I did not work out like I wanted, so I decided for leaf gold. I had bought it some years ago – the package was still closed. Puh, this very thin gold was all over the place and me, but finally also on the paper 🙂 – and in the end, some glitter also made it on the tail!

On some days, I have the feeling to miss the thin voice of the painting, that it is finished – today, it did not come, until I finally understood to come back to the original inspiration and give the painting the frame.

Calling it a day now!

Thank you, Silvia!

<3 Susanne

DAY 173

Carol’s day – and Carol had shared with her picture: “I have attached a picture of me about to finish my first half marathon.  As a woman and new to running, I feel proud and excited that Kathrine Switzer challenged the all-male marathon in 1967 and allowed for us women to be able to run in half marathons and full marathons today.  What an achievement!  I’m about to run my first marathon in 5 weeks’ time so I thought this picture was very apt and timely 😊.  Running is my mental health therapy and without it I would be a very different person.”

I had a mini “accident” last night, grabbing into an open carpet cutter – no real big deal, just I had cut a bit into the top of my finger and about 5 mm into my finger nail. To prevent my nail to open up further, I found some super glue and put it on … and yesterday during searching for the glitter, I had found some goodwin, which is a kind of play dough drying quickly and you can produce stamps (and of course much more)..

Why I am telling this story is, that this morning I had these two things still on the table and somehow I decided to produce a big stamp and stamp Carol onto the paper a few times, to visualize the movement. So I did it – just in my enthusiasm, I did not think one moment, to stick the dough “up side down”/mirrored to a cardboard – so I ended up with a stamp facing the wrong direction. grrrr….

Trying to “turn” the stamp around, it teared apart and I ended up with two broken stamps … unfortunately, I just captured one (the wrong one for the rest of the story, sorry).

“Nice try, did not work, I better should get going with an empty paper and start over”, were my thoughts – and exactly this was the moment, I heard a voice in my head (btw, talking english) – “Just continue with what you have – yes, there might be obstacles now, but don’t run away, face them!” … so I took the cardboard of the “original” stamp to the atelier and started to work on it (unfortunately again I haven’t taken a photo, but I was quite excited).

And yes, there were obstacles and there were limits – but at some time, I understood, to ignore them or to keep them, if it did not matter.

When I came to paint Carol’s face, I wondered, why it was so hard today, first I thought, because I could not apply my “used” techniques or the remaining of the stamp or again the small brushes, but then I noticed – of course! – I had not sketched the face in before starting!!!

Long story, sharing it in this detail, as it was one of the bigger lessons for me in this project. Don’t give up too early, face it, push boarders and limits, get along with what cannot be changed, if it doesn’t really matter – but don’t forget the basics!!!

And here we are – after a long working day:

Thank you, Carol – thank you for all the lessons – and I wish you are well after your first marathon!

<3 Susanne


update on the next morning:

When I came to the atelier this morning, there was still the stamped version – and it just felt right to integrate into yesterday’s art work as a completion.

DAY 174

Svenja came out of the treasure chest today!

Somehow the shadows did not want to be that strong in the face and in general all might be a bit softer.

When the lips became more red, the background got crazy! A kiss can change the world!

Thank you, Svenja!

<3 Susanne

DAY 175

I picked Lora this morning, who had sent in her inspiration just in the last days!

… and today was different. I set up the atelier differently – brought my music equipment and started to paint and dance at the same time, moving back and forward, connecting also on another level.

After having sketched Lora, there was no huge plan, it just flew. The spiral moved in also – it was amazing to understand, that depending on the perspective (I turned the cardboard to every side, one after the other) different areas “stood out”, which needed more “care”.

At some point words came to me – and I had to note them down quickly with my sketching charcoal, not to miss any of them. (that quick, that it took me some time to read my own handwriting later). For me, being not so much into words, or to put it differently, words normally take quite some effort for me, this was a very beautiful experience.

it starts within you

let it flow through you

let it move you

let it be

let it grow – limitless

let it spread out

and be ready to receive

when it starts raining back on you


Looking at the painting, I find it all … I had already decided during the process, that obviously this art work includes the cardboard, on which I had taped the paper to put it on the easel.

I also want to share, what Lora wrote with her inspiration:

“I am a dancer and also teaching freedomDANCE. I’m a words lover. Love everything about them – writing, reading, etc. I think that music and art have a real power to heal our deepest wounds. Also I love coffee and dogs. Often I can’t stop myself from floating in a dream world.. I think we all can be in touch with our creativity source.. dancing is one of the paths for me. really strong one.. i hope i’m doing a good thing by spreading it”

Everything makes sense again!


Thank you, Lora!

<3 Susanne

DAY 177

Lea! Ach, I miss you!

I wished for help and Lea’s creativity today, as right from the start I felt, it won’t be an easy painting day. What I noticed, if you ask for help, you also need to be ready to let go in a way, and accept, that there are also different ways…

… and somehow you became the sun yourself!

Thank you, Lea!

<3 Susanne

DAY 178

Tania’s day today, with this lovely inspiration! I remember this skirt well – loved it from the first moment i saw it on the dance floor in Antalya in May!

My day developed around the question, what am I focusing on, where do I put my focus to … so it was medicine!

Thank you, Tania!

<3 Susanne

DAY 179

It is my birthday today and I really wondered which inspiration will come out of the treasure chest today!


… and it was fun and pleasure, also Susanne was very gentle with me! I did stupid brush strokes, had quite some interruptions and and and … but somehow she always stayed with me and on the paper!!

Thank you, Süschen!!!

Best wishes to all!

<3 Susanne

DAY 180

This morning was interesting, I picked Aysel from the treasure chest, and just then I understood that I had not put the new names which came in before picking, as yesterday really 5 more inspiration came in! So I put Aysel back and also made sure, everyone was in the treasure chest before picking – and the it happened Aysel came out again!!

I painted on the balcony today – and used a lot of white, as the face always seemed yellowish. Inside the house now, Aysel might be a little white – but this is obviously part of it today`s process.
From the very beginning I had again a story of Jorge Bucay in my head, most probably because of the tattoo and most probably many of you know it …

But let me share anyway, from the book “Let me tell you a story” by Jorge Bucay:

The Elephant in Chains

– I can’t – I told him – I can’t!

– Are you sure? – he asked me

– Yes, I would like nothing more than to be able to sit down face-to-face and tell her how I feel. But I know I can’t.

The Fat Man sat himself down like a buddha in one of the horrible blue armchairs in his office. He smiled, he looked me in the eyes and, lowering his voice as he did every time he wanted to be listened to attentively, he said:

– Let me tell you a story…

And without waiting for my approval, Jorge began.

“When I was small, I used to love circuses, and what I liked best about them were the animals. The elephant in particular caught my attention, and as I later found out, other children liked the elephant too. During the performance, this enormous beast would nobly display its tremendous weight, size, and strength… But after its performance, and until just before it went out on stage, the elephant was always tied down with a chain to a little stake in the ground that held one of its feet.

The stake however was just a minuscule piece of wood, hardly a couple of centimeters long. And although it was a strong thick chain, it seemed obvious to me that an animal capable of tearing a tree from its roots, could easily free itself from that stake and flee.

This mystery continued to puzzle me. What held it there? Why didn’t it escape? When I was 5 or 6, I still trusted the explanations given by grownups. So, I asked my teacher, my father, and my uncle about the mystery of the elephant. One of them explained that the elephant didn’t escape because it had been mastered.

So I asked the obvious question: ” If it’s been mastered, why do they keep it in chains?”

I don’t remember having received a coherent answer. With time I forgot about the mystery of the elephant, I only remembered when I found others who had asked themselves the same question at some time.

Years later, I discovered that , to my luck, someone had been sufficiently wise to come up with the answer:

The circus elephant does not escape because it has been attached to a stake just like this one since it was very, very small.

I closed my eyes and imagined a defenseless baby elephant fastened to the stake. I am sure that in that moment, the little guy pushed and pulled and tired himself out trying to get himself free. And, regardless of his efforts, he couldn’t do it, because the stake was too strong for him.

I imagined him tuckering himself out and falling asleep and the next day trying again, and the next day, and the next. Until one day, a terrible day in his history, the animal accepted its futility and resigned itself to its fate.

That enormous powerful elephant that you see in the circus does not escape because, unfortunate thing, he thinks he can’t.

He has that memory etched into his mind: the futility that he felt shortly after he was born.

And the worst part is that he has never returned to seriously question that memory.

Never again did he return to test his own strength…”

It’s like that Damian. We are all a little bit like the circus elephant: we move through the world attached to hundreds of stakes that wrest from us our freedoms.

We live thinking “we can’t”, making mountains of things simply because once, a long time ago, when we were small, we tried to do something and couldn’t.

We do the same thing to ourselves that the elephant did, we etch into our minds this message: “I can’t – I can’t and I will never try.”

We grow up carrying this message that we impose on ourselves, because of which we never return to try to free ourselves from the stake.

When, every so often, we feel the shackles and jangle the chains, we look out of the corners of our eyes at the stake and think I can’t and I never will.

Jorge paused for a long time. Then he came closer, he sat down on the floor in front of me and continued:

– That’s what is happening to you Damian. You go on living conditioned by the memory of a Damian, who no longer exists, who couldn’t do it.

Your only way of knowing if you can do it is to try again, putting your whole heart into it… Your whole heart!


Thank you, Aysel, for reminding me that story, and thank you for claiming your stage!

<3 Susanne

DAY 181

On the road … my husband’s birthday present is TIME. 2,5 weeks holidays! We did not have this since so long!
It worked out last minute, so no big planning – we just packed the car and headed to the direction of the aegean sea.
How wonderful – painting in nature, enjoying the time and the sun, the fresh breeze and from time to time jump to the sea!
Gülay came out of the treasure chest!
Who had explained with her inspiration, that Gül means rose and Ay means moon.
… and it seemed the world consisted of roses!
Thank you, Gülay!
Greetings to Istanbul!
<3 Susanne

DAY 182

Our road trip brought us to Bozcaada today! Oh, I really love this island!

… and in the late afternoon, Monika came out of the treasure chest!

A bit more darkness and at the same time more light moved in, the bike stayed as a sketch and a kind of way appeared in the green… and then suddenly the picture felt finished.

Thank you, Monika!

<3 Susanne

DAY 183

This morning I picked Alena out of the treasure chest!

I met Alena at the dance retreat in May and I remember well how I perceived her from the first beginning: angelic – and this inspiration somehow underlines this for me.


My “atelier” was the beach today!

… as it was quite windy, the painting also contains quite some sand, which made it for some parts almost impossible to paint over again …

… but it felt amazing to paint on the beach!

Thank you, Alena! Thank you so much!


<3 Susanne

DAY 184

This morning I picked one of the most important people in my life, my beloved sister – Bine!

Bine had wished before, that she did not want to know, when it was her day, so I kept my promise! But I have to admit, it wasn’t easy not to share that I’d picked her, that, when I sat with her in the sun, two white butterflies came, dancing with us for a while, it was hard not to share, that when I painted her face, I could see me and understood finally, why people say we look similar … and many details more and then, when a blessing came to me, I just decided to write it onto the painting, as it came with and for her, again from a place without thinking.

May there be always sun shine on your face

and a red rope to hold onto

carrying and supporting you as long as you want

and when it is time to let go,

may you stretch into the unknown

with excitement and joy

and trust, that your favorite colour is waiting for you to dive in…

… may these waters be always warm and clear!


Thank you, Bine, from the bottom of my heart!

With so much love and gratitude,

<3 Susanne


DAY 185

This morning I picked Merve … and Merve shared with her picture her favorite sentence, which is from Ibni Arabi’s Fusus-el Hikem: “I was a hidden treasure and I loved to be known so I created the Universe.”
My day was very mixed, it started that I felt the urge to paint with oil colours and I felt like zooming in. During the day, I “lost” Merve so many times on the paper, again and again, although it had started with quite some ease, in the end it wasn’t. I am calling it a day now, wishing, Merve, you will find yourself in this painting!
Thank you, Merve!
<3 Susanne

DAY 186

Today my friend Eva came out of the treasure chest. Eva had sent in more pictures, a different one and more with the donkey, the one came out, where her face was shown best.

The donkey became bigger and closer and Eva went into a kind of dance. After the dress had decided to come out like this, I laid out all colours, closed my eyes and let the donkey decide for the colour they will stand on … and here you are!


Thank you, Eva – and also thank you for bringing the donkey to stage! I understood, how strong donkeys are!

<3 Susanne

DAY 187

Başak’s day today, who shared with her photo: “I love the nature, I love painting and drawing too. Streets, houses, trees, birds and wind give me inspiration!”

… first of all, this zoom again just happened and then once more, the painting just felt finished – and I followed this feeling!

Thank you, Başak!

<3 Susanne

DAY 191

Last week I have been to Bozcaada … and today Pinar comes out of the treasure chest with this photo taken on Bozcaada!

“When will you be back?” was the question which came … and also I have no idea, why I taped the paper like this …

Thank you, Pinar!

<3 Susanne

DAY 192

Ozay’s day today! Ozay had also sent in more pictures, this one came out and she shared with her inspiration, that she loves books, her sons and to travel.

Painting went smooth today, soft, the colours found their way to the paper gently!

Thank you, Ozay!

Iyi bayramlar!

<3 Susanne


DAY 193

I picked Sevgi this morning.

… and today wasn’t easy – not at all. Starting to work on the portrait, I felt overwhelmed by some energies, a huge sadness and pain and later anger. This dark red background moved in with an immense power. Later, with the white butterfly some more peace came in, but as hard as I tried, I could not manage to paint the flowers on Sevgi’s face – after the lotus flowers started to blossom, a smile was possible.

We are in a Turkish village right now, when we left the house, after I had finished the painting, we noticed, where the animals are slaughtered today for Kurban Bayrami was just around the corner…

Jumping to the Aegean Sea was like a healing bath!

Thank you, Sevgi – thank you especially for carrying this with me today!

