DAY 170

This morning I picked Funda!

Funda first had sent a different photo and then replaced it by that one – yes, there are many people on this photo – but the day it came in, I accepted it, as also Funda shared a message: “Children are the seeds of the Tree of Life which has roots in the future”  and I really liked the energy.

I don’t feel good with small brushes these days somehow – so I decided for painting with single brush “dots/spots” first.

There was so much energy, so afterwards I sprinkled most of the paper with colour – to then cut a kind of bigger version of Funda and put it on the paper and sprinkle another layer of paint in rainbow colours – I was completely covered in these colours also! 🙂

Look, Funda, one girl stayed with you, covered by your coat!  Maybe your inner child  – I remember the story you told us!

Thank you, Funda!

<3 Susanne