DAY 345

There is a time for everything! Today I got up early again, not as early as yesterday, but early. I picked Kerstin. When Kerstin had sent me her picture, I remember that I wrote back, that serving three people in one day will most probably be very difficult, so she sent me more pictures, and also said, all is welcome. So I put them all into the treasure chest. Well, the first one came out today! 🙂

Sitting with the picture, I did not feel like zooming in. So I gave it a try, took that risk and knowing went into small brushes! To my surprise, it went quite well.

Later that day, my husband convinced me, to give it a break and enjoy the sun and some last hours together before I will leave Istanbul and I agreed, still I hear me saying, „it is going well today, „just“ fine tuning left. Let’s go!“ pah! Coming back this fine tuning was so difficult and the first strokes with the small brushes changed a lot! I spent hours to get back what had been there already – no more ease in the small brushes.

I had asked myself throughout the whole project, what makes some days easier than others. Today I understood, it is even changing during the day – there seems to be a time for everything and it is worth to listen deeply (and use what is available at the moment!). I decided on no further fine tuning. So here you go:

Thank you, Kerstin!

<3 Susanne