DAY 104

24th of May … six years ago my mum passed away.

Till this morning I thought about giving her a stage in this project for so many times, but I never coud really finally decide, as I wasn’t sure, if I am able to do it. This morning I just felt it. It was her day, she was very present with me last night and I even had a picture in mind waking up.

My sister had edited this picture in summer 2012 and it was with me for quite a long while on my small alter.

My mum loved our home land and this picture was just taken a few hunderts meters from our house here in the village. Painting today, I understood once again, she was home and not just for me, and she still is…and she is part of me – always. So I am home. Thank you, Mama!

With love!

<3 Susanne