<3 Susanne

DAY 194

It was kind of funny this morning, as I put the new names to the treasure chest and I had just written back to Tülin, when a second later while picking the inspiration of the day, she came out again! Interesting as some women really stay in there a really long time! So Tülin’s day!


These colours, I have really no idea where they came from – yellow is not my favorite color nor easy to paint, as it has not a real good coverage …  oh, I love this project!

Thank you, Tülin!

<3 Susanne


DAY 195

Yulia’s day!

Today was a different painting – I somehow painted Yulia in a way, that every stroke counted. This may sound strange, but not much blending, really every stroke put with awareness. For the background it was different – this moved in and I really tried to serve with this gold (which behaves somehow really different from the other oil paints).

… and I add a mini zoomed in photo – also to show how different the gold looks in different light.

Thank you, Yulia!

It is nice to meet you on the dance floor! 🙂

<3 Susanne

DAY 196

Fausta’s day today!

This photo is about 50 years old – and a lot had happened in her life already till then!

I really like playing with empty spaces in the paper these days!
But it did not feel finished until the hair had moved in.

It is a strong picture!

Thank you, Fausta!

<3 Susanne

DAY 197

I have to admit, I picked the inspiration of today last night and also sketched last night, as today we will travel back to Istanbul and be on the road for most of the day.

.. again one of the latest inspiration came out of the box! I am happy for my little cheating, as 4 women had to be sketched 🙂

Quite a few times this trip I questioned, why I had taken acrylic colours with me on the way, as I just seldom paint with them. Today I knew! 🙂

I got up very very early (started painting since a long time in artificial light!) and first tried to just capture this beautiful moment.

I did, at least I was on the way, when suddenly I felt an impulse. The three little ones have a very strong energies and this picture is telling so much – but the stage was claimed by their grandmother. Colour blocks moved in: pink, green and blue – the dress had kind of decided for these colours before …

Supporting, giving and holding space – to same parts, staying connected and at the same time being focused on the needs, keeping this connection by being there and giving freedom. ( … and on some parts the original scenery still shines through).

Thank you!

On the road now, all colours packed – tomorrow again from Istanbul!

A nice weekend to all!

<3 Susanne



DAY 198

This morning I picked Sarah! She waited in the treasure chest with two inspirations for a very long time! Wow!

I was tempted to zoom in, but the elephants, especially the second one (which even grew a bit bigger), claimed their stage strongly – very interesting! This forced me into small brushes again, it was easier yesterday, I have to admit!

Time passed very quickly today – long, but quick hours of painting!

Thank you, Sarah!

<3 Susanne



DAY 199

I picked Eylem in the morning, she came out with this inspiration. She had sent in two – funny that I remembered, when I received her pictures, I was almost sure, the other one would come out – no idea, why I had this thought and why i do remember it! 🙂 Welcome to your stage, Eylem!

Entering the atelier and seeing that I had not cleaned the brushes last night, made me quite angry with myself.

A second later I found myself, painting with exactly these brushes and “using” what was/is there. So I accepted the challenge, no new colours, making the best out of what is there. Of course, I watched out carefully, that Eylem did not suffer from my challenge! Anyway, it worked perfectly well and I was grateful for finding orange (from before the holidays and still being “paintable”!). Amazing day in the end!



Thank you, Eylem!

<3 Susanne

DAY 200

DAY 200 – a reminder popped up on my phone in the early morning, saying “DAY 200” … I must have set it, when I started the project – one of the most unnecessary things I had done – there was no need for a reminder!

Anyway I am sure, when I did it and pictured that “day 200”, my vision was a different one!

Yesterday finally my period started, being late in my cycle for 5 days…. it came with a lot of pain last night. I recognized this before, it happens sometimes around full moons! So feeling quite dreadful this morning, I picked my inspiration of the day: Ilkim! Ilkim, with this amazing picture taken by her friend, the photographer Lilith Kugler, in the night of the blood moon and eclipse! Ilkim, whom I shared the room with during the retreat about a year ago, “when women blossom” – I mentioned this retreat before, it was somehow the key to unlock the artist inside me.

In the atelier I sat and sketched and sorted out once more my colour palette, blue, black, white … “easy to identify the colours today”, I thought, but in the end none of them made their way onto the paper. It was my blood! Puh, this costs a lot of courage to post here. (actually I needed for this last sentence a few minutes to type these four words). You may like it or not, this is your decision. It is not the first time, that I have painted with blood, just I didn’t feel like sharing here before – the reason why is, I guess, that it is something very sacred to me. Before publishing here today, I had the urge to share with Ilkim beforehand and she just encouraged me, to do whatever I feel to do.

Ok, so here is the blood moon painting, after this conversation:

Sitting with it, something felt missing or not right –  and believe me, I sat with it for a long time and couldn’t figure it out, just a mini feeling came, that it might be related the shadow!

When my husband came home from work, I asked him, about his first impression – he said out of the blue, “I see a stork in the shadow” ..  “a stork”, I said, “how?!?” …

We had dinner and I went back to the atelier. I tried to take off the shadow, which of course was not undoable, just it became a bit lighter … and then I saw my sewing machine! Remembering Ilkim’s words, I found myself a few seconds later in front of it!

I cannot explain what happened then, no plan, no sketching, the flow started stitch by stitch.

When it felt finished, I put the paper up on the wall and watched it from the distance  – and there it was: a kind of stork had made it to the paper!! …but this of course is just one interpretation! 🙂


Thank you, Ilkim! Thank you for going with me through day 200 and your trust and encouragement!

My pain is gone!

<3 Susanne


DAY 201

İlay’s day!

I felt again to paint with acrylic colours and painting sitting on the floor. When the water glass, in which I clean the brushes fell over and the water run other the picture, I understood, not all was acrylic, I had mixed some tubes and used gouache also.

After rescuing the painting, I continued with both – acrylic and gouache.

Once again i noticed, that it is not so easy for me to paint two people on one picture – it is so much harder to tune in and concentrate. Interesting.  The flowers moved also on İlay’s head and pink came in to help me balancing!

Thank you, İlay!

<3 Susanne



DAY 202

Elena’s day  – Elena had sent three pictures – this one came out!

I very much like in this picture, that there is also the horizon – and I also wanted to put it in the painting … so I was “forced” to small brushes for capturing the face… and this is where I struggled a lot during the day. I really spent hours trying to give her that smile. I loved painting the sea, the foam is blank paper on most of the parts.

I met a friend for a drink tonight, so I had to finish at one point and posted on instagram/facebook. Now, back home, I went to the atelier to clean the brushes … and I could not resist to try it one more time.

I am a bit more happy now 🙂

Sometimes it obviously just needs a good break!

Thank you, Elena!

(I thought a lot about the time we spent together – it was about these days of the year 10 years ago I moved to Moscow! Wow! Thank you, for your friendship!)

<3 Susanne



DAY 203

Sibel’s day!

My second cup of coffee this week 🙂

After yesterday, where I compared my painting plenty of times with the original photo and in between got quite tensed, as I couldn’t really get it, I decided this morning to go with what comes. This is my lesson out of the last two days – giving more space.

Thank you, Sibel!

<3 Susanne

DAY 204

We stayed over night at our friends house last night and on the way back in the morning, I had the urge to buy black ink.

At home, I picked Ece, who shared with her inspiration:

“No tree, it is said, can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell. ” C.G.Jung
Olive Tree is the life tree for the Aegean Region. It has roots going deep as long as it reaches to the sky. Like me 🙂 I have dark sides as much as light, and I love myself just as I am. I am whole.
I have no idea, if I had to buy the black ink for this painting, or if the painting is black, because I had bought the black ink… Ece is painted with ink, the olive tree with oil paint.
… and I have no idea, why there are no roots … but this is what it moved me to – I tried to mirror every brush stroke  (honestly this was more difficult as I had expected!), filling/giving the same space on both sides of the golden line.
“No tree, it is said, can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell. ” C.G.Jung
Thank you, Ece!
<3 Susanne


DAY 205

This morning I picked Elif and then we met one of my best friends for breakfast.

On the way back after a good time, I started to feel sick. Something was and is wrong with my stomach. After taking some medicine I felt a bit better – and I managed to paint. proud of me, I did it … just since after finishing the painting I am back to the bathroom …

Thank you, Elif!

<3 Susanne



DAY 206

I am better today, yet not fully recovered, very tired, but at least no running to the bathroom anymore!

I picked Kivilcim today, oh, she waited a long time in the treasure chest and I really wish, that on a day like today I could serve well!

Once more it moved my to the sewing machine, creating a kind of lace pattern …  with finishing the purple lane, the machine just stopped working, no more stitch possible … 

Thank you, Kivilcim!

<3 Susanne


DAY 207

Alice’s day today!

My brain said again, zoom in, no small brushes today …  but somehow I wasn’t allowed to.

Ok, so the whole picture … sketching, painting, waiting, if something wants to come after this first strong “NO” to zooming in …

No impulse during painting Alice’s body. Then I started to paint the background in this nice red of the chair, I turned the paper – and there it was. It just wanted to stay like this and in addition a bat came in, hooking up next to Alice.

The dress followed last in this combination of purple and pink.

Thank you, Alice!

<3 Susanne




DAY 209

Another journey, another traveling day and this time via plane and I could just take the gouache colours and ink with me – reduced choices for this next week!

Waiting for boarding, I checked again the online shop of the women’s work of Small Projects Istanbul (an NGO here in Istanbul, working with the Syrian community). – – In this shop they sell what they are producing to support their lifelyhood  – I knew and love the earring project “drop earrings no bombs” – the cloths were new for me, so I checked in more detail. On the back of one T-shirt was written: “BE A VOICE NOT AN ECHO” …. this sentence really resonated within me and I took it with me while boarding and flying. Later today, I picked the inspiration of today – Sabine:

– and there it was a again: “BE A VOICE NOT AN ECHO”

… if planned, that these words even find their way to the paper, be sure, I would have measured the same distances and had made lines to write on … but this wasn’t the case …

Thank you, Sabine!

<3 Susanne

DAY 210

Anna-Lena’s day today! Anna-Lena who says with her photo:

“This is me – Anna-Lena aka. Leni, learner, teacher, mother, daughter, wife, foody, yogini, traveller …..”

Painting while travelling sometimes is a challenge, but I felt so much peace in this photo today … and some lyrics of the song “Mensch” by the German Singer/Song writer Herbert Grönemeyer came to my mind:

Momentan ist richtig
Momentan ist gut
Nichts ist wirklich wichtig
Nach der Ebbe kommt die Flut
Am Strand des Lebens
Ohne Grund, ohne Verstand
Ist nichts vergebens
Ich bau’ die Träume auf den Sand
Und es ist, es ist OK
Alles auf dem Weg,
Und es ist Sonnenzeit
Unbeschwert und frei
And in the very end the fire moved in also!
Thank you,, Leni!
<3 Susanne

DAY 211

This morning I picked Yasemin!

… and once more I surprised myself with what it was moving me to!

All lavender left, coral moved in … my 8-year-old niece asked, “why coral, they grow in the water!” – “I don’t know”, I answered, “they are just there!” … “I understand”, she answered. (We might have had a communication issue due to my not really good Turkish, but it did not feel like!)

No idea about an explanation!

Thank you, Yasemin!

<3 Susanne


Day 212

Rengin’s day today!


Late night post – I had posted on Instagram earlier, but just now, I connect with my laptop to the internet to post also here.

Earlier this year I attended a painting workshop with the wonderful Elly Smallwood – somehow today I was drawn into that kind of style. Very interesting, There is a lot of blank paper – emphasising these strong mother arms!


Thank you, Rengin!


<3 Susanne

DAY 213

İpek came out of the treasure chest this morning …

During sketching, the tree of life, which I somehow saw in this necklace, started to grow bigger and bigger … and moved in with pink ink … and spread from there … and then I heard the call of green … and while my head was still thinking and negotiating, that I might lose the effects of the ink and what if it doesn`t match and if green, should I go for the darker or lighter green, the brushes just worked and decided …

and here we are:

Thank you, İpek!

<3 Susanne

DAY 214

Today I picked Melisa – and with Melisa, the second time in two days mother love entered the stage


I am at the airport, my flight is delayed once more and I decided to post now, as I will be really late at home – but I need to be quick, as I am running low on battery and the charging cable travels in the luggage I checked in.

Will add more later …

Thank you, Melisa!

<3 Susanne

DAY 215

Back home in Istanbul!

The weather changed in my week of absence, I needed some time to adapt today, unfortunately with a headache … as coffee mostly helps me to overcome headaches, I picked Katrin with a cup of coffee!

Me and my head are very grateful for the use of bigger brushes today!

Posting here now and seeing the inspiration and my painting of Katrin so close to each other, I really need to stop myself of going back to the atelier, going into details, trying to get as close as possible to the original photo. I want to stop this inner critics, as the painting felt ready earlier, with a really strong power.


Thank you, Katrin!

<3 Susanne

DAY 216

„What if time is not linear?“ Due to the movie „Arrival“, which was recommended by my friend, I was with this question since the morning and when Deniz’ inspiration came out, i really loved it for today!

I started with the background, folding the paper in the middle. of course I tried to get the shape in a way, but there is always some luck with it, at least for me!

And I was amazed looking at the result and seeing a woman forming the first hill, like mother earth …

… and around her the picture then started to grow.

Thank you, Deniz!

<3 Susanne


DAY 217

She stayed in the treasure chest for a very long time, almost half a year … and finally today was her day: my dear friend Susanne’s!

One of the interesting days again, where brushes and colours seem to work without thinking. After I had taped this clear structured background with masking tape, all kinds of paint found their way to the paper: charcoal, water colours, ink, acrylic, gouache and oil paint…

Why I did not remove the masking tape before painting Susanne, I cannot say, I had just painted over it and when noticing, I decided to cut the tape later and leave this part stuck on.

I followed this plan while removing the tape …  just to witness myself a milliseconds later, taking this part of the tape off and sticking it up side down again onto the paper. I must have kept my breath, as I was bursting out loud quite shocked after a time “Susanne, what are you doing?!?”  …  “Keep calm and just paint the “empty” space in gold”, was the answer  … so I did.

