Planned start

Years ago, I went to a therapist – and she asked me to master patience during the process. Patience wasn’t one of my greatest strengths. So I practiced it – well, I tried to. About half a year later, might be even a bit more, I found myself, again sitting in that chair of hers, bursting out: I think, I have been patient enough now … she looked at me and her only comment was: just start from the beginning! I am so happy and grateful I did and didn’t give up!

Today is the 23rd of January, just 20 days since my last post and meanwhile, I am very sure, this year’s big lesson for me is to TRUST IN LIFE! I can feel it, very clear and present. This year started somehow quite challenging, in many aspects intense and rocking! I am here, trying again, and yes, even in this short time it already felt sometimes like: “just start from the beginning”, and this is ok, I will, as often as it is required! Setting the intention, that everything may unfold to its best!

From the first post this year you know, that it wasn’t the time to start painting with the start of this new year. Patience! Yes! It didn’t mean to sit and wait, no, it was more about moving, leaving my comfort zone, getting active, being present … and to trust in life! Instagram helped – more sharing and talking about the project, about me, helped and is helping – and also beautiful people out there, are supporting me. Thank you so much! Now we are close to 50 women on stage! With 60 I thought of starting to paint, as I believe, 2 months of inspiration will give enough “buffer” to invite more women to their stage, so that the project can continue for 365 days without a forced break.

It may be, that 60 women on stage might be reached by beginning/mid of next week. And again this is challenging me to take a decision, as next Friday will be the first day of a planned travel. With an already daily routine of painting, my plan was to paint also during my time “on the road” and for sure, there will be times during these 365 days where I will paint while traveling. But right after the start or even to start during this trip, doesn’t feel right. My heart tells me to start after my return, with all my attention. So I will!

Planned start of painting: 10th of February 2018! <3