DAY 274

Zeynep’s day today!

And Zeynep had shared with her photo some words:  “Once Upon a time… When I was in love”.

What caught my attention in today’s inspiration, especially in combination with Zeynep’s words: the fabrics! When I visited lake Baikal in 2010, I came – for the first time in my life – across this custom, that you leave a part of you, mostly some fabrics of your cloths or a tissue, at a place you want to return. I still have some images in my mind, trees full of these intentions!

So I painted with acrylic paint, as it dries very quickly and searched and found some tissues of my child hood.

With these in my pocket, I started to ask everyone I met today, to take or to tear off a strip of these tissues and put it with an intention, a nice memory of a place or feeling where they want to return to. And here you go, every single strip is charged by one person… and maybe more will follow!

It was a lovely day – my cousin and god son had come to visit, so they were the first ones and then meeting people, inviting them to join and then see, how happily they contributed.

Thank you, Zeynep!

<3 Susanne