DAY 231

Today’s inspiration reached me from the US, so my late night post will find you during the day!

Very strong colours moved in today – most probably one of the most colorful paintings so far. I am not questioning anything during the process, what wants to come, comes – it all stated with orange! Somehow I was surprised!

Today’s inspiration had asked me, if I can share some information about the disease she suffers from: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. I have to admit, I never heard about this illness, so let me share the link for more information, in case it is the same for you:

My inspiration says: ” I took the picture to share the absurdity of my situation with some online friends (well, all my friends are online. I’m rarely able to leave the house, and having people over can be almost as exhausting for me as going out due to sensory hypersensitivity) who share the illness I have, partly just for amusement, and partly thinking it might help others too if they could figure out how to safely do something similar.”
Sh captioned it something like “some days this shit turns you inside out, some days you go upside down!”
if you want to support the research about this illness, please find here two possibilities:
for direct research-donations:
for donate-by-shopping options like Amazon Smile 

… and here you go:

Thank you and all the best!!

<3 Susanne