DAY 222

Today I picked Hannah, my cousin’s daughter – mother and daughter had just recently sent her photo, but somehow they claimed their stage with high speed!

It is nice – Hannah’s picture carried her message: “Schön blöd nicht an Wunder zu glauben” – “Stupid not to believe in miracles” …

and we go … my inner critics almost killed me today, I got her face, and in the very end just wanted to do some minor changes and then I lost her completely – there was a lot of potential for a drama, I am proud I resisted and even, as I deciced to “whiten” the face again at 21:00 and start again …  from the beginning (of course just the face) … as the rest of the painting had come with ease and speaks for itself, I believe 🙂

Thank you, Hannah!

<3 Susanne