There is a lot in this painting!

Thank you, Susanne!

<3 Susanne



DAY 218

Today I woke up at 4:15 and could not go back to sleep … so I got up after a while, cooked myself a coffee and started my day!

Tatyana made her early way out of the treasure chest. Tatyana had sent in two photos and I was quite curious, which of the both would make its way … tataaaaa:

I had noticed before, in these early hours I seem to be most intuitive, and after the flow yesterday, I really tried to be a witness of my self from the start and take myself back …  hahaha, I almost had spoiled it in the first minutes, when “the brushes” had put blue on the whole paper and it did not go in a nice structure and also the paint was an old IKEA one, which was a left over from an earlier kids activity … anyway, I resisted to start over immediately, very actively deciding to let go and see what happens (these early hours of the day helped being relaxed, as I could have started over easily!).

But some answers don’t take too long: When a goose came in, I understood, that this paint is in a way removable! Inside I felt this huge smile and warm feeling!

When Tatyana and the goose had found their way into the blue, a deer claimed its existance – and I felt a second time like being in Harry Potter’s world … “Expecto Patronum!” …

All interpretations up to you, Tatyana! Thank you!


<3 Susanne

DAY 219

Today’s inspiration comes like yesterday’s from Russia – Natali’s mum, Ludmila, who claimed her stage, after we met via Skype!

She had sent with her photo the message: “I love flowers. They hug me, inspire me and love me. :)” …

… and indeed, they did … first I was trying to change the blossoms to white, where they touched the pink – and then I noticed, this is a kind of hug, isn’t it?

Let it be! 

Sending a warm hug and a thank you, Ludmila!

<3 Susanne

DAY 220

Today I picked my dear cousin, Alex, who had just entered the project recently.

After 20 years of considering, she just did it and got a tattoo – a water turtle. She had shared the photo of it with me before and while sketching, the tattoo was permanently around … ok, so here you go! (the head of the turtle is far away from the tattoo, but I hope it is still recognizable! :-))

First gold moved in and then black ink!

Thank you, Alex! Blessed by the spirit of your tattoo today!

<3 Susanne




DAY 221

**** Sorry, I had picked the wrong format *** therefore this painting was not visible in the gallery ****


Coming home from a dance class – oh, I loved it – I am posting finally today’s picture. I picked Ekim today, she had sent three inspiration, this one came out:

… and Ekim had shared a message also:

“Creation is dance of the spirit ” – “Yaratım özün dansıdır “
I did not ban all other colours from the atelier – it just happened, that I used again black and gold like yesterday! “What is the gift I am carrying? What does it require to follow the golden thread? … polarities, black and white, grey, emptiness, spaces, making or taking decisions, … these just a few thoughts/words, which danced through my mind during painting…
Creation as a dance of the spirit, how nice, and the theme of the dance session tonight was “relaxing in simplicity” –
it seemed also to inspire me during my day today:
 Thank you, Ekim!
<3 Susanne

DAY 222

Today I picked Hannah, my cousin’s daughter – mother and daughter had just recently sent her photo, but somehow they claimed their stage with high speed!

It is nice – Hannah’s picture carried her message: “Schön blöd nicht an Wunder zu glauben” – “Stupid not to believe in miracles” …

and we go … my inner critics almost killed me today, I got her face, and in the very end just wanted to do some minor changes and then I lost her completely – there was a lot of potential for a drama, I am proud I resisted and even, as I deciced to “whiten” the face again at 21:00 and start again …  from the beginning (of course just the face) … as the rest of the painting had come with ease and speaks for itself, I believe 🙂

Thank you, Hannah!

<3 Susanne

DAY 223

This morning I got up very early to start painting, as I had another dance session at noon.

And I picked this one if Inka’s three inspirations out of the treasure chest:

Somehow it moved me to red and pink:

It was a beautiful day!

Thank you, Inka!

<3 Susanne

DAY 224

Ines’ day today!

… and the brushes went crazy!

I had started in really much lighter colours, more like on the original – but somehow they did not want to stay! Crazy! … and teeth and glasses in one painting…two of the most difficult things for me!


Thank you, Ines!

<3 Susanne

DAY 225

Manal’s day! A really different inspiration!

And the painting came in layers – my logical mind said a few times, that it might be finished, but it continued and continued…

and I documented most of the stages, so here you go:

(actually here I had already signed it as it felt finished … but it continued after coming back home this evening:)

I am quite exhausted and going to bed now! 🙂

Thank you, Manal!

<3 Susanne

P.S.: why your hair became red, no idea, I just know, it started with the hair today!


DAY 226

Today Ainara and her two dogs jumped out of the treasure chest!

It started with choosing the format and then there was a dark green on an old palette and this was the first colour on the paper! After a long while a quite green picture!

Thank you, Ainara!

<3 Susanne

DAY 227

Today I picked Marie, who is 103 in this picture! Wow!

I felt a lot of peace during painting … and warmth … and wisdom ..  and joy … and gratefulness …

Thank you, Marie!

<3 Susanne


DAY 228

My last day in Istanbul, again I will say good-bye to a place and the person I do call home, and I felt a kind of sadness, waking up this morning.

… and then Julia’s day today. I remember, she had sent in 4 pictures, all very expressive … this one wanted to come out!

I had no idea how to do this … and somehow it started with back ink …

… and starting from there, very mixed media found its way onto the paper. My logical brain tried to make it all softer, somehow the brushes decided differently. It gave me a lot of strength and power today, awakened that goddess within!

The black is quite shiny, so depending on the angle and the light, there are reflections, therefore I am posting two photos!

Thank you, Julia!

<3 Susanne

DAY 229

Travelling day – got up very early and picked my inspiration of the day: Ayten, who is on the left and her mother Rahime… what a lovely picture!

… off to the airport, flying, driving, arriving, meeting some people after all the time in Istanbul … in the end it was afternoon until I finally entered the atelier.

There I decided, that it will be impossible to serve both women – so today became Rahime’s day and Ayten will follow tomorrow!

Oh, I loved these eyes – so fresh and full of life!

Thank you, Rahime!

<3 Susanne

DAY 230

As said yesterday, Ayten’s day today. It was somehow different,  going to bed last night and waking up this morning, knowing already, who will be the inspiration of today!

And here we go …

After I had finished Ayten’s painting, both of them wanted to merge … so I cut the paper! (they can be separated again, and both will be full A2 paintings, but I really love them together!!) Don’t you think so?


DAY 231

Today’s inspiration reached me from the US, so my late night post will find you during the day!

Very strong colours moved in today – most probably one of the most colorful paintings so far. I am not questioning anything during the process, what wants to come, comes – it all stated with orange! Somehow I was surprised!

Today’s inspiration had asked me, if I can share some information about the disease she suffers from: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. I have to admit, I never heard about this illness, so let me share the link for more information, in case it is the same for you:

My inspiration says: ” I took the picture to share the absurdity of my situation with some online friends (well, all my friends are online. I’m rarely able to leave the house, and having people over can be almost as exhausting for me as going out due to sensory hypersensitivity) who share the illness I have, partly just for amusement, and partly thinking it might help others too if they could figure out how to safely do something similar.”
Sh captioned it something like “some days this shit turns you inside out, some days you go upside down!”
if you want to support the research about this illness, please find here two possibilities:
for direct research-donations:
for donate-by-shopping options like Amazon Smile 

… and here you go:

Thank you and all the best!!

<3 Susanne

DAY 232

Aiiii. I fell asleep last night during posting here…  waking up, my laptop is open and the first lines written – sorry – now here you go!

This (yesterday) morning I picked Christiane with her son and started my day early!

After a huge break, where we went on a beautiful hike to one of the neighbour villages, though the colourful forest in nice autumn sun shine, I went back in the evening.

Again quite bright colours requested their way (and not because they were still on the pallet!). I found it interesting that mother and son picked a different background and how they met. I had started blending them like right in the middle, afterwards they plugged more into eachother. Green energies!

Thank you, Christiane!

<3 Susanne

DAY 233

Dariya’s day today!

Today I couldn’t work with a printout as I couldn’t reach the printer, means I had just my laptop screen, which is really difficult for me and I got up very early, as this afternoon we had an invitation, which his giving me a time limit, which I again don’t really like to work with. This both led to not my  best mood when I opened the door to the old house, where the atelier is. Maybe this was the difference that for the first time I looked into the corner behind the front door and I found butterflies there, covered in dust. Three of them were sadly already dead, but a fourth one was still alive. When I offered my finger, Nr. 4 took the invitation immediately. Upstairs I fed it with some juice and took it to the sun – it was amazing to watch, how its power and life forces came back and in the end it started to fly!


Somehow I felt, the other three next to the entrance should find some home too and I took them and cleaned them a s good as possible from the dust…

… so these butterflies were my second inspiration while painting! All colours in the painting are colours I found in the butterflies (if you ask me, why the face is not painted or why the arms are: once more I don’t know). Just using the butterfly colours (by the way, this specific specious is called “kleiner Fuchs”  in German, what means “small fox”)  were not enough, also the butterflies wanted to be there. Instead of just gluing them, I painted them first and glued the real once on top. As they are so fragile and in any case, I did not want to lose them (even in case they might get damaged).

and here the real ones flew to their final position 🙂

Thank you, Dariya!


<3 Susanne

DAY 234

Tuba’s day, who claimed her stage together with her daughter Dora and their cat Susam!

What belongs to whom – sometimes I asked myself during painting – quite a different painting today!

Thank you, Tuba, Dora and Susam!

<3 Susanne

DAY 235

This morning I picked Tatjana with this lovely inspiration:

Again it surprised me: not one single brush stroke today, just dots and spots with the brushes.

The blanket was like a meditation, the sky was strong and kind of wild, the sand was playful and fun, the face was highest concentration and learning to accept and love, love this perfect imperfection!

Ah, and as you can see, a feather moved into the hair and the dog is watching the moon – and now I just notice, all elements are there again!

Thank you, Tatjana!

<3 Susanne

DAY 236

Michelle’s day today! We got to know each other during this painting workshop earlier this year, I had mentioned before!

Funny, painting an artist made a difference – I noticed after a while, that I wasn’t really relaxed, if not even nervous! So I gave it a break, in which I agreed with myself, to simply give space to what wants to show and come than the trial to “be perfect” in details. This helped! And quite a lot moved through and as you can see, I kept my promise!

“Translation” was the word, which somehow came with the painting.

Thank you, Michelle!

<3 Susanne

DAY 237

Strange day today. When I woke up, my mood was actually quite good, but somehow it changed and I felt quite confused.

I picked Burcu’s inspiration today. Burcu claimed her stage together with Burcak (who had joined the project before, and they shared the message: “Sometimes a friend becomes a sister!” When the inspiration reached me, I had already answered, that I have no idea, what will happen during the “painting” day, that I couldn’t promise to paint them both in one day, as it is sometimes super difficult to deal with more than one energy. It was agreed, I will focus on Burcu.

Normally, when I get to the atelier and start painting, it is like diving into another world. So I was quite confused, that my mood continued and it was difficult from the first beginning to bring Burcu to stage. So I painted all day and I decided in the evening, that I cannot make it to paint both of them and colored the background all in green. Just noticing, some minutes later, I actually had already started to tidy up, that I wiped off the green from the paper and the brushes started to paint Burcak, to my complete confusion, short time later she was there.

What a day, but I believe, I can trust my brushes.

Thank you  – both of you!

<3 Susanne

DAY 238

Katharina’s day today!

Since a long time I painted with turpentine and oil colours. I really love that the days are so different! And today went smooth! Strong eyes today!

Thank you, Katharina!

<3 Susanne

DAY 239

Today Valerie came out – and I noticed, that I had just put her name to the treasure chest without welcoming her on stage – I really appologize, it happened, sorry! Welcome to your stage, Valerie!

I wrote it so many times already: every day starts in its own way! Today first the complete background moved in!

Thank you, Valerie!

<3 Susanne

DAY 240

Ursula’s day today! Ursula had sent in three pictures, this one came out today!

Teeth and glasses – Ursula was like a medicine today, many times I struggle with both, today they went smooth!

Listening to the colour of the background took a while and quite some trials – but when this one moved in, it felt just right!

Thank you, Ursula!

<3 Susanne



DAY 241

This morning was a real Autumn morning, cold and foggy air blew around my nose when I rode my bike to the atelier. And in my bag I carried Lera, and I really loved picking this inspiration today!

To my surprise, the painting moved in quite quick, although I had brought loads of time to the atelier today. Colours decided very clear, and the painting process moved really smooth and the sea somehow wasn’t as stormy, the sky a bit more dramatic and the bird wanted to be emphasized in red, which did not surprise me, as I had the feeling, that there was something about voice and sound in this picture! Singing? Now, during posting, I become aware, that the colour of the throat chakra made its way to the paper – interesting. And yet, these are just my thoughts and feelings.


Thank you, Lera!

<3 Susanne

DAY 242

This morning I picked Ezgi. Thank you life, for serving me well! It wasn’t my best morning and there was a kind of darkness, I struggled with. This inspiration fitted so well:

And Ezgi had shared, that her photo was taken in placed called Ayna, which is the Turkish word for Mirror … and this inspired her to a poem:

Mirrors, trying to show our real faces to ourselves
The truth beneath our soul
Taking off all the masks
Can you see it?
Is it the fear that makes us cover
From outside world?
The desire to hide your weaknesses
It is us, covering
Hiding real faces
Don’t blame anyone for the reason.
Look at the mirror,
It is you!
In the atelier it was once again very interesting, as today no oil or other paint I’d used so far “entered” the stage – today it was coffee – Turkish coffee! The “brighter” colours are pure coffee, for the darker ones I mixed some ink into it. I had no idea, what would come out or also how it may change its colours in the future. The Turkish coffee powder is still on the dark parts of the paper, it may peel off too …
Thank you, Ezgi!
<3 Susanne

DAY 243

2/3 of the project is already done – wow! And this morning I sent put the invitation again and until now 8 new women claimed their stage! A huge thank you to all of you, women on stage and to everyone how is supporting this project!

