
This was the invitation, I sent out to the women in November 2017, inviting them to claim their stage! 
Dear women out there,
Welcome to the “art project 365”!
I am inviting you to the stage!
It is yours – claim it – you can express whatever you want! Show yourself to the world!
Just capture this expression in a photo – with the only limitation, that your whole body should be in the picture. What and how is completely up to you! Maybe you already have your favorite picture! Take your time and then send your input to:
Your expressions will be collected in a treasure chest, which is hopefully always filled with input for minimum two months, and from where I am going to pick one inspiration blindly every morning and paint. I did not put any limitation regarding format, technique or content. I am curious, where your inspiration will take me!
My daily created artwork and as a minimum also your original photo will be published here on this blog (and my picture also on Instagram and facebook).
I would love to tag with the post where the inspiration came from and also your age group (see cluster below), this allows later, with playfullness and curiosity, to make different sortings (not to put more lables, in contrary: to maybe find common topics or connections).
In any case, please share with me where you are from, so that I can use it for the map – somehow it would be nice to see this web of art and connection weaving around the world!
If you allow me to publish your name and/or if there is something you want to tell the world about you, please let me know.
To make it easier, I created this format, which you can just copy into your mail and answer (* are mandatory requirements):
(if you don’t specify more you allow me to publish your name with your photo)
please keep me anonymous:
(if you don’t specify more you allow me to publish where this input comes from with your photo)
please just use for statistics:
(please use following cluster:
< 21 years= 1
22-28 years = 2
29-35 years = 3
36-42 years = 4
43-49 years = 5
50-56 years = 6
57-63 years = 7
64-70 years = 8
> 71 years = 9
if you don’t want this info to be tagged with your picture, please specify)
please don’t tag:
and of course *YOUR PHOTO!
Every blog post will be open for discussion. I would be happy if you want to share when it comes to your picture, what was moving you during the creation and/or what is moving you receiving my painting – same as I want to share my emotions and feelings, being an observer of my own self during painting.
I would love to be in a dialogue!
I will not inform you actively once your photo was picked, so come along and check the blog, also there you can activate an alert function.
A warm welcome to your stage!
<3 Susanne

15 Responses

  1. Wow, this is an amazing project and indeed a gift. Your paintings are beautiful.

  2. Your paintings are splendid Susanne . I am Umit’s friend, I’d like to be part of this project 🙂

  3. Hallo Susanne,
    I like your pictures very much! I am Sonja and one of Alexandra’s friends. I am German living in Tunisia and I would like to participate.

    1. Hello Sonja, so join! 🙂 there are still spots left and I would love to welcome you on stage… just send your picture via email! <3

  4. Susanne

    Do you have to be alive … can I submit for my mother? She was never painted but lived on her stage as broad and wide as she wanted it x

    1. OMG, Barry, I truly appologize – this technique and me, I really missed your comment, just saw it today, while cleaning up! Sorry!
      So far I have accepted three people who passed away already in this life time, and just, if someone takes a voice for them, like a god mother/father, and the woman has lived her stage – like you describe your mother. In any case, it is special and shall stay the exeption, as one of the main pillars of this project is, to give a stage to women and claiming this stage activly. E.g. I am not excepting any pictures sent in as a surprise for some woman alive, no, I want this woman to participate in a consious way. With love, Susanne

  5. Hello Susanne,
    I’m Sevgi’s friend Sibel. I love your energy and lovely project.
    I love your vision and style in each wonderful women.

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