DAY 168

Natalia’s day today!

When I picked the inspiration, I thought: Home run! As it was me, who had taken this photo and I deeply remember this moment! This happiness and joy and relaxation …

It was the day after our dance retreat and we had got up very early for a photo shooting. Natalia had put on a lot of glitter on her face and it was passed on to everyone she hugged good bye.

In the end of the today, I can say, no home run, painting was not easy – it took me ages and I really had to take care that I did not get angry with myself. Connecting again and again to the energy of this day helped – at least I finished and will go out now, to sit near the Bosphorus to watch the eclipse and set some intensions and the wish, that these rather difficult (painting) days will come to an end!

Thank you, Natalia, and of course, I gave you glitter to pass on! 🙂

<3 Susanne