DAY 365

Wow! I just wrote the header – DAY 365! This means, today is really the last day! The funny thing is, that just one name remained in the treasure chest, yet I picked blindly, as Nicola had sent in 6 pictures. The pictures were all so different. When this one came out, my mind started: on others she is more recognizable… TRUST was the word which immediately silenced these thoughts. Thank you, day 365 …

… as sitting with the inspiration, I felt it once more: the magic of this project! I understood, this huge tree must be a weeping willow, there was everything in this painting for me today. Sadness and grief, joy, freedom and home, shadow and light, straight lines, frames and open sky, reflections, sun, excitement for this world out there. … and now as I took a photo and uploaded it here: I see the clouds are forming an angle. I am deeply touched.

Thank you, Nicola!

And also I want to express my deepest gratitude and thanks again to all women, who claimed their stage, I truly honor your courage and trust and of course, from deep in my heart, a huge THANK YOU to all, who supported me and this project during this last year! So much love to all of you!

Life, I am ready for whatever wants to come up – I am here ( just a little break would be nice! :-))

<3 Susanne