I picked Elif in the morning:

The violin moved in first and with more ease than I had expected, also the body. The face was a different story today, but we made it! There was some fine music on stage! I really enjoyed this tenderness today!

Thank you, Elif!

<3 Susanne


DAY 244

My village here is in the middle of a huge forest. And beginning of this year, I had asked the neighbor who was cutting woods, if he could cut one slice for me from a very beautiful trunk. Since then, this slice was with me. “For what are you keeping this”, I was asked … and I did not know, what to answer – today I do:

Picking this photo of Azar this morning (she had sent in two) …

…somehow my first thought went to this piece of wood. So instead of going to the atelier, I went to my fathers garage and polished the slice. Later in the atelier, I put some linseed oil onto it, massaged it in and then these amazing colours started to shine and with painting Azar, they just melted into each other!

The spirit of this tree found a new home!

Here some pictures of today’s stages:

the slice in the morning…

… and after polishing (you see, it is not that big, I took this picture while it was “sitting” on a chair):

Look at these amazing colours after I put the oil and it is so smooth and soft…

… and then they just melted into each other:

Thank you, Azar!

<3 Susanne

DAY 245

Yasemin’s day today! She came out of the treasure chest with this one out of the three pictures she had sent in! Yasemin had given me some hints or wishes, “please also use snake or mermaid figures or four-leaf clove”. So I was curious, if one of them will show up today!

Yasemin, I am sorry, none of them came. This is what happened:

Somehow it felt like a marriage with life!

The background is gold acrylic paint – it reflects the light very nice and I wish that this shine of the veil will stay!

Thank you, Yasemin, I gave you your four-clover in the signature! 🙂

<3 Susanne

DAY 246

Sadja, who just joined the project 2 days ago, came out of the treasure chest this morning!

Today painting was a bit different as the last days:  everything melted into each other, most of the time, I really rubbed the colours into each other with my fingers or a tissue, for the hair I used a painting knive to “carve out” the contrasts aferwards. As each picture somehow decides on its style, I followed. The colours of the shirt were a blind pick – yellow and pink – and of course, also they merged.

Thank you, Sadja!

<3 Susanne

DAY 247

Ceren’s day!

It wasn’t the easiest painting day, I woke up really sad, not knowing why. During painting the question came to my mind, as an adult I have strategies to deal with, if I don’t like the painting someone did of myself, but what about kids?

I loved and smiled when I heard the call of this bright yellow, which took quite some thoughts away!

Thank you, Ceren!

<3 Susanne

DAY 248

This morning I picked Bérénice, who said with her photo: “I am reborn, a lilac phenix”!

I guess, today I painted a lot of me also, at least I find my mood very much in today’s painting.

The choice of paint were water colours, blood and ink.

I am aware, and especially now, seeing them both so close to each other during posting, the original carries a very special strength, which I might not have been able to capture – but this it what it moved me to today:

Thank you, B!  – I am more than glad you are a phoenix! x

<3 Susanne

DAY 249

*** SORRY!! I HAD PICKED THE WRONG FORMAT YESTERDAY, so therefore this blogpost was not displayed!***


Carolina’s day!

Crazy – this is the word I find for what happened today  – these colours moved in with a huge power! Like every day I opened the day with the invitation to come what wants to come, stay, what wants to stay and go, what wants to go … I had sketched the village, but from the first moment the colours with all their intensity just took over.

Wow! I could not stop adding ink until the paper was soaked completely.

The arch and the inside is shining … sorry, I did not take a picture on which it can be seen!

Thank you, Carolina!

<3 Susanne


DAY 250

Janine jumped out of the treasure chest this morning!

In the atelier the choice was oil paint and to my surprise these colours (don’t get confused by the pallet, all old and dry paint, I indicated today’s colours with a pink circle):

and here we go, all of the colours used and just these  – mission completed – and this is what wanted to be there, once again a day, I just followed the brushes …

Thank you, Janine!

<3 Susanne

DAY 251

Today I picked Hannelore!

I had learnt the special story around this bench. Her daughter put it in memorial of her father on the top of mount Wallberg in Bavaria. How beautiful!

I started to paint the sky with acrylic colours, but after the first strokes, it did not feel right and I changed to oil paint. The interesting thing is, that I had the impulse just to paint the sky from top to bottom. Definitely it would have been so much easier with tissues in sideward strokes, as there is this color gradient. But this was no option! I counted, around 150 brush stokes per minute and it took me quite a while – so definitely more than 2000 times I stroked the sky.

… in the end, where I first had put the acrylic paint, the sky started to shine (therefore also the darker colour on the photo of the painting, not too much visible “in reality”)

On the original Hannelore’s face is quite dark, so I tried to bring in a bit more light, hoping, that I am not too far away!

Thank you, Hannelore!

<3 Susanne

DAY 252

Irina’s day! She had just joined the project a few days ago, with two inspirations – this one came out:

It felt like Irina gave also a stage to the stage! After I received a very sad news today, painting wasn’t so easy anymore, yet I hope I could capture some of this excitement, joy and shine!

Thank you, Irina!

<3 Susanne

DAY 253

This morning Ayşegül came out of the treasure chest! 

The left eye went straight to the middle of right and left! I had some sessions of a healing technique called “From Separation to Unity” last year, where you look each other into the left eye. Somehow these sessions came to my mind again  … remembering and receiving in the heart space.

Thank you, Ayşegül!

<3 Susanne

P.S. A friend visited me today and stayed with me all day, she captured the process and just shared it with me as a surprise! How beautiful, so I want to share with you also:

DAY 254

Özlem came out of the treasure chest this morning!

Today’s painting started with this blue and very dynamic back ground, interesting  – then the face moved in with oil paint and then a second time to my surprise, the jacket and the hat picked oil crayons, I cannot remember using them already during the project … and please don’t ask me why these colours!

Thank you, Özlem!

<3 Susanne

DAY 256

This morning Merve jumped out of the treasure chest with her dog Dora!

These two had such an amazing energy and speed, I was almost too slow to serve! Wow! I did not go into the correction of any details really, as I did not want to lose this amazing power!

Thank you, Merve!

<3 Susanne

DAY 257

Steffi’s day!

Last weekend my friend had asked me something like how I am handling to take the potential risk „to ruin“ a picture by just following an Impulse. There is not such a thought, I said. Today I was very limited with my time – and the painting somehow „requested“ a painting knife. This time, I have to admit, my brain told me straight „this is risky“ – and yet again, I was sure, if I decide for something else, it might be even harder. So here you go, a full painting knife painting … and it really went smooth, and I am happy, that trusting after 257 days became somewhat easier!

Thank you, Steffi!

<3 Susanne

DAY 258

Vero’s day!

… another question came to my mind today. This time Vero had asked me quite some time ago, when I stayed and painted a few days in her flat: “do you think about what style the woman might like?” “no”, was my answer, “I believe she will tell me in a way”.

Vero did and she really challenged my today! Water colours (this would have already been enough) with just one brush! Uff, we had many imaginary conversations in my head! 🙂 “A frame, but open, …” , at least she “allowed” me to use some charcoal! After the charcoal I put some fixation spray and thought I was ready and wanted to go an prepare some food …

well, no, but this time it was something else, once more one of these strong impulses: I had suddenly grabbed white oil paint and straight from the tube put it onto the paper, around the frame. It felt like baking a cake, putting the cream with a spatula (sorry, that it is not very visible on the photo).

And here you go:

Thank you, Vero!

<3 Susanne

DAY 259

Serife’s day, who joined the project with a photo taken 34 years ago!

I am on the road, so I am limited with my choice of paint!

But I tried to serve as good as possible! First Serife changed the side of the bench and then this picture requested a lot of freedom and structure at the same time – very interesting!  So I picked the colours blindly after I had put these lines.

Thank you, Serife!

<3 Susanne

DAY 260

Naciye was in the treasure box for so long, that I was almost surprised when she came out this morning! Hos geldin!

The back ground went completely black, but already with the structure of the different elements …

… and then the colours moved in!  oh, what a difference! 🙂

Thank you, Naciye!

<3 Susanne

DAY 262

Janice’s day, who has a baking company called “Why Not Pie”. Where they make bakery goods and foods by hand from scratch.  And she loves making food and beautiful things to eat and especially working with homegrown and local foods.
First there was a juggling with the pies – fun and joy … and then the three planets moved in – if you ask me “why?” – my answer today will be:  “why not!” 🙂 I have really no idea! Venus, Mars and Jupiter!
Thank you, Janice!
<3 Susanne

DAY 263

Jeanette’s day today! Jeanette had sent in also two pictures, this one came out…

Somehow I felt like zooming in!

After the green of the background was dried, I mixed some more with more oil, I wish, that shiny effect will stay, when it is completely dry, as it underlines perfectly what I felt!

Thank you, Jeanette!

<3 Susanne


DAY 264

Today was a quite challenging day.

This morning, when I woke up, I felt the urge to super clean the kitchen. So I used that energy and to my surprise I really enjoyed it somehow. It was a bit like a dance. After quite some time everywhere was clean! I was so happy and proud of myself! I had cleaned the hob and the sink, that they almost looked new. I decided to have a coffee and some breakfast, sitting in the kitchen and breath in for some moments this clean feeling! I put milk on the hob to heat it up and put oat meal in a bowl – well, there it started: I put more next to the bowl than inside, as the paper packaging somehow had a hole (yes, the floor was dirty again). While I was filling the oat meal into a jar, I remembered the milk on the hob… and just in this moment, the milk cooked over. deep breathing! ok, I decided to anyway have this coffee before starting over. Pressing the button, the coffee machine gave an error message, that the brewing unit needs to be cleaned. After also that was done, I really had to start over! To my surprise, I still found myself in a good mood and after finishing, ready to picked my inspiration of the day: Eugenia!

In the atelier the colours decided to be white, brown, olive green and magenta. Ok!

I struggled a bit with these beautiful eyes today – which I found quite challenging again, as eyes normally move in with more ease.

At around 2:30 PM, I went again to the kitchen to prepare some food (after my breakfast had just been a coffee in the end). During cooking, I understood, that our olive oil was not nice anymore, but at least no bigger “accident” happened …

… just I took that bottle of oil with me to the atelier after lunch and found myself in the next moment putting it over the whole painting. Wow! Well, this was a challenge, but instead of questing, why I had done that (and also in this massive way – the paper was flooded with oil), I just checked, what needs to be worked over (as the oil soaks in the paper more where is no paint or just less and is changing the colours).

The paper is almost transparent where there is just oil!

Reading now Eugenia’s words with her photo:

… I’m beautiful. I am the light. I am Love.


Yes, you are and everything makes sense!

If I hadn’t cleaned the kitchen and just had my breakfast, I hadn’t lunch and I wouldn’t have noticed the oil was not nice for eating anymore! Here you go!

I am sure, this painting will keep on changing and I am curious in which way, as the oil might continue changing its colour.


and against the light:

and some pictures of today’s process:

the painting before lunch:

and with the oil:

Thank you, Eugenia!


<3 Susanne


DAY 265

Late night post, so just s short one:

This morning I picked Zena.

and here what it moved me to:

I will write a little bit more tomorrow!

For today, thank you, Zena!

<3 Susanne

I felt the importance of the woman next to Zena, Zena’s mother, so she is there. The colour of the background actulally spread from her and if you look close, you can see some difference!


DAY 266

Today Kerstin came out of the treasure chest – kind of with high-speed, after I just had received her picture taken this Halloween:

I thought a lot about witches today! How much magic do we carry and don’t live it?


Thank you, Kerstin!

<3 Susanne

DAY 267

Sandra’s day!

If you ask me about the colour scheme, I did not think about. if you ask me about why her left hand disappeared into the orange, I don’t know, if you ask me about the blue stripes, I did not think about – I just followed until it let me go.

Thank you, Sandra!

<3 Susanne


DAY 268

I just could go to the atelier in the afternoon, so it was a long day! Lisa came out of the treasure chest. Now, while posting, I read, that this picture was taken at a chapel in Crete!

… it started not as an easy painting day – I even “offered” to start over after a while, which seemed not to be accepted. So we made our way through the afternoon. There was something deep and wild and sacred. I did not receive the place as chapel, but as a truly sacred place. Earth, mother earth, and I felt the urge to paint with her. So I went in the evening to the local pottery to ask for some clays. No idea, how this can work, if it will stick to the paper when it is dry or how it will change, but I just had to do it: the walls are clay on paper.

Thank you, Lisa!

<3 Susanne

DAY 269

Vittoria’s day!


Harvesting – it warmed my heart today!

Somehow I felt like sitting there with her, filling the bowl.

This dark brown moved in as background, it is dark, yet a warm tone. (maybe it is a bit visible on this photo). I really loved how it supported and underlined her grace.

Thank you, Vittoria!

<3 Susanne


DAY 270

Gabi’s day!


Today I was hijacked by the question, what if she doesn’t like this painting  … and the more I tried to paint “nice”, the more I lost control.Very interesting painting day, and this question came again and again.

Now, posting and reading Gabi’s words with her inspiration, it might make sense – she said, that she normally doesn’t like herself on photos, but this one she does.


Thank you, Gabi!

<3 Susanne

DAY 271

Christina came out of the treasure chest today!

The background moved in first in this fiery red and the dress didn’t want to show up, so I did not force it!

Thank you, Christina! Happy New Moon!

<3 Susanne

DAY 272

This morning I picked Mariel…

… and she was with me all day! This fearless ride into the dark, was exactly what I needed as a support today!

And I really apologize – I run out of white again (I#b been sure there was another tube!?!)  – so this painting is A3 size – this means, the face is just about a 2 Euro coin size! Mini brushes! The black ink is a bit shiny, hard to capture this picture in artificial light!

Thank you, Mariel! Thank you for being with me all day!

<3 Susanne

DAY 273

Edith’s day!

