DAY 72

Last night we were sitting in a Café and a lady with a bag passed by, on which was written in German: “I do have a motivation problem until I have a time problem.” And I thought by myself: I am so lucky, that I do not have a motivation problem! Bloody law of attraction … it doesn’t understand the “NOT”. … This morning, when I woke up, for the first time, I felt, I just don’t want to go to the atelier and paint!!! Of course, last night might be a coincidence, but it immediately came to my mind and I swear, I will watch out again more careful what I am thinking!

I need to take care sometimes, that it is not getting too strong or even taking over, but having this discipline inside me, helped a lot. Finally I picked Aysen with her sunny picture and we made our way to the atelier.

It was definitely a working “victory” and the best I could do today! Thank you, Aysen, for helping me through this day!

<3 Susanne