DAY 68

This morning I picked Anna! I remember well, the day she had sent her inspiration and the conversation we had! She shared with her photo an amazing poem, in combination, I had goose bumps.

Today in the afternoon was again a funeral in the village. I had not seen the old lady for a long while, but I remember her well from my childhood and youth and as I am here, it was no question to join.

After I pick the daily inspiration, I am printing the photo and I am painting with this printout. Normally I am double checking with the digital picture, but today I didn’t.

When my father rang the bell of the atelier to pick me up for the funeral, I had just “erased” my work of the last hours, somehow it had not worked out. I couldn’t capture the dark light, although plenty of times till now I had painted skys and water.

After being back to the atelier, I started over on a new paper, but this also did not work, as the original somehow was shouting: I am today’s stage!!

So I decided to go with what ever comes and most important not to allow drama to move in!

Starting to paint Anna’s face, I opened my laptop, to zoom in – and there I noticed: the photo is not as dark as on my printout! I just had overrun all hints in the morning. Also I had decided, due to quite dark picture, to paint on A3 paper, and I felt very sorry for Anna, as her face will be about the size of an Euro coin. And then something interesting happened: instead of feeling angry, I felt also sorry for myself, as painting in this mini dimensions is really hard for me and with this feeling, forgiveness moved it! My healing today started with forgiving myself! Thank you, Anna!

Your poem made it gently to the painting in the end and I know it by heart by now!

heal yourself my Sister
heal yourself my Sister
dive in the deep waters of your soul
you have the power to heal yourself
the power to heal is inside you
in the oceans of your soul
I am very grateful!
<3 Susanne
PS: I might update the post tomorrow, as the painting seems a bit yellowish due to the artificial light in the atelier.