… and here what it moved me to today – somehow I felt very tired, but Edith came with quite some power and somehow this polarity underlined itself.

Thank you, Edith!

<3 Susanne

DAY 274

Zeynep’s day today!

And Zeynep had shared with her photo some words:  “Once Upon a time… When I was in love”.

What caught my attention in today’s inspiration, especially in combination with Zeynep’s words: the fabrics! When I visited lake Baikal in 2010, I came – for the first time in my life – across this custom, that you leave a part of you, mostly some fabrics of your cloths or a tissue, at a place you want to return. I still have some images in my mind, trees full of these intentions!

So I painted with acrylic paint, as it dries very quickly and searched and found some tissues of my child hood.

With these in my pocket, I started to ask everyone I met today, to take or to tear off a strip of these tissues and put it with an intention, a nice memory of a place or feeling where they want to return to. And here you go, every single strip is charged by one person… and maybe more will follow!

It was a lovely day – my cousin and god son had come to visit, so they were the first ones and then meeting people, inviting them to join and then see, how happily they contributed.

Thank you, Zeynep!

<3 Susanne


DAY 275

Lisa came out of the treasure chest this morning, with the wonderful message: “I am enough!” and a plea for self-love.

Today was not an easy sunday. A lot happened during painting. A few days ago, I had written as an answer to a Facebook comment “I am “just” holding the brushes” … and a friend replied to my comment: ” … I don’t see a “just” here”. This came to my mind today. Bang! Yes, my friend is right, there is so much more than “just” holding the brushes – and as long as I am making myself smaller, choosing the words like I did, we are all doing this. So I recorded a long message to myself today, first describing the whole situation, trying to put it to words, apologizing and promising myself to really take better care and appreciate more what I am doing. It really felt good, to speak out these words loud.

The painting itself started with a free-handed charcoal circle on the white paper, it went round and round and round.

The whole process described above happened during painting. yes, It got quite messy, but then I coud take off some paint again, layer by layer,  and allowed the colours to move in more consciously. What a difference!

What are the colours I want to surround myself? What is the texture, the quality? Do I see myself with the same eyes than I see others? Am I celebrating myself enough? … so many questions came – and again and again Lisa’s clear plea for self-love was in my ear!

Thank you, Lisa!

<3 Susanne

DAY 276

Gudrun’s day! Gudrun had shared with her picture: “I love the sea and the wind. So this picture (taken when I was on a ferry back home from La Gomera to Germany) reflects my love.”

… and the sky and the sea moved in to same parts and I almost could feel the wind in the hair … and the yellow and the green shifted their shape!

Thank you, Gudrun!

<3 Susanne

DAY 277

I picked Ebru today, again an inspiration, which just came in lately.

Ebru had told me about her difficult relation with bikes after a bike accident … and when I received the inspiratin, I imagined how a picture could look like …  and I was very surprised what came out today! No explanations, I followed what came!

Thank you, Ebru!

Gecmis olsun!

<3 Susanne

DAY 278

Larissa came out of the treasure chest today, with this picture, taken in the Arena of Verona!

I thought of giving her the arena also – but black requested its existence strongly and somehow I felt in peace like this.

Thank you, Larissa!

<3 Susanne

DAY 279

Feyza’s day.

I’d been angry with myself today, as I missed an appointment. I guess, it wasn’t that much the fact, that I missed it, as the information about that meeting did not reach me, but I had a stomach feeling, and it came back again and again and I ignored it.

I just had sketched Feyza, the rest moved in without any sketch – it was a kind of meditation, brick by brick, stone by stone. That bronze frame came then with a huge brush – the biggest I found … but some pat did not want to stay in a frame…

… and just now I notice, the houses have no doors … hm.

Thank you, Feyza!

<3 Susanne

DAY 280

Not an easy day after some quite shocking news today. These days are so intense!

I had to take my breaks – and it was a blessing I picked our neighbor here today. She was quite gentle with me.

I lit a candle all day and I am sending out prayers … and want to ask you to light a candle for love. peace and FREEDOM also and send best wishes and prayers for especially one of the women on stage!


Thank you – and thank you, Rosl!

<3 Susanne

DAY 281

I wondered who will be with me today – and, oh my goddess, Senem made her way out of the treasure chest today … most probably one of the closest souls to mine … and then she felt it and called and asked me directly, if it was her today. wow!

Senem had sent in a picture with a great memory and says with her picture:  “This is the expression, wish, intention for this period of my life that I want to give, nothing else; Joy, playfulness, spontaneity, authenticity, flow!”

I was curious, what wants to show up today in times which are so crazily intense …


… and I was surprised. So much just flew through. During painting there was no thinking, no fear, no hesitation and loads of paint and layers and also clarity.

Thank you, Senem! Thank you, for claiming your stage and being with me today and always!

Love. Freedom. Peace.

<3 Susanne



DAY 282

This day started with good news!! Gosh, my heart was dancing!

And then I picked Natalya  – who waited in the treasure chest quite long to come out!  And Natalya says with her picture; “I run a self-defence club for women. At this photo I listen to our students’ stories after a good training. I’m really happy there. That’s one of the moments that I’d love to share.”

I felt happy to work with a happy moment today…


First of all the lynx jumped off the T-shirt (I guess, it is one on the T-Shirt, anyway this is what came anyway)… and then I don’t know if it is my actual situation, where quite some changes may come up and/or mix or the inspiration:

These autumn colours moved in, with the strong questions: What is ready? what is ready to be received? what can I harvest? what can I let go? what is the essence?

Thank you, Natalya! This painting helped me a lot today!

<3 Susanne

DAY 283

This morning I picked Daniela, who had sent me many pictures, most of them related to a very intense time of her life, when her daugther was very sick. She describes this time as the most difficult time of her life, but which also let her grow.

And this picture came out:

and here is where it moved me to:

so much strength, so much love!

Thank you, Daniela and all the best for your daughter! What a strength!

<3 Susanne

DAY 284

Today I picked a friend here from the village, who had just asked yesterday, if I really put her to the treasure chest 😉 … and here we go! Life!

She sent in a picture with her dog, who I am very grateful for, as it was the first big dog, I did not feel afraid of. RIP, Bob!

I gave my best to capture both and used most of the day my fingers.

Thank you, Ala!

<3 Susanne

DAY 285

Birgit`s day today! Birgit also waited a long time to come out of the treasure chest!

Somehow it wasn`t the easiest painting day – I worked on both faces in parallel. interesting painting style, which showed up today! What do I see in the mirror?What do I see first? What do I love most?

Thank you, Birgit!

<3 Susanne

DAY 286

This morning I picked Öznur.

This inspiration brought up a lot of sadness and grief in me today, with the feeling of being able to hold the space for it and stand with it, even it is painful.

No idea, if Öznur wanted to express any of this, but it moved me all day.

When I thought the painting was finished, I cleaned the brushes and wanted to leave – but something pulled me back, and I started to paint again, without looking to the orignal inspiration again. After feeling finished again, the picture s much lighter. Oh, how I love these moments, when this happens!

My first “finished” painting:


and after the brushes pulled me back:

Thank you, Öznur!

<3 susanne

DAY 287

Natalie came out of the treasure chest today! Natalie shared with her photo: “I love travelling, music and dancing. They give me constant movement in my life.”  … and just a few minutes ago I learnt: it is her birthday today!!! Happy birthday, Natalie! How nice!

I felt quite a lot of life in today`s painting – and it came in so many layers and I couldn’t capture the whole process, as it was just too quick – but I took some!

the oil colours moved in first, and then suddenly, I took ink – yellow ink – and it was like a firework of joy (you can still see some of the yellow ink sprinkles), and then there was a lot of yellow ink all over the paper, where had been no oil paint before, moved around like a yellow frame. This frame became orange and then red and then disappeared completely again, as the sky grew and the water and the grass … and again and again ink – red ink, fluid, dancing over the paint –  and then finally the magenta/pink colour moved in – keeping the structure of the three elements …

Difficult to describe! 🙂 really quite a lot!


Thank you, Natalie, and again best birthday wishes and kisses!

<3 Susanne


DAY 288

This morning I picked Tine…with a special inspiration, as one of her slo mo videos came out of the treasure chest!

Please click here to see the video:  Tine

I watched the video plenty of times ad then sketched quickly the scene which came to my mind first and surprised myself, that it was a scene at the end of the clip …

With still the sketching charcoal in my hands, some wings moved in…

I have to say, this was one of the quickest paintings ever – and I really left the atelier to save it from my perfectionism, not to lose what came out with this power.

Thank you, Tine!

<3 Susanne



DAY 289

This morning I picked Dilek, with her inspiration under rain, where she felt free and happy, as she shared. And she shared some song lyrics, from Leonard Cohen’s song, Anthem

“ring the bells that still can ring
forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in”
I listened to the song and started sketching and painting on paper. I couldn’t do it, as hard as I tried, I just couldn’t transport that happiness. After quite a while I decided to give it a break, as I got quite tensed, which definitely isn’t the state to transport happiness! In this break, I “find” myself continuing to paint on a piece of wood, which was lying around…and then there it was. a feeling of happiness!
… so I continued on the wood! Not polished, just I put some oil and in the end the structure served the rain very well  :-).
When I searched for the song, I found the cover of the album “Future” – and parts of it made its way to the shirt.
Thank you, Dilek!
<3 Susanne

DAY 290

I woke up this morning and had dreamt of my mother and I felt a sweet sadness. In this mood, I picked Aytaç and just at lunch time I found the energy to finally go to the atelier…

… but then I liked it, being there together, Aytaç’s face came really with a kind of ease – and the colours picked themselves also quite loudly .. this was good, as I had more time to work on the hands! I also had a cup of tea and I tried to hold it like this!

Thank you, Aytaç! Thank you for being with me in this state of sweet sadness!

<3 Susanne


DAY 291

Katharina and her horse Mathilde jumped out of the treasure chest this morning. Katharina had told me, that Mathilde is with her since she is 4 and now she is almost 20! Wow!

My mind said, “zoom in”, as I didn’t want to go into small brushes today, but like many times before, the brushes decided differently, so I tried to serve as good as possible!

Mixed media, with quite a lot of parts painted with oil paint .. loads of it, where the flowers bloom!

Thank you, Katharina!

<3 Susanne


DAY 292

Sabine’s day!


A green oval appeared, followed by strong lilac, which I thought was for the whole background, but the brush stopped at the middle. It took me a while to understand, what wanted to be on the right side … while I walked up and down the atelier trying to listen, I came across this kitchen paper towel, which was soaked with ink another day and when I saw it, it was clear for what I had kept it!

And here you go:

Thank you, Sabine!

<3 Susanne

DAY 293

Julia came out of the treasure chest this morning!

I have to admit, it wasn’t my smoothest painting day, as I didn’t understand where it wanted to go to. For example after I had painted for quite some time the left hand like on the photo, with one strong impulse the flowers moved there and the whole hand was just gone … maybe I had not listened enough before …

The photo of the painting is taken with a flash today, as without the colours didn’t come out close to the painting at all – but Julia is lucky to be able to come along one day, as she lives close!

Thank you, Julia!

<3 Susanne


DAY 294

Canay’s day!

I had sketched even the stars on her t-shirt, but it happened completely different … and I remembered the words of one of my teachers: don’t try yourself on teeth or spend loads of time on it … I did second, yet not the best day for teeth!

Taking a photo of the painting is a bit tricky today, due to the reflections of the bronze. So I decided to give you two and you can imagine many options more!


Thank you, Canay!

<3 Susanne

DAY 295

Helga’s day today! Helga had sent two photos, that one wanted to be picked!

I woke up with a huge headache… since a long time I hadn’t felt such a pain … after I had done what I needed to do in the morning, I decided to go to bed again and was very happy, that waking up at 2 PM the pain was gone and I made my way to the atelier….

…and then a lot came.

I took some pictures of the process, but many steps are missed (again):

There is a string with two beads – one comes out in the center, the other end is in Helga’s hand. The string can be pulled and according to the length, it can be chosen, which circle the red beat will “play”. I strengthened the paper on the holes with sealing wax, so it is really possible to use it!

I have the feeling, there is a lot inside today! At least I was quite exhausted!

Thank you, Helga!

<3 Susanne


DAY 296

Lütfiye’s day!

Today came soft and gentle and smooth – and I managed to stop myself to go into details, after I felt her –  painting Lütfiye warmed my heart on this rainy december day!

Thank you, Lütfiye!

<3 Susanne

DAY 297

Elena came out of the treasure chest this morning. I had a somehow different start into my day, as people around didn’t seem to be in the best or a good mood.

Elena had sent in two pictures – one in the brightest colours and this black and white:

I set up the colour pallet to black and white – but it just did not happen … with van-dyk brown a warmer colour moved in and when it came to the eyes, I opened the second picture Elena had sent in (very exeptional) and tried to find Lena’s real eye colour … and here we go:

Thank you, Lena!

Thank you for bringing so much beauty into my life today- and particularly to crazy this day!

<3 Susanne

DAY 298

Secil’s day, who claimed her stage with her daughter!

The first thing I saw, looking at the inspiration was a heart … so I followed.

I am sorry, it was not my best painting day today, I even had to give it a break … today my inner critic is loud, especially as there is a child involved!

Posting now and then calling it a day!

Than you, Secil!

<3 Susanne

DAY 299

Elena’s day today! Elena had waited in the treasure chest quite a while to come out today!

When I lived in Moscow, one of the things I remember quite clearly, that I woke up in the mornings, thinking the seagulls called me and woke me up – of course there were no, … but I heard that call quite often! 

Today one of these seagulls made its way to the painting …

Thank you, Elena!

<3 Susanne


DAY 300

Betül’s day and day 300! Unbelievable! Betül shared a message with her inspiration: “Things are going change and everything will start with a love of a human being to one another”

… and now I read Betül’s email in detail and need to smile a little – as Betül also shared with her name : “Betül – comes from the Latin name of Birch Tree family betula pendula”…
and here is the reason for my smiling – Betüls hair became the branches today:

… and here after some more work on the painting and after all four seasons had moved in (it is oil paint with quite a lot of oil on paper – so it will soak slowly further and further):

What an energy on stage today!

