DAY 363

Lelia’s day, with this beautiful inspiration!

Last night I received the message, that I could join a dance session at noon today, and I said, I will try to make it possible. So I got up early. But then I sat very long with the inspiration listening for the format. My logical mind said, no small brushes, but well, in the end, no zooming in. When my alarm clock rang, reminding me to leave for the dance, we were far, far away from being finished. I even just had thought of starting over. Anyway, I felt the call to go. Coming back home in the late afternoon, I continued with what was there. I don’t know how many attempts it took, trying to paint the face, I stopped counting. My husband saw me struggling and he said, just remember, you did it 362 before, don’t worry! I was happy the rest of the painting once more just happened. Reading Lelia’s words with her picture now again, she wrote, I want to see my soul. What I can say, there is a lot of gold!

I will try to take a picture in day light tomorrow and post an update, for now just with another angle of the light.

Thank you, Leila!

<3 Susanne