DAY 123

Today I picked Nadine! Her picture was taken during a photo shooting for a magazine, back in 2016. The article was about people, who achieved something special, who inspired others and gave something valuable to the society, environment. Nadine dedicates her life to live without plastic! In 2016 her first book was published, here please also find her blog  Thank you, Nadine, for your work!

Today during breakfast, again somehow an interesting coincidence, my father and me had a discussion about discipline. There were times, discipline had somehow a bitter taste for me: do we really need to be taught to be disciplined? In 2016 during a retreat, Gabrielle Roth’s question “Do you have the discipline to be a free spirit?” was placed into my life and it never left me again. “Do I have the discipline to be a free spirit?”  Finally today, spending my day with Nadine, honouring what she is doing and finding and watching a video on YouTube in the evening, where Gabrielle Roth is talking about discipline, I understood: somehow discipline and control had been mixed up deep inside me. “Discipline is the ability to set your focus!” Thank you, Gabrielle, I will take this with me today!

Nadine says with her picture (english see below, I tried to translate):
“Ich finde, das Bild zeigt eine entschlossene Frau, die trotz einer großen Veränderung ein glückliches Leben führt. (Viele Menschen haben ja Angst vor großen Einschnitten und vor allem davor, dass der Verzicht auf Plastik auch einen Verzicht auf Genuss und Lebensfreude bedeutet. Doch genau das Gegenteil ist der Fall! Ich fühle mich befreit, entlastet, entmüllt. Das Leben ist so viel schöner und einfacher geworden – damit meine ich schlichter, aber auch leichter”
For me my picture shows a determined woman who lives a happy life despite a big change. (Many people are afraid of big changes and above all of the fact that the renunciation of plastic also means a renunciation of enjoyment and joy, but just the opposite is the case! I feel liberated, relieved, waste less. Life became nicer and easier – I mean simpler, but also less heavy).”

Leaving all “but”s in the head behind, which are so often no real “but”s, just good excuses, get the hands out of the pockets and get into doing, step ahead! 

Thank you, Nadine!

<3 Susanne