Thank you, Betül!

<3 Susanne

DAY 301

This morning I picked Tanja! 

After I roughly painted Tanja, “love” moved in with a nice dark red … and first, I was “fighting” that this red did not mix into Tanja – but then suddenly I questioned: why – how could I try to prevent love moving in? 🙂 so I let it flow! 

Thank you, Tanja!

<3 Susanne

P.S.: note to myself: if photos are in a low resolution, no more guessing or trying to capture details, which are actually not recognizable. 🙂

DAY 302

What a long day … and I have to admit, I “cheated” a little for good. Today was the christmas market we organize here in the village, so from 7:30 AM I was there, so I had picked in advance for today and presketched and started yesterday and got up today at 5 AM to paint. 

Lidia’s day!

It was very nice, it centered me today, gave me quite some peace, as I was very nervous due to the weather, quite rainy and stormy today.

When this picture came in a few weeks ago, I hadn’t expected any of this outcome … most of the painting is just painted in gold, silver and black, and the spaces under the arms is clay/concrete and in the end one pink center moved in!

Thank you, Lidia!

<3 Susanne

DAY 303

This morning I woke up very tired, yesterday’s market was still in my bones. 

I picked Nada, with this beautiful inspiration:

and here you go – not many words today, as I am really still tired and need to sleep! 

During posting now, I can see many differences, which I could not see all day – quite intersting! 

Thank you, Nada!

<3 Susanne

DAY 304

Angelika came out of the treasure chest this morning! Angelika had given me a picture of herself as a printout. 

A crazy painting day! Yes, I remember my note to myself a few days ago, just I thought, as I know her, I might be able to do it … well…

There were so many different expressions today – and it was a quite intense working day!

Thank you, Angelika! 

<3 Susanne

DAY 305

Zehra came out of the treasure chest today!

Today was such a different day than yesterday, although I am still quite tired.

When I saw the inspiration after I had picked Zehra’s name, immediatelly I heared “Love it, change it or leave it”. And this stayed with me all day. The red arm chair  – “love it”; the door  – “leave it”; the white empty wall – “change it” …

I did not go into any details and mainly worked with “bigger” brushes and strokes:

Thank you, Zehra!

Healing day, today!

<3 Susanne

DAY 306

Christina’s day! Christina had sent a whole card with pictures. I numbered them all and put them to the treasure chest, so maybe that’s why she made her way out quickly! 🙂 with photo number 7.

In my little ceremony before I start painting, I followed the sudden impulse to take off my pendulum (which I am wearing as a neckless) to check, which chakra(s) want(s) to move in. For painting Christina, the third chakra turned out, for the background it was the 5ths. So the colours were quite clear today – I love, when days are surprising me!

Thank you, Christina!

<3 Susanne

DAY 307

Ildikó with her cat came out of the treasure chest today.

I loved today, even I had to (more or less) repaint the face, as after the cat decided to change her direction somehow the energy of the whole picture changed … unfortunately I hadn’t captured the face before, sorry! 

Thank you, Ildikó!

<3 Susanne


DAY 308

Doris came out of the treasure chest this morning, but due to an appointment, I could just go to the atelier in the late afternoon – and by then, I felt somehow cold from my bones. It is really cold here today and definitly I need to get the heating checked! 

So this warm and sunny inspiration was good for today.

Somehow it is not the cleanest picture, even I tried hard. Cold hands and small brushes seem not the best match! Anyway, I am sure this keeps a message, as I acted one more like steered by a remote control.

Thank you, Doris!

I am going to bed now with a hot cup of tea! 🙂

<3 Susanne

DAY 309

On day 309 Nihan made her way out of the treasure chest. Just now i am reading, what Nihan shared with her inspiration: 

“With all the ties unseen, the humanity is one single organism that is about to blossom.  I honour this light within you where the whole universe is present!
Like Rumi said; you’re not the drop in the ocean but you’re the entire ocean in one drop. So let’s celebrate.”


Unfortunately not one of my strongest days, I really still could not figure out, what is the difference between the days. Thank you, Nihan – for your patience and encouragement! 

<3 Susanne

DAY 310

Irina came out of the treasure chest today. 

In the atelier, I had sketched her in her full body, like on the photo. Just a little later to start over and zooming in – you can still see the first sketch on the paper:

Very strong dynamic. Then we sat for a long time and I listen for the background. I was wondering so much, what Irina sees! After a long time waiting, I just decided to start with a kind of what was there … and just a short time later I heard the call for blue. intense blue. so here you go:

Blue moved in and a bit of gold. Maybe the original inspiration was more about letting go – today it felt more like receiving, at least this came to my mind while painting.

Thank you, Irina!

<3 Susanne

DAY 311

Flo came out of the treasure chest, who had climbed her stage lately. 

Flo had attached another image, I want to share it here to, as it is so true for me (I hope this is fine for you, Flo)

And yes, a very “magical” day for me, as quite some of my “outer comfort zone” parts during painting in one picture: glasses and teeth … and blond. 🙂

I put us some music – Relax with Sting – to notice with the first track, that the CD finally is damaged…so we went with several Tangos 🙂 good choice! 

The red frame moved in at the very end, quite strongly, “i can hold it – all, there cannot be too much”, these were the words somehow ringing in my ears. So here we go:

Thank you, Flo!

<3 Susanne

DAY 312

Isabel’s day today! 

More mixed media is almost not possible: Oil, ink, acrylic and sewing! 

I’d painted the face first with oil, but then the rest pf the body moved in with black ink outer lines first …

Also interesting, that I had not noticed all day, that the vase is quite too small in my painting – I understood a difference, but couldn’t figure it out, or it just wasn’t too important ? In any way, there is one thing I want to mention about the flowers- after I had picked today’s inspiration, I checked by chance my mum’s old book shelf and found a set of cards: the oracle of flowers. Checking the rose there, there was a Confucius quote, which I would love to share: “If you love something, let it go. If it returns, it’s yours; if it doesn’t, it wasn’t.” 

Thank you, Isi!

<3 Susanne

DAY 314

Baitha Bahar came out of the treasure chest, and with this beautiful and most couragous inspiration Bahar also shared a message:

“We love what we love because it is beautiful, and the beauty loves to be known, recognised and appreciated or worshiped.. To be who you are, to know who you are and to love who you are is the ultimate divine service…” Beshara School – Discovering Unity Course – Chapter On Love & Beauty

… and then once more this day surprised me. We sat for almost an hour and nothing happened, I just sank into at the picture. Then I blind folded my eyes and sketched blindly – inviting whatever wants to come also.

… with these dimensions I continued working. I had thought, the one circle would be the sun,

… but it wasn’t, instead finally a second, a full moon moved in, then it felt right for me.

Thank you, Bahar!

<3 Susanne

DAY 315

I wondered who will jump out of the treasure chest on solstice: Petra!

It was a long sketching and then I had to go into small brushes and glasses and teeth and strong shadows- interesting, all took its time, but went with a kind of ease. And then the background wanted to move in – red. Oh, “easy”, my mind said … I coloured the paper with red ink. waited it to dry and painted the shadow. – unfortunatelly I could not take any picture of the process today, as I had forgotten my mobile at home and just took it in the evening to take the finial picture – yes, there was a process, as the shadow did not want to stay defined – so I wipped the paper this turpentine, which ended in some stains I did not like. I put a layer of red oil paint, the stains stayed, I wipped it off again – to find myself “massaging” in acrylic paint … and also over the remaining shadow. It might just look red now – at least the original keeps some structure. But isn’t it crazy – what a process … and one more thing: also from the back red requested it’s space:

and the back:

Thank you, Petra!

Happy solstice!

<3 Susanne

DAY 316

Julia’s day! Julia had sent in three pictures, this one came out:

Very quick freehanded sketching followed by an explosion of colors and wings! Not too much to say, I guess the painting speaks for itself! I am quite happily exhausted! It was strong! I can see that there are differences, but they seem not to be important, as it calls me to finish.

Thank you, Julia!

<3 Susanne

DAY 317

Thank you for your patience, just now I am posting also here on the blog and I noticed, that on Instagram/Facebook earlier I uploaded not the final version od the painting – apologies!

Anke’s day! Anke had shared with her picture:

“The photo is taken on my balcony in Chiang Mai. I collected fresh ginger root that day and it made me super happy. Have never had it in my hands that fresh. And I love the way it grows. How it smells. How it tastes. There is a reason why I chose this photo. It is not me in the front, it is Madame Ginger. And I prefer it that way. After studying stage performance dance and being used to the stage as a home, my journey took me somewhere completely else. I decided to quit dancing because I lost interest to perform and be on stage and seen by public eyes. Still loving dance and performance arts for the sake of the process, the deep connections you can make to other human beings as well as to yourself, the space, the power of movement and how art connects you to the moment itself. There came a point, where I realized that I enjoyed rehearsing so much more than performing for the eyes of the public. Something changed inside of me. And my interest grew into the opposite direction. To the inside. And it keeps growing there, down to the roots and the realm of the inside, like Madame Ginger.”

I wondered how it will be, if someone doesn’t really want to claim the stage – but it went quite smooth, as Madame Ginger supported nicely. Just last week, I came across the Chinese sign for strength and here I found it again.

Thank you, Anke!

<3 Susanne

DAY 318

Christmas and Mine came out of the treasure chest!

I had to limit my time today, as my family is waiting, with my little beloved nephew all celebrations start now earlier in the day and I want to spend time with them.

Just a bit over the my set time, I am posting now and calling it a day!

It was a very wild mix of pastels and gouache.

Thank you, Mine!

Merry Christmas!

<3 Susanne

DAY 319

Silke came out of the treasure chest today, with this picture taken at an exhibition called „Phenomania“ where a couple of mirrors made her body disappear.

Another day with a new mix of media: colored pencils and gouache.
Interesting pick for this Christmas Day! What is real? What is an illusion?

Thank you, Silke!

<3 Susanne

DAY 320

Meryem’s day, with a photo which she told me, is important for her, as it was taken when she crossed the Pacific Ocean! Wow! Congratulations!

Today I painted in bed. My small nephew brought from kindergarten one or some viruses – first on christmas eve my sister caught them and did not feel well at all and now last night it started with me. I spent the night in the bathroom and now, still not fit at all, my hands and feet are burning and my head’s hurting. Anyway, we know from my sister, that it gets better quickly after a day – I am grateful for today’s inspiration, teaching me to keep up.

After the whole painting was done with colorful pencils again, gold and silver moved in (in the kitchen, when I cooked myself a tea). Hard to take a photo of the painting today, due to all reflections. Happy to call it a day now and at the same time, proud that I did it! Golden!

Thank you, Meryem!

<3 Susanne

DAY 321

Julia came out of the treasure chest this morning – and I was so happy opening my eyes and feeling better. My hands and feet are still feeling like there is a little vulcano inside, but no other symptoms anymore!

Somehow I felt some energy of a tree or a plant, I couldn’t specify it more than an energy of the plant kingdom, so here you go!

Thank you, Julia!

<3 Susanne

DAY 322

Leonie came out of the treasure chest this early morning!

Not much was needed today, three colours of ink and white gouache, but mainly ink … and water.

In German we call these days between Christmas and New Year “between the years”. This somehow came to my awareness during painting. What is in the rucksack to be carried over? What is reflecting? And somehow I felt confidence.

Thank you, Leonie!

<3 Susanne

DAY 324

Traveling day today and I travelled with this lovey inspiration.

When I started painting, felt already quite tired – hours later, I am definitely very tired, but also very happy, that I did it!

Thank you so much! Thank you for being with me and giving me the strength to continue and finish!

<3 Susanne

DAY 325

I wondered who will spend the last day of the year with me … and Anke came out of the treasure chest:

In Franconia, where I am from in Germany, we wish each other on the 31st of December: “Einen guten Beschluss!”, something like “Have a good closure”. Yes, a cycle comes to an end, 2018.

What are the colors of this passing year? What is there to be celebrated? What is there to lean on? What to be taken along? What to be let go? What to be grateful for? Whom to be grateful for?

Thank you, Anke!

A good closure to everyone out there! I am very grateful for this project, I am very grateful for all your support, I am truly deeply grateful!

<3 Susanne

DAY 326

Happy New Year!

My first pick in 2019: Susanne!

So many hours last year I spent with her and I always feel home being with her. I am not sure, if this feeling mixed in today, but it felt like being home. grounded (and it wasn’t necessary to paint the full body for this). grateful. happy.

What a perfect start into 2019!

Thank you, Susanne!

<3 Susanne

DAY 327

Karin had just joined the project, actually was the last woman who sent in her picture – and today she already entered the stage.

It was an insteresting start into the day. Having picked Karin, we had a power cut and I could not start working, as of course, my laptop was out of battery and my mobile ran very low… but luckily, the electricity came back after quite a while…

Karin is an old friend of mine, we actually went to kindergarten together. I thought a lot about friendships today. And also I had to welcome my inner critic in the new year.

“I am enough”, after some time, this reminder started to ring like bells in my mind, relaxed me, gave me peace and I could give freedom to the brushes, which they definitely needed.

And here you go:

Thank you, Karin!

<3 Susanne

DAY 328

Tina came out of the treasure chest this morning.

Sometimes, even on day 328, my mind is questioning my choices … I had picked a small format (DINA 3) to sketch and my mind kept on telling me: are you crazy, this means small brushes, just start over, why are you making your life harder … blablabla … but – and maybe thanks to all these days, I managed to say thank you to this voice for trying to protect me and also ask to be a bit more patience and just wait and see. … and this although I had no idea what will happen.

Sitting with the picture then, the brushes suddenly started to dot – dot by dot, with a sudden huge awareness, that we are all part of one – from the same source, energy, just with different densities. Very interesting!

Thank you, Tina!

