DAY 161

Today I picked Aspen.

Before I could start today, I somehow had to find a closure to yesterday, so I updated yesterday’s post and I am happy it worked out to speak to Lizzie.

Anyway, I could not find the energy to paint till the late afternoon. And then we went through many stages :-).

In the morning I had read a quote of Rumi ” Don’t you know yet? It’s your light that lights the world” … and somehow it did not leave me again and I wrote it on the sketch … I was painting around and over and somehow it never felt right. So I went and read Aspen’s message with her picture – and there it was, she had written about that magical place … “A bit about my photo: it was taken at The Boathouse, in Shiplake (Oxfordshire). This little place is hidden away and sits right on the backwater that feeds off the River Thames. I have been coming here since I was 2 years old. It’s a magical place, that calms my mind and soothes my heart and feeds my joy. Now, at 40, I’m intoducing my daughter to this magical place. This photo was taken in early Spring time. It’s still chilly by the river, but the spring sunshine was breaking through. It’s that time of year when it is warm in the sun and cold in the shade.”

The place was the key – and Rumi’s quote is still somehow visible … and here you are:

Thank you, Aspen!

It was a long day in the end – I think I am going straight to bed! 🙂

<3 Susanne