Day 102

Somehow i am not really getting better and in addition to my cold, I woke up with quite a tension and not in a good mood. I decided not to pick the inspiration and go to atelier in the morning, instead, I went back bed after breakfast and tried to get up with a better mood after resting … at least it was better than in the morning!

I picked Claudia today, with whom I grew up here in the village! She is the first inspiration I pick from my home land here.

Like every day I gave my best, but since a long time I noticed myself questioning, why this project had picked me and not an artist, who studied art. Witnessing myself and again trying not allow drama to move in – although my cycle is very welcoming drama and  my skin is thinnest … was a quite interesting painting afternoon/evening, it would definitely had been more fun, being not also the main character!

Somehow the inspiration moved me to more light … and Claudia, you may help me, is this foot next to the one you are holding your leg really yours? To me it seems your second leg is touching the ground? No?

I am calling it a day and wishing better for tomorrow!

<3 Susanne