DAY 347

What a day! Last night I had packed all my stuff and we had ordered a taxi to pick me up 6.30 AM to take me to the airport. Just then the virus my husbands had caught, fully broke out and we were more or less up all night, at least me, watching over the fever. As it did not get better till the time I had to leave, I decided, to let the plane fly without me and stay.

Somewhen I had slept for 2 hours, got up, unpacked my suitcase (at least the painting stuff) and picked Julia!

And then it is one of the days, which do not find a closure – or I do not find one – Alpha and Omega had moved in long before. But now, I almost cannot keep my eyes open. So here you go, probably quite some of myself inside here today:

Thank you, Julia!

<3 Susanne