DAY 244

My village here is in the middle of a huge forest. And beginning of this year, I had asked the neighbor who was cutting woods, if he could cut one slice for me from a very beautiful trunk. Since then, this slice was with me. “For what are you keeping this”, I was asked … and I did not know, what to answer – today I do:

Picking this photo of Azar this morning (she had sent in two) …

…somehow my first thought went to this piece of wood. So instead of going to the atelier, I went to my fathers garage and polished the slice. Later in the atelier, I put some linseed oil onto it, massaged it in and then these amazing colours started to shine and with painting Azar, they just melted into each other!

The spirit of this tree found a new home!

Here some pictures of today’s stages:

the slice in the morning…

… and after polishing (you see, it is not that big, I took this picture while it was “sitting” on a chair):

Look at these amazing colours after I put the oil and it is so smooth and soft…

… and then they just melted into each other:

Thank you, Azar!

<3 Susanne