… and the church bell rang midnight and I finished painting! Sorry for letting you wait today!

Today’s inspiration was Marie, who says: “Me enjoying the top of my favorite city Istanbul. This is the city where I feel the most happy to live… why? because “sokakta hayat var”. Thanks to Istanbul I got to meet incredible persons and to simply feel alive and inspired.”

I love this picture, Marie and Istanbul, both very dear to me, so I was very excited this morning! Unfortunately, I just could start painting in the afternoon. … and then it somehow was much harder as expected and I wasn’t relaxed at all. In the evening a friend came over – and after a glass of wine and a good talk, I finally was able to finish! Puh!

Feeling into it in the morning, I felt Marie, with both feet very grounded: I am and I am here! On top of the world. Bridging, connecting, enjoying and ready to jump!

Thank you, Marie!

Iyi geceler Istanbul!

<3 Susanne