DAY 264

Today was a quite challenging day.

This morning, when I woke up, I felt the urge to super clean the kitchen. So I used that energy and to my surprise I really enjoyed it somehow. It was a bit like a dance. After quite some time everywhere was clean! I was so happy and proud of myself! I had cleaned the hob and the sink, that they almost looked new. I decided to have a coffee and some breakfast, sitting in the kitchen and breath in for some moments this clean feeling! I put milk on the hob to heat it up and put oat meal in a bowl – well, there it started: I put more next to the bowl than inside, as the paper packaging somehow had a hole (yes, the floor was dirty again). While I was filling the oat meal into a jar, I remembered the milk on the hob… and just in this moment, the milk cooked over. deep breathing! ok, I decided to anyway have this coffee before starting over. Pressing the button, the coffee machine gave an error message, that the brewing unit needs to be cleaned. After also that was done, I really had to start over! To my surprise, I still found myself in a good mood and after finishing, ready to picked my inspiration of the day: Eugenia!

In the atelier the colours decided to be white, brown, olive green and magenta. Ok!

I struggled a bit with these beautiful eyes today – which I found quite challenging again, as eyes normally move in with more ease.

At around 2:30 PM, I went again to the kitchen to prepare some food (after my breakfast had just been a coffee in the end). During cooking, I understood, that our olive oil was not nice anymore, but at least no bigger “accident” happened …

… just I took that bottle of oil with me to the atelier after lunch and found myself in the next moment putting it over the whole painting. Wow! Well, this was a challenge, but instead of questing, why I had done that (and also in this massive way – the paper was flooded with oil), I just checked, what needs to be worked over (as the oil soaks in the paper more where is no paint or just less and is changing the colours).

The paper is almost transparent where there is just oil!

Reading now Eugenia’s words with her photo:

… I’m beautiful. I am the light. I am Love.


Yes, you are and everything makes sense!

If I hadn’t cleaned the kitchen and just had my breakfast, I hadn’t lunch and I wouldn’t have noticed the oil was not nice for eating anymore! Here you go!

I am sure, this painting will keep on changing and I am curious in which way, as the oil might continue changing its colour.


and against the light:

and some pictures of today’s process:

the painting before lunch:

and with the oil:

Thank you, Eugenia!


<3 Susanne