DAY 53

Travelling day! I got up very early in Istanbul to go to the airport and catch an early flight, hoping for sleep on the plane. With 6 small kids/babies around me, I was so far away from sleeping and landed with quite a headache.

After having some lunch, I picked my todays inspiration – Claudia, my friend, who had just written a message a few minutes before asking for some time soon for a call. Life!

To those, who follow the blog, you noticed most probably a few times, that during painting many times something develops. Today, this was very late, I had finished most of the painting, just had left the shadow, no idea why… and in the end it was the shadow, maybe this was the reason!

Thank you, Claudia … and I also found my peace with all small kids again and my headache disappeared! 😉

<3 Susanne