DAY 333

Opening my eyes this morning, I still felt as tired as last night. No idea, maybe I am paying tribute to the project. Anyway, I picked my inspiration for today: Nathalie. Nathalie had shared a story, which somehow got me. Being infected with the sailing virus as a child, but never set a foot on a sailing boat for decades, she reconnected with her dreams, picked it up, despite all ifs and buts and eventually just did it! With almost 50 she did her sailing licenses! With Nathalie’s: “Nothing is impossible!”

I was drawn to a blue screen today. For whatever we hold on. Painting the colour blue as background, I thought again of Petra’s painting a few weeks ago, where also an apparently “easy” background turned out not to be. Same today. The blue didn’t move in smooth. I painted over again and again. First I questioned with every stroke, if it ever will finish and then words of my beloved yoga teacher back in Munich came to my mind, when exercises seemed neverending: “Tell your mind, this will go on forever, it can just stop arguing about.” So I did and here you are – and the paper got wavy like the sea:

Thank you, Nathalie!

<3 Susanne