DAY 329

Anne’s day! Anne had sent in two pictures, this one came out:

Sending and receiving. This came immediately to my system. And I thought a lot about communication today. What do we send out? What do we receive? How much is interpretation? Isn’t everything filtered by our brains? What is my truth? What is someone else receiving from the same words/story sent out?

“Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.” ― Marcus Aurelius

During process I thought I had taken a photo, but it is not on my mobile, no idea, what I did, means I cannot share the unfinished painting before I moved over it with a jagged spatula. Sorry.

Yes, you are reading correctly, I felt encouraged and was quite surprised by my own courage, after painting for some hours to take the spatula and scratch over it, knowing, there is no way back.

Thank you, Anne!

<3 Susanne