DAY 79

Just yesterday I had been asked, if there is any colour, which is most difficult for me to paint. I was a little surprised by the question, but then the answer came clearly: “green, with all its facets”.

And today I picked Carina! Thank you, life, for this immediate possibility to grow!

Coming home now and uploading the painting for this post and checking with the original, I understand, there is room to improve and invite more green, but it was already quite a journey today! Thank you, Carina!

It maybe the artificial light in the atelier, but I felt like I definitely used more green in the painting! ;P

Water is a special element for me, what a pleasure today, I could not stop smiling during painting!

Carina says with her picture: “I’m an outdoorsy person (I love being out in nature), a vegan and animal rights activist, an advocate for diversity in tech.!” Thank you, Carina!

Take care!

<3 Susanne


PS: definitely I will check the painting tomorrow again, as I am missing loads of green!!

PSS: I just see the instagram post of my friend Olga: “I must be a mermaid, I have no fear of depths, and a great fear of shallow living.” (Anais Nin) – and I feel I want o add this here! <3


one day later: I dreamt about Carina last night and next to her was swimming a turtle. Coming to the atelier, I started to sketch Anna, but permanently the turtle and Carina came back to me. So I decided to let this turtle be with Carina and found peace, after I finished (and also during day light, the colours are now like they are in the painting):