DAY 184

This morning I picked one of the most important people in my life, my beloved sister – Bine!

Bine had wished before, that she did not want to know, when it was her day, so I kept my promise! But I have to admit, it wasn’t easy not to share that I’d picked her, that, when I sat with her in the sun, two white butterflies came, dancing with us for a while, it was hard not to share, that when I painted her face, I could see me and understood finally, why people say we look similar … and many details more and then, when a blessing came to me, I just decided to write it onto the painting, as it came with and for her, again from a place without thinking.

May there be always sun shine on your face

and a red rope to hold onto

carrying and supporting you as long as you want

and when it is time to let go,

may you stretch into the unknown

with excitement and joy

and trust, that your favorite colour is waiting for you to dive in…

… may these waters be always warm and clear!


Thank you, Bine, from the bottom of my heart!

With so much love and gratitude,

<3 Susanne