<3 Susanne

DAY 329

Anne’s day! Anne had sent in two pictures, this one came out:

Sending and receiving. This came immediately to my system. And I thought a lot about communication today. What do we send out? What do we receive? How much is interpretation? Isn’t everything filtered by our brains? What is my truth? What is someone else receiving from the same words/story sent out?

“Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.” ― Marcus Aurelius

During process I thought I had taken a photo, but it is not on my mobile, no idea, what I did, means I cannot share the unfinished painting before I moved over it with a jagged spatula. Sorry.

Yes, you are reading correctly, I felt encouraged and was quite surprised by my own courage, after painting for some hours to take the spatula and scratch over it, knowing, there is no way back.

Thank you, Anne!

<3 Susanne

DAY 330

Ayse’s day! … and Ayse had shared with her photo: “I have attached a photo where i have for the first time ever had a solo hike, though on the way i met with many new and some old friends, remembered that i am actually never solo 🙂 This is a time where i want to remind myself of the strength i have as myself and even if i feel lonely sometimes, that i am not :)”

I remembered Ayse’s words well, as I had just read them lately and when I started sitting with the picture, my attention was drawn to the shadow in the tree – doesn’t it look like two people? So also these made their way to the painting today. With the colours, please don’t ask,it felt, they just wanted to be.

Thank you, Ayse!

<3 Susanne

DAY 331

Yasemin’s day!

It is funny, this morning my husband and me were talking about the importance of not attaching one’s own happiness to someone and yet how good it feels to have a shoulder to lean on. I feel, sometimes to allow myself to do so can be quite challenging.

So my wish today: May there always be a shoulder to lean on, when we need one and may we be brave enough to take this offer or even to ask for!

Thank you, Yasemin!

<3 Susanne

DAY 332

Evgenia had sent in some inspirations, this one made it’s way ot of the treasure chest.

Today was interesting – like every day, I was inviting to come what wants to come, to leave, what wants to leave and to stay what wants to stay … and somehow the tattoo did not stay. I debated with myself, if I could really let it leave. In the end I decided I could, with my freedom as an artist. Instead of that ink, I remembered a poem of Rainer Maria Rilke, and the black ink found its way to the paper (actually black ink on black ink):

God speaks to each of us as he makes us,
then walks with us silently out of the night.
These are the words we dimly hear:
You, sent out beyond your recall,
go to the limits of your longing.
Embody me.
Flare up like a flame
and make big shadows I can move in.
Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror.
Just keep going. No feeling is final.
Don’t let yourself lose me.
Nearby is the country they call life.
You will know it by its seriousness.
Give me your hand.

Rainer Maria Rilke, 1899 (Book of Hours)

I also want to add its original in German:

Gott spricht zu jedem nur, eh er ihn macht, 
dann geht er schweigend mit ihm aus der Nacht. 
Aber die Worte, eh jeder beginnt, 
diese wolkigen Worte, sind: 
Von deinen Sinnen hinausgesandt, 
geh bis an deiner Sehnsucht Rand; 
gib mir Gewand. 
Hinter den Dingen wachse als Brand, 
dass ihre Schatten, ausgespannt, 
immer mich ganz bedecken. 
Lass dir Alles geschehn: Schönheit und Schrecken. 
Man muss nur gehn: Kein Gefühl ist das fernste. 
Lass dich von mir nicht trennen. 
Nah ist das Land, 
das sie das Leben nennen. 
Du wirst es erkennen 
an seinem Ernste. 
Gib mir die Hand. 

Rainer Maria Rilke, 1899 (Stundenbuch)

Coming to the dress the image of a pomegranate strongly appeared in my mind, so here you go:

and a close up on the poem:

I am tired today.

Thank you, Evgenia!

<3 Susanne

DAY 333

Opening my eyes this morning, I still felt as tired as last night. No idea, maybe I am paying tribute to the project. Anyway, I picked my inspiration for today: Nathalie. Nathalie had shared a story, which somehow got me. Being infected with the sailing virus as a child, but never set a foot on a sailing boat for decades, she reconnected with her dreams, picked it up, despite all ifs and buts and eventually just did it! With almost 50 she did her sailing licenses! With Nathalie’s: “Nothing is impossible!”

I was drawn to a blue screen today. For whatever we hold on. Painting the colour blue as background, I thought again of Petra’s painting a few weeks ago, where also an apparently “easy” background turned out not to be. Same today. The blue didn’t move in smooth. I painted over again and again. First I questioned with every stroke, if it ever will finish and then words of my beloved yoga teacher back in Munich came to my mind, when exercises seemed neverending: “Tell your mind, this will go on forever, it can just stop arguing about.” So I did and here you are – and the paper got wavy like the sea:

Thank you, Nathalie!

<3 Susanne

DAY 334

Anne Mette’s day with this wonderful inspiration.

And then I don’t have any explanations. It run through me today. It is so far away from the original or from what I felt when I saw it for the first time, but I felt strongly to take myself back and try to be in service. I did not know why, but always the next move was somehow given today. I am not going to make any interpretation.

It started with a request of mirroring. Black ink was the first to come. Quite soon colors moved in – stronger on the upper side, more soft “in the mirror”. Then I heard the call to give the picture a bath – having used ink, acrylic and gouache paint, and not knowing where exactly the last two, I wondered what will happen.

After the bath I hung up the soaked paper for drying and coming back home after a break, I somehow understood, that the direction of the painting also wanted to be different as I had thought during painting. So here you go, and I am adding also some pictures of today’s process, but first the final one:

Thank you, Anne Mette!

<3 Susanne

DAY 335

Wow, just one month more to go! Getting up this morning, I found myself quite happy, picking my old friend Wiebke, who was in the treasure chest for really a long time!

Balancing, focusing, making every step count.

Painting the body parts, I really took care of not blending too much, making the strokes somehow visible, it continued with the shirt, just coming to the trousers it changed completely. I was quite surprised, when the black requested its stage, as I had in my mind to keep the paper white. But this black made me focus a lot too – and of course every outer line became more visible with this contrast! No distraction or any kind of – black can hold it all (the greenish tinge comes actually from the reflection of the light).

Thank you, Wiebke!

<3 Susanne

DAY 336

A colourful inspiration on this cold and rainy and gray day:

An intersting combination of oil and gouache paint – the hair and the shirt, means all bright, shiny colours are gouache.

I can see, the mood of the original and my painting differs – but this is, what it did with me today!

Thank you, Mariele!

<3 Susanne

DAY 337

Eva came out of the treasure chest this morning. And with her picture she shared, what it is for her:

„ Wenn dir mal wieder alles zu viel wird und du dich vor allem selbst unter Druck setzt, erlaube einfach mal  einen „ Ihr könnt mich alle mal“ Schrei loszulassen und dir selber den Stinkefinger zu zeigen! Das Bild soll mich daran erinnern, das Leben nicht immer so ernst zu nehmen und auf Erwartungen von anderen oder mir selber zu pfeifen.“

translated something like …

“If once again things seem to be too much to handle and you put yourself under pressure, just allow youself to let go an “Enough” scream and show yourself the finger! This picture shall remind me not to take life so seriously and not to care about expectations of others or myself. “

Oh, yes! As expression of self love pink moved in – the colour might change over time, as I run out of linseed oil and had to use old olive oil instead!

Thank you, Eva!

<3 Susanne

DAY 339

Ellen came finally out of the treasure chest after waiting there really long.

To my surprise the day started by choosing a different format, a different media, no paper but cardboard, upcycling an old packaging.

I was filled up by a power and once more I prayed to serve well. Most of the days I paint while sitting on the floor, today I used the aisle.

I am quite limited on the art supply here in Istanbul, somehow it didn’t feel like using oil paint today. so it is mostly gouache and if there was no other alternative, acrylic paint.

Today in the morning I had fixed the silicon around the sink in the bathroom.

In the very end – a kind of eye requested it’s space, maybe a cat’s eye, so I scratched and pressed it into the cardboard, to fill it up with silicon as I had the feeling, it wanted to shine (and there was nothing else shiny around).

Ah, and I believe the fish is a whale, but now no more further interpretations from my side. I feel quite exhausted and call it a day now.

Thank you, Ellen!

<3 Susanne

DAY 340

Hedwig’s day today!

I know her grand son and I heard quite some nice stories about Hedwig, so I was very curious about our day! And I have to say, I loved it – as she was very present! Not everything went smooth today and also I was limited in my time, but there was a wisdom in my ear today, amazing. From the first beginning I felt encouraged and somehow reminded over and over again, that I cannot do anything wrong, as there is no such thing as right and wrong, that everything is welcome!

Thank you, Hedwig!

<3 Susanne

DAY 341

Michèle came out of the treasure chest this morning. Sharing with the inspiration her fascination for the  “Roaring Twenties“: “I am fascinated by that time f.ex. because of the style (Coco Chanel), much casual for women but not even less elegant. And of course that the people so much enjoyed partying after a long time of Worldwar. They enjoyed the nightlife and their freedom, just „carpe diem“. 
Sometime I like to dive in the nightlife and loose some of the hard-appropriated control of the daily worklife.”

and here you go – with the attempt to capture some of the motion!

Thank you, Michèle!

<3 Susanne

DAY 342

Raphaela’s day.

Today I just started to work in the afternoon, as I met with friends at noon. I felt a nice happiness after that come together and really enjoyed painting. I loved, when the yellow lamp jumped as a flower to Raphaela’s hair, the bright colors and when the background started to get playful!

Thank you, Raphaela!

<3 Susanne

DAY 343

Romy made her way out of the treasure chest today! Romy had sent in two of her favorite pictures – this one came out!

It is funny, as soon as I know, someone is in art herself, even in portraits, it is doing something with me. My inner critic definitely was there quite from the beginning today! I really tried hard and at some stage I was so grateful to manage to give her a kiss and release her from trying to protect me! 🙂 Muuuahhhhww!

Thank you, Romy!

<3 Susanne

DAY 344

I woke up at 4 AM this morning and could not go back to sleep, so I decided to get up and I started my day in the atelier at 4:30. My inspiration took me to Colombia: Carmen, who is a fine art student.

Once more I noticed how much I love these morning hours. They really have a different energy!

And it was good, that I had started my day early, as we received the news about a bereavement in my husband’s family. Posting now after the funeral and calling it a day.

Thank you, Carmen!

<3 Susanne

DAY 345

There is a time for everything! Today I got up early again, not as early as yesterday, but early. I picked Kerstin. When Kerstin had sent me her picture, I remember that I wrote back, that serving three people in one day will most probably be very difficult, so she sent me more pictures, and also said, all is welcome. So I put them all into the treasure chest. Well, the first one came out today! 🙂

Sitting with the picture, I did not feel like zooming in. So I gave it a try, took that risk and knowing went into small brushes! To my surprise, it went quite well.

Later that day, my husband convinced me, to give it a break and enjoy the sun and some last hours together before I will leave Istanbul and I agreed, still I hear me saying, „it is going well today, „just“ fine tuning left. Let’s go!“ pah! Coming back this fine tuning was so difficult and the first strokes with the small brushes changed a lot! I spent hours to get back what had been there already – no more ease in the small brushes.

I had asked myself throughout the whole project, what makes some days easier than others. Today I understood, it is even changing during the day – there seems to be a time for everything and it is worth to listen deeply (and use what is available at the moment!). I decided on no further fine tuning. So here you go:

Thank you, Kerstin!

<3 Susanne

DAY 346

Maryia had sent in two pictures, this one came out this morning:

I fell in love with this inspiration so much. The setting, the emotion transported, the colours … actually everything. So it happned, that I tried to stay as close to the original as possible. Yet of course, it is different.

Thank you, Maryia!

<3 Susanne

DAY 347

What a day! Last night I had packed all my stuff and we had ordered a taxi to pick me up 6.30 AM to take me to the airport. Just then the virus my husbands had caught, fully broke out and we were more or less up all night, at least me, watching over the fever. As it did not get better till the time I had to leave, I decided, to let the plane fly without me and stay.

Somewhen I had slept for 2 hours, got up, unpacked my suitcase (at least the painting stuff) and picked Julia!

And then it is one of the days, which do not find a closure – or I do not find one – Alpha and Omega had moved in long before. But now, I almost cannot keep my eyes open. So here you go, probably quite some of myself inside here today:

Thank you, Julia!

<3 Susanne

DAY 348

Inma’s day! Ina had also sent in two pictures, this is the one which came out:

The dots did not stay on the dress, but moved to the background, where I thought of red dots. But red moved in as background colour, and the dots did not stay white also. When all were black, some, and really one by one, “told” me to turn green.

Thank you, Inma!

<3 Susanne

DAY 349

Ilse’s day today!

If someone came to me, as a kind of god mother/father of a woman who passed this life time and they shared their stories and why they believe this woman shall be on stage and I could feel it, I did some exceptions. I never officially promoted this, as these shall be rare exceptions with someone making an active step and reach out. I never painted a surprise for someone alive, as a main pillar of the project really is, that women claim their stage. Today’s pick is my grandmother, whom my cousine had put into the treasure chest. My grandmother, I guess, she was the artist in the family, but had “cut” her creative painting part off due to life events, … taking over her parent’s business, the second world war, fleeing home, being a refugee with two small kids … so today was somehow a special day for me. We sat long in the morning. She definitly was a critical person. Pff … and then she made me face my fears! Small brushes, where one mini dot can change so much: A portrait with expression …

… on the size of a stamp (ok, we negociated and I made it a quite huge stamp, but still – approx. 4 x 5.5 cm)

What a day!

Thank you, Oma Ilse!

<3 Susanne

DAY 350

Marina’s came out of the treasure chest this morning!

Wow, these infinity symbols came very strong today and also the colours were quite clear right from the start. What a dance! I really love these days!

Calling it a day now after posting, as since the late afternoon I do feel a pain in my throat (and this is how it started with my husband). I am ok, resting now and will be back tomorrow! 🙂

Thank you, Marina!

<3 Susanne

DAY 351

Waking up this morning, my throat still was hurting, but also it hadn’t gotten worse – which made me already feel quite happy!! I picked Ivka (and Juicy) to spent my day with!

