What a day! I am not home in my atelier – and won’t be for quite a while – I am at my father’s house, trying to find my space.

Today I decided to start with my own picture and just from tomorrow on go with the planned procedure of the surprise inspiration.

My photo was taken on the first of January this year – I felt so free and full of joy in claiming my space at the beach.

Back home that day, I already painted what approached me, feeling into it again. Of course, it is different, to paint one’s own inspiration … all my feelings came as colors – so many colors – they just claimed their space on the canvas!

Today I sat in front of the same photo – waiting for all these colors – but they didn’t come. Going through a lot of confusion, I noticed in the end – that exactly this struggling in finding my space here found an expression, as this moment on the beach meant exactly this for me.

Very interesting and I am curious what will happen tomorrow, when my own lived feeling won’t be able to take over.

<3 Susanne