Honoring the closure.

Many people had asked me, what will you do, when the last painting is done. I didn’t know and I didn’t know on DAY 365 either. With more or less the last brush stroke my period started earlier as expected. After posting the last picture, I couldn’t read all messages, as I was highly emotional, instead I went out and danced. Sunday morning I woke up very early, unable to go back to sleep, in big pain and heavily bleeding. Somehow it seemed and felt like my body didn’t want to let me rush. In the afternoon we went for a long walk along the Black Sea shore and I felt how I was getting more and more into balance, how my body released and relaxed. Sunday night finally I found a good sleep and I rested. Taking it slowly, I tidied up yesterday. Before taking all art stuff away, I felt like painting one more picture as a closure to this amazing journey: myself. There is a beautiful photo taken by the talented George Budo in Sundance in May last year, and it presented itself yesterday again, when a friend asked me in the morning, if she could use this photo for announcing a dance series – and there it was, right there, the inspiration for the closure.

I had started to work on it late yesterday and couldn’t work till late night, as we had plans. Going to bed, I want to get up early to finish it in the morning – set the alarm clock to 6 AM, but said, actually 4:30 would be my time. And I woke up by myself at exactly that time. 4:30. Oh, I love the energy of the early hours! Now it feels complete. This may have been the last lesson in this project: take your time to honor the closure!

With so much love and gratitude – and feeling ready now to open up again to receive all messages! .. and yes, the journey might continue. I set the intension to bring all paintings to a bigger stage with an exhibition or whatever wants to come, but this another chapter.

<3 Susanne