White oil paint and a black crayon, this was that I used most of the day to paint … just in the end it didn’t want to stay black and white.

Thank you, Ivka!

<3 Susanne

DAY 352

Natalia’s day!

Wow – and once more I do have no idea how we got there :-)- the pallet was set up for a black and white, it just did not happen: these earthy colours moved in with full strength – and more light and the hands grew a little and the background dropped completly… for sure, when I picked Natalia’s inspiration this morning, I had something comepletly different in my mind!

Thank you, Natalia!

<3 Susanne

DAY 353

Jade’s day! Finally! 🙂

I enjoyed today so much – was so much in the process, that I completely forgot the time. Bright colours, loads of flowers and a kind of spider net with a small spider and of course the cup of tea! My cup of tea today! 😉

Thank you, Jade!

<3 Susanne

DAY 354

Saskia’s day!

And once more a quite strong day. We are so rich – we are so much! Just the other day I checked on the archetypes around our moon cycle again – Maiden/Virgin – Mother -Enchantress/Wild Woman -Crone/Wise Woman … and all of them were there today, found their way to this painting. Posting now, I checked the net again and I found some descriptions of the achetypes in the moon school for those who are interested (starting with maiden, from there you can navigate at the bottom of the page to the next one

Thank you, Saskia!

<3 Susanne

DAY 355

Natasha’s day! Natasha had sent in two pictures from the same series “free like a wind” – in one the scarf was up, like touching the clouds and then the one you find here. While I was sitting with the inspiration, I asked myself, if and what could be the meaning or difference that this one came out.

And then things developed again an own dynamic. Yesterday I went out to buy new paper. I hadn’t planned to stay that long in Istanbul and did not bring enough paper with me, but plans changed so I had to search for paper. Most of the year I painted on paper, after I had noticed in the first days of the project how difficult it is to paint with oil paint on canvas and finish the painting in one day. So I felt today a bit like being caught in a joke of the universe: first I took a canvas sheet 8and no paper) and second I started to sketch very small, instead of zooming in, I really went for the whole photo, with all the sky. My grandmothers face a few days ago was huge compared to today’s! But something really pushed me there. And if I have learnt one thing through out this project: trust that voice! So here we go! with my trial to capture wind and the feeling of freedom and these beautiful butterfly clouds just like in the inspiration.

Thank you, Natasha!

<3 Susanne

Day 356

My day hadn’t started well, I received a faked blackmail from my own email account and first I did not understand if my account was hacked (how sick is this world!) and then my phone broke (I cannot call anyone or receive calls) and my neck was kind off stiff and hurting, due to sleeping in a quite strange position. Of course, these are all no major things, but they affected my mood this morning.

Picking Nazife, was a good pick for today.

Let me share with you, what she shared with me: “At the age of 60 I had a divorce. After that I really had hard time, which is unexpected for me. I just stayed at home for years because I didn’t want to spent money, I didnt want to see my friends who are still married and have the comfort of the marriage, felt so unsuccesfull. After that dark time, I started to work on myself, my body and soul. Firstly I started to take piano lessons when I was 65. Then I attended dance lessons both tango and local turkish dance. At last I started to the university again, when I was 68. At that time I am preparing myself for my 70th birthday and feel like I came back from the dead. I feel so fresh and want to share my story with you!”

Nazife had sent me three pictures, one playing the piano, one in the dance studio and this one, which came out:

Oh yes, there was a lot inside for me today! To my surprise I started zooming in and sketching on A2 paper. Actually with the quite low resolution of the inspiration a possible struggle with announcement! And I did, I really struggled. With quite everything, nothing flew with ease …. at some stage I offered to start over, ready to give up, go smaller, but my inspiration wouldn’t let me. Eventually I understood, I had to let it die. “Die before you die”, rang in my ears – and suddenly I saw some resemblance to Nazife story. Go down and let go, let it die. Die. Painful. Dark. Not easy. Just you, no one else.

You may think, “how can she exaggerate so much”, but I felt a lot today… and it was worth it! Rising. Diving into a fresh ocean. just as I am, just as you are, just as it is. But I am exhausted!

“Death is the stripping away of all that is not you. The secret of life is to ‘die before you die’ – and find there is no death.” ~Eckhart Tolle

Thank you, Nazife!

<3 Susanne

DAY 357

All trouble of yesterday has been sorted and cleared out. Thank you, life!

A fresh day: Olga’s day!

And this is what stayed, the the rest just dropped, even the clothes! Nothing more seemed to be needed – the body and the wind.

Thank you, Olga!

<3 Susanne

DAY 358

Zoë’s day! Zoë had sent in two photos, this one came out of the treasure chest this morning.

Once more I really started early, as we had theater tickets for the late afternoon (which we couldn’t catch in the end, as we stuck in traffic, but anyway).

Funny thing was, that I felt like an absolut beginner when I started. I will post my first shot, I am sure you will understand! After breakfast and a coffee, it flew with more ease. Allowing things to develop and grow, working with what was there, trying to make every stroke count, staying with me and trusting the process, allowing drama to stay away.

first shot:

and here you finally go:

Thank you, Zoë!

<3 Susanne

DAY 360

Today was definitely spring here – 18 degrees! When I picked Natasha in the early morning, I wondered if I will make it for a walk in the sun – I can tell you now, I did not! But this whole day was like a walk in the sun!

Natasha said with her picture ” I am carrying the roses of the world!”. Before I add the photo, I really want to express my biggest respect for your courage, Natasha – thank you for bringing this to stage for us all! I was praying to be able to capture this beauty and spirit!

I even don’t want to add much. It was powerful and strong and gentle and loving. and when I thought, “now just paint the background red”, the roses of the world started to grow on the whole painting! I bow and have to admit, I am exhaused!

Thank you, Natasha!

<3 Susanne

DAY 361

Oh, the treasure chest is really quite empty. Sabrina made her way out of the remaining 5 today!

And here, what it moved me to: zooming in, the pink of the shirt spreading out. It felt like breading (h)air and at the same time untamable and free. Yellow and orange sparks filled the gaps. Looking at it now, I am quite surprised that there is not much green, this question did not even raise once during painting.

Thank you, Sabrina!

<3 Susanne

DAY 362

Kati was my pick this morning.

And I trusted my intuition and went on canvas paper again. And it had to hold a lot, even if it doesn’t look like now. My mood had been quite stormy today and I processed a lot. Once more I felt so grateful, having these beautiful inspirations in my daily work.

“Be a lighthouse!”, I guess, this is what sums up my process best in the end!

Thank you, Kati!

<3 Susanne

DAY 363

Lelia’s day, with this beautiful inspiration!

Last night I received the message, that I could join a dance session at noon today, and I said, I will try to make it possible. So I got up early. But then I sat very long with the inspiration listening for the format. My logical mind said, no small brushes, but well, in the end, no zooming in. When my alarm clock rang, reminding me to leave for the dance, we were far, far away from being finished. I even just had thought of starting over. Anyway, I felt the call to go. Coming back home in the late afternoon, I continued with what was there. I don’t know how many attempts it took, trying to paint the face, I stopped counting. My husband saw me struggling and he said, just remember, you did it 362 before, don’t worry! I was happy the rest of the painting once more just happened. Reading Lelia’s words with her picture now again, she wrote, I want to see my soul. What I can say, there is a lot of gold!

I will try to take a picture in day light tomorrow and post an update, for now just with another angle of the light.

Thank you, Leila!

<3 Susanne

DAY 364

I am sorry, I just understood, that the blog post was not shown yesterday in the gallery (again). I am changing the format now and it will be seen … and also I want to use the chance and add to this post something, I hadn’t done yesterday:

Before I picked Anngret yesterday, I was emotionally very touched by a discussion I had and felt quite a huge mix of feelings. Picking Anngret, I felt like I couldn’t just start using the brushes. Anngret is a potter and when I found I package of modeling clay, my hands started to work with this clay. Uff, this little model is holding a lot and feeling the earth in my hands, really calmed me down … and at the same time let me connect with my inspiration in a deep way. Just then I felt I could take the brushes …

********************** original post: **************************

Anngret’s day!

With help of this inspiration I could work through a lot again today: perspectives and points of view! “Open mind for a different view!” It was once again a perfect inspiration for my day, thank you, artproject365! Don’t want to add much more, so here you go:

Thank you, Anngret!

<3 Susanne

DAY 365

Wow! I just wrote the header – DAY 365! This means, today is really the last day! The funny thing is, that just one name remained in the treasure chest, yet I picked blindly, as Nicola had sent in 6 pictures. The pictures were all so different. When this one came out, my mind started: on others she is more recognizable… TRUST was the word which immediately silenced these thoughts. Thank you, day 365 …

… as sitting with the inspiration, I felt it once more: the magic of this project! I understood, this huge tree must be a weeping willow, there was everything in this painting for me today. Sadness and grief, joy, freedom and home, shadow and light, straight lines, frames and open sky, reflections, sun, excitement for this world out there. … and now as I took a photo and uploaded it here: I see the clouds are forming an angle. I am deeply touched.

Thank you, Nicola!

And also I want to express my deepest gratitude and thanks again to all women, who claimed their stage, I truly honor your courage and trust and of course, from deep in my heart, a huge THANK YOU to all, who supported me and this project during this last year! So much love to all of you!

Life, I am ready for whatever wants to come up – I am here ( just a little break would be nice! :-))

<3 Susanne


Honoring the closure.

Many people had asked me, what will you do, when the last painting is done. I didn’t know and I didn’t know on DAY 365 either. With more or less the last brush stroke my period started earlier as expected. After posting the last picture, I couldn’t read all messages, as I was highly emotional, instead I went out and danced. Sunday morning I woke up very early, unable to go back to sleep, in big pain and heavily bleeding. Somehow it seemed and felt like my body didn’t want to let me rush. In the afternoon we went for a long walk along the Black Sea shore and I felt how I was getting more and more into balance, how my body released and relaxed. Sunday night finally I found a good sleep and I rested. Taking it slowly, I tidied up yesterday. Before taking all art stuff away, I felt like painting one more picture as a closure to this amazing journey: myself. There is a beautiful photo taken by the talented George Budo in Sundance in May last year, and it presented itself yesterday again, when a friend asked me in the morning, if she could use this photo for announcing a dance series – and there it was, right there, the inspiration for the closure.

I had started to work on it late yesterday and couldn’t work till late night, as we had plans. Going to bed, I want to get up early to finish it in the morning – set the alarm clock to 6 AM, but said, actually 4:30 would be my time. And I woke up by myself at exactly that time. 4:30. Oh, I love the energy of the early hours! Now it feels complete. This may have been the last lesson in this project: take your time to honor the closure!

With so much love and gratitude – and feeling ready now to open up again to receive all messages! .. and yes, the journey might continue. I set the intension to bring all paintings to a bigger stage with an exhibition or whatever wants to come, but this another chapter.

<3 Susanne

New Year!

… so here it is: 2018!

May it be a year full of peace, light and love, health and healing – full of creativity and deep connections! May it hold lessons with patience and be gentle, may it teach us to take good care of ourselves and our communities, with an open heart and mind and to grow with and in courage.

Lesson 1 in 2018: So far just 16 women followed my invitation. I got a lot of positive feedback, but also some negative ones. While taking the decision to start or to wait a little bit longer (in order to have more input in my treasure chest and reduce the risk of running out and need to give the project a break), I understand, these few negative feedbacks somehow are weighting heavy; I understand, if I allow it, they are going to be the perfect soil for doubts. Interesting, what just some words can do. Might be not even spoken with real interest or care – or may be out of someones truth, which is far from mine. I want to mind my words. I want to speak the truth, always being aware, that it is just my perspective, and before I speak, I want to ask myself: is there any added value? If the answer is no – I want to choose silence. It will be a matter of training and first of all awareness and self reflection.

For the project I decided to wait some more days. I am going to publish it again and invite more women. Not only directly and via Facebook – finally I will go to discover new land: Instagram!

Planned start

Years ago, I went to a therapist – and she asked me to master patience during the process. Patience wasn’t one of my greatest strengths. So I practiced it – well, I tried to. About half a year later, might be even a bit more, I found myself, again sitting in that chair of hers, bursting out: I think, I have been patient enough now … she looked at me and her only comment was: just start from the beginning! I am so happy and grateful I did and didn’t give up!

Today is the 23rd of January, just 20 days since my last post and meanwhile, I am very sure, this year’s big lesson for me is to TRUST IN LIFE! I can feel it, very clear and present. This year started somehow quite challenging, in many aspects intense and rocking! I am here, trying again, and yes, even in this short time it already felt sometimes like: “just start from the beginning”, and this is ok, I will, as often as it is required! Setting the intention, that everything may unfold to its best!

From the first post this year you know, that it wasn’t the time to start painting with the start of this new year. Patience! Yes! It didn’t mean to sit and wait, no, it was more about moving, leaving my comfort zone, getting active, being present … and to trust in life! Instagram helped – more sharing and talking about the project, about me, helped and is helping – and also beautiful people out there, are supporting me. Thank you so much! Now we are close to 50 women on stage! With 60 I thought of starting to paint, as I believe, 2 months of inspiration will give enough “buffer” to invite more women to their stage, so that the project can continue for 365 days without a forced break.

It may be, that 60 women on stage might be reached by beginning/mid of next week. And again this is challenging me to take a decision, as next Friday will be the first day of a planned travel. With an already daily routine of painting, my plan was to paint also during my time “on the road” and for sure, there will be times during these 365 days where I will paint while traveling. But right after the start or even to start during this trip, doesn’t feel right. My heart tells me to start after my return, with all my attention. So I will!

Planned start of painting: 10th of February 2018! <3



Today I sent out the invitation! What a big step! After getting pregnant with the idea, giving it space to develop and grow, sitting and working on the invitation, fighting with all technical issues … it is time to give birth!

I am very excited!

The stage is yours, the treasure chest is open, waiting to receive.

With loads of love and my deepest gratitude to all, who supported me on this journey so far! Thank you!
