DAY 175

I picked Lora this morning, who had sent in her inspiration just in the last days!

… and today was different. I set up the atelier differently – brought my music equipment and started to paint and dance at the same time, moving back and forward, connecting also on another level.

After having sketched Lora, there was no huge plan, it just flew. The spiral moved in also – it was amazing to understand, that depending on the perspective (I turned the cardboard to every side, one after the other) different areas “stood out”, which needed more “care”.

At some point words came to me – and I had to note them down quickly with my sketching charcoal, not to miss any of them. (that quick, that it took me some time to read my own handwriting later). For me, being not so much into words, or to put it differently, words normally take quite some effort for me, this was a very beautiful experience.

it starts within you

let it flow through you

let it move you

let it be

let it grow – limitless

let it spread out

and be ready to receive

when it starts raining back on you


Looking at the painting, I find it all … I had already decided during the process, that obviously this art work includes the cardboard, on which I had taped the paper to put it on the easel.

I also want to share, what Lora wrote with her inspiration:

“I am a dancer and also teaching freedomDANCE. I’m a words lover. Love everything about them – writing, reading, etc. I think that music and art have a real power to heal our deepest wounds. Also I love coffee and dogs. Often I can’t stop myself from floating in a dream world.. I think we all can be in touch with our creativity source.. dancing is one of the paths for me. really strong one.. i hope i’m doing a good thing by spreading it”

Everything makes sense again!


Thank you, Lora!

<3 Susanne