DAY 339

Ellen came finally out of the treasure chest after waiting there really long.

To my surprise the day started by choosing a different format, a different media, no paper but cardboard, upcycling an old packaging.

I was filled up by a power and once more I prayed to serve well. Most of the days I paint while sitting on the floor, today I used the aisle.

I am quite limited on the art supply here in Istanbul, somehow it didn’t feel like using oil paint today. so it is mostly gouache and if there was no other alternative, acrylic paint.

Today in the morning I had fixed the silicon around the sink in the bathroom.

In the very end – a kind of eye requested it’s space, maybe a cat’s eye, so I scratched and pressed it into the cardboard, to fill it up with silicon as I had the feeling, it wanted to shine (and there was nothing else shiny around).

Ah, and I believe the fish is a whale, but now no more further interpretations from my side. I feel quite exhausted and call it a day now.

Thank you, Ellen!

<3 Susanne